
Living in the forest was all you had ever known.

Raised by a pack of white spirit wolves, the villagers living at the bottom of the mountain very seldom saw you, and avoided the pack at all costs. You were considered the Wolf Princess; the guardian of the forest and village.

Your day always had a pretty solid routine; wake up, participate in the daily breakfast hunt, practice your combat skills, hunt for lunch, exercise, and hike; all the while simutaneously looking over the village. Today seemed no different.


Racing through the forest, the wolf pack heard the autumn leaves crunching under their paws. They finally reached the peak. The sun was setting, but a whirring noise could be heard from far away. Watching the somewhat (?) excited villagers gather in the village square, the wolf pack caught a whiff of an unfamiliar smell.

A helicopter landed in the center of the square, and two men jumped out. In alarm, the wolf pack, including you, tensed up and got ready to dash down the steep mountainside.

Something wasn't right. No one had visited the village in over 50 years, or so you were told. You were the runt of the pack, being only 20 years of age.

As usual, when nighttime washed over the mountains, the tree spirits came out to play. The dim lights radiating through the spirits helped guide the pack down the mountain.

Throughout the ride on the Alpha Sungjong's back, you and him had a talk through the wolf (mind) communication.

Tonight is the night. You are going to contact the other-wordly beings in the village. Sungjong strictly started to lay out rules.

Rule #1: Only speak when spoken to.

Rule #2: Be respectful to the villagers. They mean no harm.

Rule #3: Listen to orders.

Although confused, you agreed to follow those rules, because nothing was worse than when the Alpha got pissed off.


So happy that the first chapter is done. It seems kinda slow right now tbh. I put Sungjong as the Alpha because I love him to pieces and I've seen too many cases in which he's the girly, pushover maknae that has no purpose other than to dance girl group dances. lol. ok i'm just gonna leave now

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I have no EXO feels as of now.. COMEBACK PLS


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Chapter 2: It's cute so far (; I love Chen!
Nice to know chen can survive on his own...

InfiniteExotic #3
Wow! New reader here; I love it!:)
The fact Kris knows the language of the Gods will make him closer to her...
Whoa! Kris knows the language?! Ohoho, a surprising turn of events. Now they'll be able to communicate easier and that means they'll all get closer, hehe. As of right now... I'm leaning towards Chen but I'm still not sure. xD
I want her to end up with CHEN!!!! ㅇㅅㅇ
AW, CHEN'S SO ADORKABLE. C: I just want to hug him and pinch his cheeks and pet him on the head, keke. ^^ Ooh~ hehe, looking forward to the Kris moment. =u= He's a total bias list wrecker for me.
Haha poor boys XD
This seems really interesting so far! I haven't read something of this genre yet on here so it's refreshing. ^^ I love Studio Ghibli films, but I haven't watched Princess Mononoke. OTL Anyways, I'm looking forward to seeing how everything will play out. I like how you made Songjong the Alpha. That boy just does not get enough appreciation! Chen's jealousy, KEKEKE. And the sixth chapter, omg. xD Loving it so far! ^^