At the School

Angel and Devil


SuzyLee  on 6-24-2012 19:37:22 says: x "Im" hopelessly in love with a harsh person? Stupid me.....good beginning! Looking forward to the future chapters!

HelloBaby123: Yes, you are in love with a harsh person… and he loves you too. I’m kind of rooting for you to fall for the angel, but I guess we’ll hafta see :D thanks for commenting

I’ve been hope for more subs! Love ya’ll no silent readers please!



I hop off the motorcycle as soon as I get to the school. I was steaming from the incident in the donut shop.

“Hello, Lee’s Donut Shop, what would you like?” asks the male attendant. He looks me up slightly up and down but I don’t pay attention.

“Yah, ___________. He’s checking you out.” Hye murmurs in my ear.

“Mmmm,” I say back, focusing on the menu. “I think I’ll have a jelly donut, Hye, what do you want?”

The attendant grabs my donut and wraps it with a wax paper and adds a cup of coffee. “It’s on the house,” he says, his pearly whites showing.

I grin back. “Thanks!” Hye reaches over and punches the guy in the face. I dropped my coffee and yanked his arm back.

“Hye! What are you doing? He gave me free food!”

“You don’t understand anything!” He shook me off his arm. “This guy was trying to hit on you! No one does that, except for me. Now-“

“That’s it, Hye, we’re leaving.” I gave the attendant money and a gracious tip, watching his rotate his jaw, where a bruise was forming. “I’m so sorry. Thank you for your service.”

The guy looks back at me. “I’m watching that overprotective boyfriend of yours, sweetie. If he tries anything, make sure to tell me.” Hye reaches over, as if to strike him again, but I pull him out of the entire place.

Outside, I storm onto the motorcycle. Hye is mad too, I can feel heat radiating off him. He was very, very angry. But I was more. We didn’t talk the whole ride to school.

And now, I’m at school. The second I get off the bike, I throw his helmet back at him and stalk toward the building. He parks, takes out the keys, and runs after me. “_______. _____________. I’m so sorry. I went overboard, let’s make up, he just made me so mad, and I can’t let you go. I love you so much and-“

I look him in the eye and he seems to get the message. I’m angry and don’t want apologies. Then, to my annoyance, he continues. “______. I really, really, want you to forgive me. I hope that you find so area in your heart that can forgive me. Please?”

I sigh. “It’s always about you isn’t it? You don’t like this dress. You don’t like this color. You don’t like the way I eat. The way I dress. The way I act around your friends. I time I spend with my friends. What about me? Don’t you love me for me? Not for the person you want to change me to?” Words poured out of my mouth, words I didn’t even know I had. “This is the last straw, Hye. I can’t take it anymore.” I threw our couple ring at him. His mouth was wide open, and he just stared as I walked off. I was done.  

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Yendi_Heart #1
Chapter 10: OMG! Poor baby Youngmin. He's so clumsy. And Hye is a jerk. I don't like him :P
Americankpoplover #2
Chapter 10: She is a b to do that to Youngmin
Yendi_Heart #3
Chapter 9: Such a sad life :( but that's the reason why she should leave Hye and be happy
Yendi_Heart #4
Chapter 8: Love it <3
Yendi_Heart #5
Chapter 7: Youngminnie is just too cute >'< especially because he doesn't talk. That makes him super cute <3
PunkRock123 #6
Chapter 6: I support Youngmin \(^^)/
Yendi_Heart #7
Chapter 5: Yeah! Go Youngmin Go!
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 4: Wow O.O nice story. Youngmin surely needs to make her open her eyes
Nice update btw. It's great to see you again. :)