Han River

Angel and Devil

HIIIIII GUYS! Sorry I haven't updated in a while! A little scene for you guys *smiles mysteriously* it seems like you two are getting closer! If someone could give me ideas on what to do next... well that would be awesome! You all are jjaing! please continue your support, and I hope you all enjoy! Your author, HelloBaby123

We bussed silently to the river, and you were completely at ease, smiling at the scenery outside. It was peaceful and comfortable with Youngmin, because he couldn’t talk, but didn’t expect you to carry on the conversation either. A friendly, sweet silence was enough for him.

Well, it may have seemed that way, but wasn’t really. Youngmin was tense. He wondered whether you thought he was boring because he couldn’t talk, worried over how he should portray his body language, and fretted over your facial expressions. You, of course, were completely immersed in the window. When you turned around, he plastered a goofy smile on his face, and you would smile back. Youngmin thought it was the most awkward thing he did ever.

After another several tense moments (for Youngmin) and lots of opportunities to hold hands (so it seemed to Youngmin) you two had finally arrived. The sky was still a pretty, clear blue, even though the sun was sinking lower. It was late afternoon, and there were couples, of all ages, biking, walking, sharing food in the park, or just taking a peaceful rest underneath the trees. Families with small children were there too, mothers scolding kids, pushing carts, with baskets that used to be filled with picnic delicacies. The fathers would stroll and offer backup to the mothers. The children ran around hectically. Youngmin gulped slightly at the sight of so many couples.

“Youngmin! Kaja!” you waved to him, catching his attention, about ten yards away. He blinked and ran to you. You grabbed onto the railing separating the road to the river, and stood on the first metal rail. Youngmin grabbed onto your waist on instinct, fearing that you would fall off. He flushed as he realized how close you were. “Don’t worry, oppa, I won’t fall!” you smiled. “Look! Isn’t the sky just perfect today?” You looked up, and pointed. Youngmin followed your finger, his glance a caress, and he stepped on the rail next to you, inhaling the fresh air. You were still smiling at the sky. Youngmin watched your face contently.

After the two of you had had your fill of the river, you walked down a scenic path. Trees surrounded you, sunlight barely getting past the dense leaves. There weren’t a lot of people, and it was quiet and peaceful, the perfect place to tell a story. You walked in silence, but Youngmin knew you would tell him when you were ready.

“When I was little, my parents used to hurt me a lot. People thought they were drug addicts or alcoholics because they did such horrible things to me, but really, they just liked inflicting pain on others. My mom smoked, and whenever she was done with a cigarette, she would rub out the on me.” You lifted your shirt slightly to show Youngmin the circular burn marks that left dark indentations on your skin. Youngmin was shocked. “My dad would laugh when he saw her do it. If I cried, he would lock me in the basement, in the dark. I still remember the smell of the basement, a nasty, dank smell, like human waste and rotting food put together. It was so cold, and I was forced to spend whole nights down there, sometimes even days when they forgot about me.” A tear trickled down your pretty face. The atmosphere around the two of you was dark and depressing compared to the light happiness you were in before.

“I was scared of the both of them, they both threatened to hurt me more if I ever told anyone. So I went to school, dirty and covered in bruises half the time, and when the teachers asked me what was wrong, I would tell them that I got into an accident. Or a fight. Or I fell down the stairs. The only person who cared was your relative. Leehae was five years older than me, and still is, haha.” You laughed, and Youngmin was surprised at how a person that went through so much could be so happy. “She made me tell her everything. I did, but I begged her not to tell anyone. I was frightened of not having anywhere to live, not having enough to eat, and no one to take care of me. The last thing that happened before I got taken into foster care was my dad. He came home one day, after losing his job, took a wine bottle, and emptied the contents on the couch. Then he smashed the bottle on my forehead, screaming about having to support an insolent brat.” Youngmin slipped his hand in yours for comfort. You looked down, and then at him. He faced forward, ears red, but his thumb your hand and you felt a surge of electricity through you.

Shaking your head, and smiling at the same time, you continued. “Leehae saw me the next day, and she was shocked. She automatically went to tell the principal what happened, everything I told her. I begged her not to, but she cried and said that she wasn’t going to just stand around anymore. I was taken into foster care the next day. I never saw my parents again.” You took a deep breath. The hardest part was over, and the sweet part had come. “Luckily, a couple looking for a child adopted me almost a week after. I was so lucky, there were some kids in the orphanage that had been there for years and years. But my parents now, they love me. They gave me everything I needed and poured me full of the love my real parents never did.” Tears fell down your face again, but they were happier. “Then one day, when I was finally getting used to my life, I was walking to a café my friend told me was delicious. I thought I would bring my parents back something. But instead, I met Hye.”

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Yendi_Heart #1
Chapter 10: OMG! Poor baby Youngmin. He's so clumsy. And Hye is a jerk. I don't like him :P
Americankpoplover #2
Chapter 10: She is a b to do that to Youngmin
Yendi_Heart #3
Chapter 9: Such a sad life :( but that's the reason why she should leave Hye and be happy
Yendi_Heart #4
Chapter 8: Love it <3
Yendi_Heart #5
Chapter 7: Youngminnie is just too cute >'< especially because he doesn't talk. That makes him super cute <3
PunkRock123 #6
Chapter 6: I support Youngmin \(^^)/
Yendi_Heart #7
Chapter 5: Yeah! Go Youngmin Go!
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 4: Wow O.O nice story. Youngmin surely needs to make her open her eyes
Nice update btw. It's great to see you again. :)