Baby, I Want You Back.

Angel and Devil

The picture makes him look like such a bad boy, doesn't it? OUO *fangirls* Mianhae for not updating! Thank you for subscribing and commenting! you make this author's day! MUAH! Love you darlings~

The next few periods blurred past. You didn’t even know what you were going to do with your life despite the nurse’s kind words, and several times you had to excuse yourself to the restroom and dry your eyes. None of your classes had any meaning, because you kept thinking about how Hye wasn’t  going to pick you up, how he wasn’t even in your life anymore. By the beginning of lunch, you were a running train wreck. Who were you going to sit next to now? School rules prohibited you from lunching with the nurse. You went to your locker, reprimanding yourself for not bringing a home lunch, and attempted to swing your arms lightly as you falsely skipped towards the luncheon area.

Keeping your head low and quiet, you grabbed a tray at the end of the line and waited next to a group of gaggling girls, all talking about some movie they saw over the weekend. You saw Hye sitting at the table he always reserved for you and his friends, who he showed off brazenly everyday. He scanned the cafeteria for you, and you ducked down, pulling the hood over your head as you order a cheeseburger and some milk. You were about to pay when someone scanned their meal card in your place. You looked up and caught the rather large eyes of Youngmin, who was intently observing you.

“Kamsamnida.” You bowed your head lightly at him before leaving. He followed after you and you stopped and turned toward him. “Youngmin-shii,” you began. “I know the nurse told you to hang out with me, but I’m perfectly fine by myself. I don’t need any pity.” You stepped around him and left the cafeteria. Hye had just spotted you and he followed outside with you.

Youngmin scratched his head, holding his tray with one hand. ‘I don’t feel sorry for you! I actually need a place to sit…” dumbstruck and slightly deflated, he searched the cafeteria. Several girls had already started to make their way toward him, obviously interested in his rare blonde hair and fine looks. Scared, his eyes popped out as a girl brazenly offered him a sultry smile and lifted her leg so her -line showed.

“Oppa, come sit with us.” Youngmin shook his head, frightened beyond belief.

“Yah, he doesn’t want to sit with like you.” A tall, handsome, more man than boy with red hair came over and stood in front of Youngmin. “No one wants you here, Miyoung. We all know you’ve screwed every guy in this school. Who knows how many nasty diseases you have? You,” he pointed at Youngmin, who gulped and pointed at himself, as if to say, me? “Go sit over there.” He pointed at the table filled with some boys. Youngmin nodded frantically, still a bit silent, and scurried over there. The red-head followed, leaving a shocked Miyoung behind.



You were running towards the bleachers, where the smokers smoked underneath the seats. You chose one of the highest seats, where there was good ventilation, and sat down to eat your lunch. You still didn’t know that Hye had chased after you. You had just unwrapped your burger when Hye appeared out of nowhere.

“OMO! Oppa! What are you- Wait! Go away!” you turned away, and took a bite of the delicious burger. Hye had not let you eat such foods for fear you would grow fat. You relished at the facial expression Hye was attempting to keep back, one of distaste. He instead, focused on your eyes.

“Please, _______,” he begged. “Comeback to me. I love you. I’m so sorry. I swear it won’t happen again. I can’t live without you, baby, and you’re perfect just the way you are. I almost died today when you said we were over. I can’t do this, darling. Please, all I ask is that you let me love you.”

At the last words, you felt your hard wall begin to soften. Maybe he really was going to change. They always said second chances change everything, right? Maybe it was just a lovers’ spat. You hated watching couples have those. You remembered how miserable you felt and how you wanted Hye to take care of you so badly. You knew it was so irrational, but you were seriously incomplete without him, despite all the badmouthing and the needs he had, and the cheating with other girls. You knew about it, you totally did, but you ignored it because you needed Hye, the same way he needed you as his trophy.

“Okay,” you finally said. “I love you, too.”

“Thanks, baby,” Hye reached over and gave you a sweet peck on the lips. “Now, should we find you something better and healthier to eat?” he took the cheeseburger away. You sighed, and nodded, unhappy, but content at the same time, because you couldn’t remember when you weren’t controlled like this. 

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Yendi_Heart #1
Chapter 10: OMG! Poor baby Youngmin. He's so clumsy. And Hye is a jerk. I don't like him :P
Americankpoplover #2
Chapter 10: She is a b to do that to Youngmin
Yendi_Heart #3
Chapter 9: Such a sad life :( but that's the reason why she should leave Hye and be happy
Yendi_Heart #4
Chapter 8: Love it <3
Yendi_Heart #5
Chapter 7: Youngminnie is just too cute >'< especially because he doesn't talk. That makes him super cute <3
PunkRock123 #6
Chapter 6: I support Youngmin \(^^)/
Yendi_Heart #7
Chapter 5: Yeah! Go Youngmin Go!
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 4: Wow O.O nice story. Youngmin surely needs to make her open her eyes
Nice update btw. It's great to see you again. :)