Stalker Youngmin

Angel and Devil

Sorry if this chapter is a bit... boring :C it's sort of filler describing Youngmins past a little and you and Hye's relationship. Please enjoy! Comments are encouraged c: I feel happy reading your comments (though few they are) every time c: Thank you all so much ! That picture of Youngmin up there ^^ <3 *melting heart* okay, enjoy~

“What? And you’re just going to forgive him after all of that when all he does is say a few cheap words to you?”  Leehae stared at you, slack jawed. “_____________, I beg you to reconsider-”

You grabbed your coat and ran out shouting, “I’ll be fine, unnie! He’s changed, for sure! He loves me. I have to go before I’m late to meet him!”

Leehae opened to say more but the door swung back forth in your absence, as if to wave goodbye. She sat in silence for a moment before sighing and sitting down. “Youngmin, don’t you think that girl is incredibly dense? After all the cruel things he said to her, one sweet thing and all of a sudden she’s perfectly happy?” She paced and turned to tell Youngmin more details, but all she received was a swinging door and missing blonde person. She sighed and collapsed on her spinning chair. That boy, she thought to herself. He doesn’t say anything for ten years, to neither his parents nor me, and then he sees a girl for the first time and he speaks so many words! Anyone else would think that he was ungrateful, but I know Youngmin isn’t like that. Leehae held her chin lightly as she pondered the thought. I’ve never heard him say so many words! Not after the accident. She looked down sadly, heart clasping for Youngmin. I hope that _________ realizes that she should become friends with Youngmin, not only for her own sake, but for his too.  


Youngmin POV

I dashed out right when my noona started talking about ___________. I was still confused on why I was so interested in this girl. She wasn’t exactly a huge beauty, even though there was something in those doe-like brown eyes. And long locks. And slender body. Stop thinking like that. I skidded around the corners, still a bit confused on the mapping of the school. I didn’t understand why she was so infatuated with that Hye fellow too. I mean, anyone could see that he was nothing but trouble.

I don’t even know how I knew her name. It suited her well though. A pretty face should have a pretty name, right? Not that I care that she’s pretty. She was mean to me. Won’t even sit me at lunchtime. I ranted inside my head about everything bad about her as I searched for her. Don’t think wrong, I was only looking so my noona can shut up. Leehae is a blabbermouth sometimes, so anything that will make her shut up will make me happy.

I finally found the exit to the school when I see _____________ getting on the back of the motorcycle, legs splayed on either side. It would have looked like such a badass and awesome scene if Hye wasn’t in front of her, revving the engine. “Hye, oppa,” I heard her say with that pretty voice of hers. “Don’t you have helmets? I feel frightened that my hair will bother you when you drive, and it isn’t safe!”

I could hear Hye’s disbelief and snort all the way from here. “Yah, don’t you trust me, babe? Your oppa can get you home safe, so don’t worry, okay?”

She pouted, and my heart almost stopped beating. At the fact of her stupidity, I mean. Hye couldn’t even see her adora- atrocious face. Why bother? “Oppa, it’s not you I don’t  trust, it’s the other cars on the road!”

“Don’t worry about it. I told you not to worry, right? Be a good girl and listen. Now hold on.” He revved the engine again, and I was too busy fuming about how chauvinistic and rude Hye was when a cloud of exhaust ruined my internal conflict.

“YAH!” I sprinted after them. Usually, I ran home from school, even though it was five miles away from my house, everyday with my backpack. I usually made it in around 25 minutes. I was fast, and I knew it. This time, I had left my backpack at Leehae’s office, so, unburdened with a load, I was faster, and I caught up quickly and had to slow down my own pace at the red light. Not to be cocky or anything, but many people called my running skills superhuman. Cos I am. Just sometimes, anyway.

The next stop sign, ________ looked over at me, and I had to struggle and turn to look at the window. It was just a glance, but I felt the burn of her pretty eyes on my back. I could see their reflection through the window, and marveled at how perfect they looked together even though their relationship was anything but. They turned before I knew it, and I sprinted to catch up again. Hye pulled in at a small café, with picturesque scenery and balconies for private lovers. I yanked my hood over my head and made sure they entered, arm-in-arm, before walking in as well.

“Oppa! I remember this place!” ____________’s smile was heavenly. I smiled with her until I realized what subject she was talking about and forced a grimace on my face. “I remember you confessed to me here…” she looked around in wonder. My lips curled up at the innocence that radiated the whole café. I could also see Hye ignoring her, dimming the rays of her happiness. He, instead, looked the waitress up and down. ________ was too innocent to see the waitress ;smirk flirtatiously and put a hand on Hye’s arm.

“Come, I’ll seat you two,” She winked at Hye and Hye ran his arm down hers while ___________ skipped ahead, happily. I almost smacked him and her; Hye for practically committing adultery in public, and ___________ for being too foolish to recognize it.

“Can I seat you, sir?” a waitress prodded my arm lightly. I looked at her, and her face turned red. “Right this way, sir.”

I grabbed a pen and her pad from the counter and wrote down, ‘Can you seat me next to that couple?’

She looked confused, but after I solemnly glanced into her eyes, she flushed tomato and nodded. “Anything,” she breathed.

She led me to a table which conveniently faced Hye and _________. “Can I take your order?”

I scribbled a random number on the pad without looking at the menu and resumed my staring at __________. I could practically hear the gears churning and questions generating in the waitresses head. She bowed and left. You were chatting brightly to Hye while he looked bored and fiddled with her hair. “Can’t you cut it? It looks so long and unflattering.” He interrupted her.

She looked confused and ran her hands down her hair. “My hair…?”

He scoffed. “No, your feet. Yes your hair. It looks terrible. Like a little girl. No appeal whatsoever.”

I thought it looked gorgeous and suited her perfectly. Who needs appeal?

“Oppa, my parents won’t like it-”

“Whose more important, me or your parents? I definitely feel that I love you more.”

Her eyes went wide and she bit her bottom lip. I winced at the impact of the question, and the anger came. I wanted to punch the little snotpooper in his cocky little eyebrow.

“Well, I need my parents… and I’ve known them longer…” she said hesitantly. Seeing the fury in Hye’s eyes, she quickly changed her words. “But you are all equals in my eyes!”

Hye relaxed slightly. “Don’t cut your hair then, babe.” He said graciously and kissed the inner grooves of her neck. She looked uncomfortable, but he didn’t stop. My hands clenched into fists under the table as the waitress brought me platters of kimbap. After a few tense seconds, I imploded, went over to the table, and dragged out _____________ with loud protests from Hye. 

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Yendi_Heart #1
Chapter 10: OMG! Poor baby Youngmin. He's so clumsy. And Hye is a jerk. I don't like him :P
Americankpoplover #2
Chapter 10: She is a b to do that to Youngmin
Yendi_Heart #3
Chapter 9: Such a sad life :( but that's the reason why she should leave Hye and be happy
Yendi_Heart #4
Chapter 8: Love it <3
Yendi_Heart #5
Chapter 7: Youngminnie is just too cute >'< especially because he doesn't talk. That makes him super cute <3
PunkRock123 #6
Chapter 6: I support Youngmin \(^^)/
Yendi_Heart #7
Chapter 5: Yeah! Go Youngmin Go!
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 4: Wow O.O nice story. Youngmin surely needs to make her open her eyes
Nice update btw. It's great to see you again. :)