Hye Gets Busy With the Waitress

Angel and Devil

Hello my lovely subs! I am guilty of abandoning this story and coming back to it... hope you find it as interesting as before! <3, HelloBaby123. P.S. Hye may be mean, but he's still kind of hot. :D


While ___________ and Youngmin were off exchanging secrets, Hye had jackpot. Or so he thought. The waitress was on next to him, and he had just finished with her. She was panting loudly, and he pondered on how annoying it was to have to please all these girls- when the one he really wanted to please was unwilling to please him. Damn it, ____________, he thought Why are you such a tease? He laid back, , as the waitress (What was her name again? Kara?) his chest with one long finger. It barely registered on his mind that he just used her.

“YAH! Stop touching me and get out of my room!” The girl looked at him, dumbfounded. “You heard me! OUT! Ka!” she grabbed her clothes and scurried out, but not before smacking him across the face hard. Whimpering, she disappeared. Hye the blood from his split lip, wondering where his girlfriend was. Off with that blonde kid I suppose… I guess I should start to look for them before they get too serious…


Youngmin’s POV

I had been standing quietly next to _____________, her hand still in mine. I rubbed her hand gently as I watched the blue water meet the blue sky, my heart jumping like a jackrabbit as I snuck a look at her. She looked content, the wind blowing her long hair past her delicate face, and I wondered again how I had met this charming beauty and how she had come attached with a person that was not quite so charming.

I took a deep breath, to say something, anything, when she spoke up first. “You know, Youngmin, today’s the day where I finally felt- Oh!” I followed her surprised gaze to where her necklace had fallen into the water. Without another thought (besides the little voice inside my head screaming, ‘What the f*** do you think you’re doing Youngmin’) I kicked off my shoes and jumped into the swirling water beneath us.


Your POV

You were going to break the silence and say something about how happy you were to be friends with him when you felt a small snap of metal pinching your neck, and then disappearing. You gasped, “Oh!” and the necklace fell into the water. You felt a small pang of loss, and then turned to say, ‘Hye will get me another one,’ when Youngmin just took off his shoes and jumped into the water! “NO!” you shrieked. “Youngmin!”

You saw him swimming strongly but the current was strong as well. He had grabbed the necklace and was attempting to swim to shore. You grabbed his shoes and started to scream for help. “Help! Please! He’s going to drown!” A boat was moving towards him, but Youngmin’s head was already dipping under. You saw him bob once, twice, and then a third time before he completely went below surface. Tears sprung in your eyes. Though you only knew him for a short period of time, he was already dear to you. You tossed his shoes, to the side, took off yours, and prepared to jump after him when you felt a strong pair of arms around your waist. You turned to find Hye. “Hye! Thank god! Youngmin jumped for my necklace! You have to safe him!” You saw conflict on his face. “Hye, help him! Please! I’ll do anything.”

You didn’t see the glint of satisfaction or vicious mischief in his eyes. “If you promise to never speak to him again.”

Tears leaked from your face. “YES! Now GO!” Hye jumped down, and swam, until he grabbed Youngmin unceremoniously by the hair. They would have both drowned if it weren’t for the boat, which hauled them both up and coughing towards safetly, your necklace still clasped in Youngmin’s hand. “___________” he coughed, looking for you. 

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Yendi_Heart #1
Chapter 10: OMG! Poor baby Youngmin. He's so clumsy. And Hye is a jerk. I don't like him :P
Americankpoplover #2
Chapter 10: She is a b to do that to Youngmin
Yendi_Heart #3
Chapter 9: Such a sad life :( but that's the reason why she should leave Hye and be happy
Yendi_Heart #4
Chapter 8: Love it <3
Yendi_Heart #5
Chapter 7: Youngminnie is just too cute >'< especially because he doesn't talk. That makes him super cute <3
PunkRock123 #6
Chapter 6: I support Youngmin \(^^)/
Yendi_Heart #7
Chapter 5: Yeah! Go Youngmin Go!
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 4: Wow O.O nice story. Youngmin surely needs to make her open her eyes
Nice update btw. It's great to see you again. :)