Friendship Notebooks

Angel and Devil

Well, this chapter, of course, is dedicated to all my readers out there! Enjoy~ Please continue your support with comments and other things c: Gomawo! With love, your author, HelloBaby123

P.S. That gif up there is suppose to be Youngmin pulling you off the curb and getting pissed c:

The bus was slowly ambling toward you two. “Youngmin! It’s here!” you stood up and stepped up to the curb just as the bus was coming in, almost toppling over. Luckily, Youngmin pulled you back before any serious damage was done. Without even noticing the fact that you almost died, you leapt onto the bus. “Kaja, Youngmin-shii!”

Youngmin shook his head. The pabo… she’s going to get herself killed. He went on the bus after ushering in a mother and her children and sat in the back with you. He glared at you. You blinked. “Wae do you have that scary look on your face?”

Pulling the napkin out of his pocket, he wrote down a quick and angry message that showed in his handwriting. ‘Yah, be more careful. I can’t protect you from everything in the world. You almost just died. Pabo.’

Your mouth dropped into an ‘o’. And then you burst out laughing. “Youngmin, are you worried about me?”

Youngmin went pink and turned around, as if sulky. You patted his back lightly. “Gwenchana! Gomawo for caring so much… Oppa.”

His heart pounded in his ears as blood flowed to his face. Y-yah, don’t blush, why are you blushing so much today? Relax…

You didn’t notice the mini-crisis that was happening next to you. “Oppa, look at that pretty store! Omo, they sell so much stuff… Take me there one day.”

Youngmin turned to see what you were pointing at. A little store with a beautiful green and gray image awaited him. It was filled with stationary and all sorts of writing utensils. You smiled down at it. Youngmin wondered at how the store’s atmosphere suited you so well, and he pulled the string to stop the bus.

“Oppa?” Youngmin grabbed you, and pushed you in front of him, carefully leading you down the steps, bowing thanks to the bus driver at the same time. The mother in the front commented, “Oh, that young man is so smooth and kind! What a lovely couple!”

You heard before you left and shouted, “A-ani we aren’t a couple!” but the bus was gone. You pouted. “Where are we going?” Youngmin led you into the pretty store. You felt your heart softening slowly. Never had a guy been so attentive and sweet to you! It was such a change from Hye that you marveled.

The ahjumma inside bowed. “Welcome to Stationary and Pens! Ask me if you need anything.” Youngmin bowed back neatly and the ahjumma fluttered at his good looks. “Wah, you two are such a good-looking couple!”

You recalled the embarrassment on the bus. “Kamsamnida, ahjumma.”

Youngmin was already looking through the little notebooks, the journals, the scrapbooks, and large amount of crafting and writing utensils. Nothing really stood out to him. You stood next to him, fascinated and completely intrigued by everything. He smiled at how innocent you were. “Youngmin, look at that! It suits you perfectly~ You can use that to talk to me.” You pointed at a silver covered notebook with a glittery silver tree stenciled on the top. It came with a silver fountain pen.

“That’s one of our exclusive items!” the ahjumma came over to proudly display it. “It’s for sale, so I’ll offer it to you two for 14,000 won!”

You gaped. It was really cheap for such a pretty notebook. “We’ll take!” you cut in even though you felt the silent protect from Youngmin behind you. Taking out your wallet, you paid and left the store, assuming Youngmin would follow you. Instead, he went back to where you were looking at scrapbooks. Particularly a feminine, soft pink and sunset patterned one. He flipped it open to reveal the words, “The best relationship is where you can be lovers and best friends at the same time.”

Oh, it’s for her and that stupid guy. Why didn’t she buy it? Is it because she doesn’t consider Hye a best friend? If only I could fill a scrapbook with her. For friends, of course. Youngmin glanced at an identical one, and curiously flipped it open to reveal, “A real friend knows that it’s not friendship until after you fight.” He stared at it, mouth agape. Did I just get friendzoned? By a book? He slammed it shut, grabbed the lovers’ one, and paid for it. The ahjumma waved at him “Bring your girlfriend back soon!”

He nodded at her. You came running and accidentally crashed into him. “Oppa! I thought I lost you! Where have you been? Aigo, you’re like a small child! Follow your mother now~”

Youngmin blinked. Oh, now I’m the small child? You saw the mischievous glint in his eyes and knew something bad was going to happen. And it did. He lunged and tickled your stomach. “NOOOO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” you disrupted the street filled with ahjushii and ahjumma vendors with your screams of laughter.

Youngmin didn’t even stop, just pulled you closer and tickled you everywhere. You couldn’t breath. “Oppa… Please…. Stop!” you gasped. He cocked his head to the side as if to say, “What will you do if I don’t stop?”

“Oppa, if you don’t stop- EEK- I won’t give you your gift!” He snatched the bag away from you and stopped tickling you. He took out the napkin to write again, but you had already filled the fountain pen, so you handed him the notebook inside the bag instead, relieved to be released. “Oppa, what did you buy?”

‘___________ the notebook was too expensive! Let me give you the money back.’

You shook your head. “The notebook suited you perfectly, oppa! Now we can talk and you don’t have to carry napkins! Think of it as our friendship gift, de?”

Without blinking, he took out his phone and snapped a photo of you. The flash made you blink, and he smiled at the cute expression on your face. “Yah! Delete that!” you jumped on him, looking at the picture. He held out one finger, and turned the camera around so it was taking a picture of both of you. This time you were prepared, and made a peace sign.

“Silly face!” you forgot your anger and stuck out your tongue while crossing your eyes. Youngmin bared his teeth. “Ah, oppa, you’re so scary! Pout!” Both of you pouted. When Youngmin was finished taking the pictures, he handed the phone to you. “What do I- oh.” You entered your number. “Write yours too,” you passed him your phone and he calmly typed it in.

You linked arms with him and started to skip. When you did this with Hye, he would scold you for being childish. But Youngmin started skipping with you. You smiled, in complete bliss.   

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Yendi_Heart #1
Chapter 10: OMG! Poor baby Youngmin. He's so clumsy. And Hye is a jerk. I don't like him :P
Americankpoplover #2
Chapter 10: She is a b to do that to Youngmin
Yendi_Heart #3
Chapter 9: Such a sad life :( but that's the reason why she should leave Hye and be happy
Yendi_Heart #4
Chapter 8: Love it <3
Yendi_Heart #5
Chapter 7: Youngminnie is just too cute >'< especially because he doesn't talk. That makes him super cute <3
PunkRock123 #6
Chapter 6: I support Youngmin \(^^)/
Yendi_Heart #7
Chapter 5: Yeah! Go Youngmin Go!
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 4: Wow O.O nice story. Youngmin surely needs to make her open her eyes
Nice update btw. It's great to see you again. :)