
Little by Little - because you stay -
"Jung Aerin?" the name is repeated again in my third class today. It's the World Culture class and the one who has that name is still absent. "Where is she? She has skipped my class twice in a row."
This time there are girls who discuss about something in whisper. This also happened in the previous class when the name was mentioned.
A girl glances at me and she quickly looks away when she notices that I am looking at her. She says something to her friend who chuckles for an unknown reason.
"Nam Jihyun, attention here," the lecturer warns the girl with serious tone. "What did I just say about the culture during someone's speech, young lady?"
The class goes on and, thankfully, it's my last class for today. As soon as the lecturer ends the class, I leave the classroom without bothering to exchange words with my classmates.
It's irritating to be in the middle of the crowd. I don't like the feeling as the center of attention.
I hate it.
"Wait, Jinyoung!" a voice calls me and I stop my steps. I turn around to see the girl named Jihyun approaches me with her friend. "Ah, I'm sorry. My name is Nam Jihyun."
She looks at her friend while I tuck my hands inside my pockets, waiting for her to say something. She bites her bottom lip hesitantly, "Are you, in any possible case, related to Aerin?"
I raise my eyebrow with disbelief. She came to me just to ask this silly question?
"Didn't you hear that I just moved from London?" I retort with monotone. "I have no idea who are you talking about."
Jihyun gasps in suprise because of my reaction. She bows slightly and apologizes, "I-I'm sorry. I just thought... Well, you two have the same family name so I thought... Just maybe..."
Without waiting for her to finish her sentence, I turn around and walk away. The conversation is pointless. Not to mention it does remind me of a certain someone.
"Jinyoung! Jinyoung!" some boys approached me with grins. "Have you heard it? There is a new student in class 1-5!"
I stopped doing my mathematic exercise and looked at them with confusion, "So?"
Their grin became wider as one of them snudged my elbow, "It's a girl and her family name is Jung! Just like you!"
"Is she your family?" another boy asked me with curiosity. "Some said that she is pretty! Introduce me to her, Jinyoung!"
"I don't remember anyone from my family will attend this school. Maybe it's just a coincidence," I answered honestly. "The way you talk makes you sound like an old man. We're just thirteen years old, Sunwoo."
The others laughed at Sunwoo who blushed shyly. He continued again, "I think her name is Jung Aerin. Are you sure you don't know anyone name Jung Aerin in your family?"
I shook my head without any doubt, "Nope. Not at all."
"Then maybe she is your future wife!" Chansik stated with teasing smirk. "They said if a man and a woman shared same family name even though they're not siblings, it's because they're married!"
I just smiled at their simple jokes. I returned my focus to my exercise book, trying to finish it before the bell rang and we would continue with next lesson.
For the whole day, they kept teasing me with the new student. They pushed me to class 1-5 after the class was over, saying that I should meet my future wife or so what they said.
"That's her!" Chanshik told me and the others, pointing to a girl who was putting her books inside the bag. "It's her."
The loud voice grabbed her attention. She turned around and our eyes met for seconds. She didn't smile but there was obvious confusion in her eyes.
"Go! Go!" Sunwoo pushed me closer to the girl. The others also helped him, "Go, Jinyoung! Be brave!"
"Yah! What are you-" I stopped when I was already steps away from the new student. Her hair was in a ponytail and she wore a blue ribbon. "Ah..."
The girl tilted her head, waiting for me to say something. I scratched my cheek with my finger awkwardly, not knowing what I should say to her.
"My friends said you have the same family name with me," I managed to open a conversation. "My name is Jung Jinyoung."
A small smile formed on her lips. She bowed in ninety degrees to me, "My name is Jung Aerin. Nice to meet you, Jinyoung!"
That's our first meeting.
I walk pass the university gate, heading back to my new apartment. If there is one thing I need to be grateful for with my return to Seoul, it's the fact that I can be alone in my room now.
They let me to stay in an apartment while they will live in a house. It's better for me since I don't need to hear their babbling at all.
"Huah!" someone bumps onto me, spilling her drink on me. She gasps in shock, "Omo! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I was in hurry so I... I'm so sorry!"
I click my tongue and observe the girl who just caused the stain on my shirt.
She has a long hair which almost reaches her waist. She looks really panic, trying to find a handkerchief in her bag to take care of my drenched shirt, "I'm sure I have one... Ah, her-"
Not feeling that I need to stay any longer, I walk pass her, ignoring her attempt to stop me. She offers me her pink handkerchief, "W-Wait! Your shirt!"
"If you feel sorry, stop bothering me," I warn her and she stops on her track. I scoff and step out from the university area, feeling relieved that she doesn't follow me.
Even without the stain on my shirt, I don't have any plan to spend my time around. It's better to lock myself in my new apartment with my violin.
It's alright if I have no friend. It's not like I can't survive without them.
As long as I have my violin with me, I don't need any friends.
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imemyself07 #1
Chapter 30: It was beautiful
I read this story in just one day and it was like a roller coaster ride. I never read this kind of story before and this is the first one and it gives me a good vibe. I just love how you potray all their character and link it to one another. Reading their lives really shock me like how Jinyoung, Yonghwa and Eunji were actually siblings and all of them were like literally very very close it's just that they can't seem to see it. Except Yonghwa though. He seems to know everything but even though reading the last chapter, I still feel like Yonghwa has a secret that is still not yet unveil. Or may be it's just me xD I really really like your story and I'm planning to read your other stories. So look out for me in the comment box or new suscriber^^
Chapter 29: This is one of awesome stories I've ever read!
I cannot explain my feel right now...
Thank you ^^ you reminded me of my own story. I love it in every way ^^
Chapter 30: .........


this is so beautiful, really :') and yeah, connecting 5 lives... it's really complicated. but I'm always amazed whenever i read this.. you're so.......... wow. i was expecting a longer story but it's fine since you planned this. every quote in this story inspires people and... make us learn, i think. thank you for letting us to read this! :) i guess we all should learn to be more grateful for whatever live takes us into. just like aerin...
Chapter 26: ooh, ooh....... why Aerin........... she's just too nice...
Chapter 24: why is the update rated M? T.T I want to read so badly but I'm only sixteen...,
Chapter 24: an update! it's a midnight here but i managed to read it xD
thank you! :D