
Little by Little - because you stay -
I drag my luggage bag, heading out from the Incheon airport to find a taxi. The sun is hiding behind the cloud and I hardly believe that it's noon right now.
"Eight years...," I murmur to no one, dropping my gaze to the ground. "Things have changed a lot."
I heave a sigh and finally enter a taxi, telling the driver an address to my apartment here. He tries to strike off a conversation but I just stare at the road through the window, not showing any interest to continue the topic.
Maybe he knows that I'm not the friendly type passenger so he just drives in silence, letting me to drown in my own flashback.
"Why do we need to return to Seoul?" she asked with a disgusted look and I knew what she was thinking. "I don't want to see that person again. You know that pretty well, don't you?"
"I know," the male answered with a comforting smile. He took her hand and patted it gently, "But it's just for two years. I can't refuse it since it's a request from my supervisor, Dear."
She scoffed with sarcasm and replied, "Fine but I'm not going to stay there for the whole two years. I'll return here frequently."
Her husband nodded with understanding, "Will you talk to Jinyoung? I will take care of his application for the new university. Don't worry about it."
There they went again. Always taking decisions without thinking about what I wanted.
It's always been like this.
"Whatever," she retorted coldly and took her hand, leaving her seat to the kitchen so she could drink some alcohol. "It's not like he cares about anything except the stupid violin."
I clenched my fists tight, still making sure that they would notice that I was listening to them behind my door.
My gaze landed on the violin I put inside of the box, right next to my bed. It was my only treasure, the only thing that could accompany me through my loneliness.
"Stupid violin, huh?" I murmured slowly. "Who asked you to understand me anyway?"
Would I meet that person again if I returned there?
"Your father has given me the list of your classes, Jinyoung," the lecturer who will be responsible as my counselor tells me politely. "It's not something ordinary to have a new student in the middle of semester but I hope you will get used to our university in no time."
I just nod as my reaction and I can see that his expression changes slightly. He heaves a sigh and stands up, "Come on. I'll walk you to your first class."
He said that his name is Im Hyunjin. He teaches English here. It's not like I really care about it. I'm not even the one who chose the major nor the subjects list.
Besides I just need to attend this university for two years, graduate from here, then I will return to London again.
"Okay, class, return to your seats," he knocks the wall with the book to get the attention from the students. "I'll count to three and it's really helpful if everyone is on the right seat already."
The classroom is not really big. There are at least thirty students inside and mostly are female. Some of them whisper to each other, putting their interest on me while I don't do the same.
I follow Mr Im to his side while he greets them with a wide smile before introducing me, "Now, as you can see, we have a new classmate in our English class. His name is Jung Jinyoung and he just moved from Paris."
The students give different reaction in instance. The girls smile and giggle while the guys exchange glance. There are some who whistle with amusement or just study me from head to toe.
"Now, Jinyoung, why don't you say anything to your new first class?" Mr Im turns to me, giving me time to speak something.
I just sweep the whole room with one glance before I give him a short reply, not having any interest to say anything. "Can I take my seat now?"
Mr Im is taken aback by my question; I can see it. He rubs the back of his neck and then tells me that I can sit at the empty chair, second row from behind.
"Well, I'll check the absence list now," Mr Im goes on with his next schedule. "Raise your hand if I call your name, okay?"
I lean on my palm, looking at the cloudy sky while Mr Im calls out the names one by one.
"Jung Aerin," a name grabs my attention. I glance at the teacher who just repeats the name once again, "Jung Aerin? Ah, is she absent again today?"
He sighs heavily and then moves to the next name, which is mine, "Jung Jinyoung?"

I raise my hand, not bothering to say a word as my response. He speaks up, "Next time say something, okay?"

He keeps continuing until the last name before he tells us to open our English book.
Jung Aerin.
A name that brings back memories of the past.
Is it just a coincidence that someone in this university actually has a same name with her?
Ah, come to think of it, it's none of my business. I don't need to care about it.
I have enough problem to deal with.
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imemyself07 #1
Chapter 30: It was beautiful
I read this story in just one day and it was like a roller coaster ride. I never read this kind of story before and this is the first one and it gives me a good vibe. I just love how you potray all their character and link it to one another. Reading their lives really shock me like how Jinyoung, Yonghwa and Eunji were actually siblings and all of them were like literally very very close it's just that they can't seem to see it. Except Yonghwa though. He seems to know everything but even though reading the last chapter, I still feel like Yonghwa has a secret that is still not yet unveil. Or may be it's just me xD I really really like your story and I'm planning to read your other stories. So look out for me in the comment box or new suscriber^^
Chapter 29: This is one of awesome stories I've ever read!
I cannot explain my feel right now...
Thank you ^^ you reminded me of my own story. I love it in every way ^^
Chapter 30: .........


this is so beautiful, really :') and yeah, connecting 5 lives... it's really complicated. but I'm always amazed whenever i read this.. you're so.......... wow. i was expecting a longer story but it's fine since you planned this. every quote in this story inspires people and... make us learn, i think. thank you for letting us to read this! :) i guess we all should learn to be more grateful for whatever live takes us into. just like aerin...
Chapter 26: ooh, ooh....... why Aerin........... she's just too nice...
Chapter 24: why is the update rated M? T.T I want to read so badly but I'm only sixteen...,
Chapter 24: an update! it's a midnight here but i managed to read it xD
thank you! :D