So many questions,so little answers

You Light Up My World Like No Other.


~Dae’s POV~
“Well that was weird.” I stared at the phone awhile but it didn’t ring again. I sighed.
“Will you people get off?!” I yelled. When Skyler called everyone rushed in. Ri was currently on my back with his you know what on my . Seung Hyun was laying on Ri’s back and Jiyong was sitting at the top like he was the king. He rolled his eyes and got up. Slowly and painfully everyone got up.
“My back hurts like a-“
“So what did he say?” Ri interrupted me.
“He gave us an address to pick him up. He sounded…scared?”
“Scared? I don’t think he knows what scared is.”
“Well let’s go! What are we waiting for?” I grabbed Ri and the keys off the wall. “Catch you guys later.”
I was getting all jitty again while the elevator took it’s sweet time. Eventually we made it to the car and out on the streets.
“Find the address.” I passed him my phone. I read off the address and we were on our way. Suddenly, blue and red flashed behind us.
“What’s going on? I didn’t speed.” But when I went onto the side it zoomed by with five other cops. An ambulance following.
“What the hell?” The cops that passed by us was surrounding the house. There was tape around so we couldn’t pass. Some people carried out a body on stretcher. A white sheet was covering it and the body had a blood stain on front. But it wasn’t Skyler. That much I know. He was way shorter.
“Hey! Officer!” an officer walked up to us.
“I need you gentlemen to stay back-“
“Was there a boy there? About this high with black hair?”
“No. only two dead bodies. Seems to be there was a murder. Now please leave.”
“Was there anyone else?”
“Sorry boys but no. Now I need you both to leave.” We started walking back to the car.
“This doesn’t make any sense. Where could he be?”
“Well this is the right address though. Let’s just head back and tell the others.”
“Wait, I just need to check what’s inside.” I walked under the tape towards the house and Ri tried to call me back. Eventually he gave up and followed. We snuck into the back door when no one was looking.
The house had every light on and honestly, I felt like throwing up all over the floor. There was a puddle of blood and some dried blood on the floor. A thin line was on the wall, the other side of it had blood sliding down the white wall.
“Skyler did all this?” Ri asked. He held my hand.
“Can’t be. He’s too…soft to kill people.”
“Or is he? He did flip Young Bae onto his back that one time. He did beat up Crystal.”
“I just don’t want to believe it.”
We walked into a bedroom, Ri was holding tightly on my hand. This is definitely his room. His bed was made neatly, his clothes were in the drawers and he had Young Bae’s necklace on table next to his bed.
A table was turned over with pieces of glass beside it. Some drops of blood was scattered on the shards.
“There’s more to Skyler than we know. C’mon. We need to ask that Detective more about this Operation Silent Kids or whatever.” We walked out and heard voices and footsteps down the hall.
My eyes widened and I pushed us back into the room. Where to? No way out except…the window! I opened it and pushed Ri out gently. But I ran back at the last minute and took the necklace. Just as I slid out the policemen walked in.
~Seung Hyun POV~
“No fricking way!” Jiyong exclaimed.
“Are you sure? I mean it could have been the wrong address.”
“Then why was this there?” Daesung held up a necklace with a small ring on it.
“What’s that?”
“It’s the ring I bought him on his birthday.” We all turned and saw Young Bae walk in. He looked worse each day. He’s paler and had bags under his eyes.
“Where did you get this?” I gave him the ring.
“Don’t panic but…we think he’s missing.”
“What?!” he instantly stood up.
“Young Bae calm down.” Jiyong tired.
“How is he missing?”
“We don’t know. We had a phone call and went to meet him but he wasn’t there at all.”
Seungri desperately tried to explain about everything to him.
“I’m going to find him if it’s the last thing I do.” Young Bae ran out.
“Hello, may I come in?” it was different voice. Someone I knew.
“Hello Detective. Thanks for coming.” Detective Jonescame in but Young Bae left.
“I’ll go after him.” Daesung said. And of course Seungri followed.
“So what did you call me for?” he asked once he sat. Jiyong got up to get some water for the detective. 
“Remember when you said Skyler’s real name was Mark? And he was involved in some sort of mass kidnapping years ago? Well just a few hours ago we got a call from him and he was saying something about needing to leave and next thing we know he hanged up. Daesung and Seungri went to the address to pick him up but when they got there, cops were all over the neighborhood and there were two dead men. Both were stabbed and suddenly Skyler was missing and we know that because we have his ring that Young Bae gave him. I need you to tell me what you know so we can find him quickly. “
He looked at me but nodded. “As you know, the operation has been going since the 1980’s. And it’s still continuing. A man that goes by the name Zac is the leader. Many times have we tried to subdue but only have him slip away. Right now there are about 134,252 kids missing each day. He has a group of bodyguards and criminals who help him kidnap, kill and rob. The men who died at the house are probably two of the bodyguards or someone else. I have a theory but…no nevermind.”
“What? What is it?” Jiyong asked as he sat down.
Jones sighed and rubbed his face. "I think he had something to do with Mark’s disappearance. I think Mark escaped and Zac is afraid he’d spill his secrets. But then again Mark had lots of times to tell. I just don’t know why he hasn’t.”
“Maybe he was being blackmailed?” Jiyong suggested.
“No…maybe. But then who’s doing the blackmailing?”
I sighed. Too many what ifs and questions. “Wait is Daesung and Skyler really blood related then?”
“That’s true! I mean his name wasn’t Skyler so what if he doesn’t belong here.” Jiyong exclaimed.
“Do you really think he’d go into all the trouble in forging documents to become a famous idol’s family? Seems unlikely to me. Then again you have some crazy fans.”
“And why would he choose Daesung?”
“No Bunny.” I lightly pushed him, “Unless he really is related.”
Jiyong leaned back into me. “What are we going to do. SO many questions but no answers.”
~Young Bae’s POV~
Pick up Pick up Pick up! I yelled at the phone. There was a click. “Hello?”
“Zane! Skyler’s missing.”
“What?! How?”
“I don’t know but some men randomly came to get him and there were two dead bodies. I don’t know who though.”
“Well where could he be?”
“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you!”
“Well…oh .”
“I knew there was something wrong about him but this is too low. Even for him.”
“Who Zane?!”
“My brother…Zac.”
“You have a brother?”
“yeah. He left the family years ago and we never heard from him again. But now it adds up. He’s the kidnapper! The one who’s responsible for the mass kidnappings.”
“But if he’s the kidnapper then what does that have to do with Skyler? And if he’s with such a dangerous man…who knows what he’d do.”
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My longest chapter gonna be up later soo hope you'll like it and comment


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Pweaseeeeee update sooon x3
SkylerK34 #2
Hey Guyss. Since I had this sotry on hold can yew guys check out my other fanfic about Super Junior>>>>>>>
Babysitting Super Junior
SkylerK34 #3
This storybis officaly placed on Hold until I finish my other super junior fanfic
SkylerK34 #4
Chapter 37: Oh and guys. This wa my first fanfic so it elps for comments :) other than the usualy people (you know eho yew are)
But im not sure if i wanna finish this one. So Comment if i should pleasee
Also im thinking if doung a Super Junior one. Its probably has no romance but yeahh
Chapter 37: waaaa and NOW!?!
Chapter 36: OMG!! HE'S ZANE'S BROTHER!?!?! OOOH MY GOD! KEKEK xD Love it!
LovesAsianDrama #8
Chapter 33: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, UM HOW DID I GET INTO THIS HMMMM????? THANK YOU *90 DEGREE BOW* This made my morning and made me laugh. To see my line in there SMH. Now it's time for G.T.T.C.S.S.B.T. FIGHTING!!!! AND UPDATE SOON NEH
Chapter 33: Yes!!!!!! You updated :D i was waiting for so so so so so long XD Can't wait to find more and more :D it's getting so so intresting..and Ryan..who is this? and...there's so many questions...STUPID YB!!! Why are you doing this to little poor Skyler.
Chapter 1: New reader here~
Well you already knew that hehe
The beginning is so cute ^^