I'm Sorry Bae

You Light Up My World Like No Other.

~Narrator’s POV~

Young Bae tried many times to rehearse his song wedding dress but each time he tried his moves were out sequence, he danced the wrong songs and he looked paler. His choreographer was yelling at him for doing everything wrong but he barely acknowledged him.

Young Bae bowed and apologized then left the room, leaving everyone stunned at why he was acting this way. He lost his appetite since the day Skyler was gone and he was getting a fever from the seasonal change. Zane hadn’t called him ever since Skyler left.

Everyone tried to cheer him up but of course they wouldn’t understand.

Skyler on the other hand… now that’s a complete different story. Mark was trying to flirt with him but Skyler didn’t seem to care. Eventually Mark stopped but he still convinced him to eat daily. Skyler’s eyes were all red and swollen while he had dark bags under his eyes. His recent trend was made up of all black long sleeves. No one was allowed to touch him. He hasn’t been to work in a few days but they front desk lady was okay with it. She gave him another week to heal.

~Young Bae’s POV~

“Hyung, you need to eat.” Seungri tried to feed me a spoonful of soup. I was stuck on my bed since they insisted. I closed my eyes slowly and shook my head.

“I can’t.” suddenly he yanked my mouth open and pushed the hot steaming soup in.

“Seungri!” I was about to spit it out when he closed my mouth shut.

“Swallow.” I had no choice and swallowed. It felt like I was swallowing rocks.

He shook his head. “You are so whatever.” He was placed the bowl next to my bed. He stood up to leave but grabbed his arm and pulled him down. He lay on top of me. I had his wrists in front of my. My arms wrapped around his waist.

“Hyung, what are you doing?” Before he could get away I pressed my lips hard against his. He tried to pull back in protest but I had a tight grip. I bit his lip for entrance. He moaned but still pushed away.

“Don’t leave Angel. Please don’t.” a tear slid down my cheek.

Skyler had tears in his eyes. “I…I won’t.” I smiled. He lay next to me. I wrapped my arm around his waist and pulled him in close.


I woke up in the middle of the night feeling empty. I felt the bed next to me but there was no one. Where is he? Then I remembered, he was gone.

~Seungri’s POV~

(5 hours before)

When he fell asleep I slowly left the room. I leaned against the door and touched my lips. What the hell was going on with him? He’s hurting more than we can imagine. He even started to hallucinate.

I heard Dae come home. I helped him with the groceries and we started cooking shortly afterwards. We had fun, he joked around and I threatened him with a fish.

What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him right?

Then the doorbell rang. “I got it.” Seung Hyun went to get it. A moment later a man followed Seung Hyun.

“Hi. My name is Detective Jones. I’m from the States and there’s something you need to know.”

I glanced at Dae. “Sure. I’ll go call Jiyong.”


“What brings you here?” Jiyong asked.

“You guys recently had someone do a DNA testing didn’t you?” we nodded. “Well, the testing came out successful. Skyler is actually Mark Kang-Simms.

~Skyler’s POV~

The doorbell rang in the middle of the night. Why is someone here at this time?

“I’ll get it!” Mark yelled. I sat back down on the couch and flipped through the channels.

What’s taking him so long? Something’s wrong. I walked quietly to the hallway. Before I stepped out I saw multiple shadows. I quickly stepped back and jumped behind the couch. Burglars? Robbers? Nothing I can’t handle at least.

“When you find him, bring him to me alive.” A male’s voice crackled. My blood went cold. No, it can’t be. Why now?

“You heard the boss. Find him alive.”

“But that doesn’t mean we can’t scratch him up a bit.” A female’s voice this time. What is this? Some action movie?

There was a mirror along the wall. I saw them walk down the hallways to the bedrooms. Only three of them. The woman was dressed in all black while the other guys were casual and they had guns in their hands.

Since when did Zac hire these guys? As quietly as I could I went to the kitchen and took the phone off of the holder. I started dialing but the stupid phone started beeping.

“Did you guys hear that?” the female’s voice asked.

“Yeah. Go check it out.” I heard footsteps coming closer. I quickly hid beside the doorway.

Once her foot came into view, I swung my fist around the corner. It connected with her nose and she screamed in pain. Blood was pouring down from her nose. Before the other guys came I jumped over the kitchen table and opened the drawer full of knives.

“Flora what-“ I threw the knife and it connected with his arm. I threw another one and this time it hit his leg. Blood was running down his jeans and he passed out from the sudden loss. That’s two…where’s the other one?

Blood was pounding in my ears. Miraculously I heard the floor creak behind the wall. Slowly, I snuck up to it with a long sharp knife. Putting my ear against the wall I listen for any breathing…and there was. I shove the knife as hard as I could into the wall and I heard him grunt. I pulled it out with blood dripping on the end and his body slumped to the ground.

 I paused a few seconds before I regained my senses. Grabbing the phone I started running back to my room and picked my wallet out.

“Hello? Who’s this?”

“Dae! It’s me. Look it’s too long to explain but-“

“Skyler! Everyone he’s here!” I heard voices on the other line. They were arguing on who wanted to talk first.

“Shut up everyone.” I said in my sing song voice. “Look. I gotta get to you place soon so can you pick me up?”

“Sure.” Seung Hyun said.

“Thanks the address is______” I said. *(I couldn’t think of an address)*

I heard pieces of glass being stepped on behind me. I turned and swung my fist but I stopped before I hit Mark.

“Mark! Are you alright?” he didn’t look too back. Actually he didn’t have any scratches at all.

“What happen?” he looked tired.

“I remember I opened the door to some women, She said she was selling some flowers. I was going to buy you some. So I went out to get some and suddenly there were arms around my waist and something covering my mouth. Next thing I know I was on the ground.”

“Here stand up.” I helped him up and he struggled a bit to stand but he regained his balance. I turned around.

“We have to leave before the police show up and ask questions. I’ll explain on the way but-“ I didn’t get to finish when he tackled me against the wall. I grunted and he didn’t stop there. He grabbed me and literally threw me against a desk. Everything fell off as I slid on it. My head was slightly bruised.

Some shards of glass were stuck on my leg from the lamp. I turned my head as much as I could. Mark stood with his back turned against me. He had a phone to his ear.

“Yeah Boss. I got him…yes he’s alive.” I heard some voices on the phone. Mark turned towards me and smiled.

“Why Mark?”

He shrugged.” It’s my job. One thing first though, I’m not Mark. And you’re not Skyler. You’re Mark Kang-Simms.” He grinned devilishly and pulled out a small pistol.

“This won’t hurt a bit.” It wasn’t a bullet but a dart that flew out. It hit my neck. Slowly I lost consciousness. I’m so sorry Bae.

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My longest chapter gonna be up later soo hope you'll like it and comment


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Pweaseeeeee update sooon x3
SkylerK34 #2
Hey Guyss. Since I had this sotry on hold can yew guys check out my other fanfic about Super Junior>>>>>>>
Babysitting Super Junior
SkylerK34 #3
This storybis officaly placed on Hold until I finish my other super junior fanfic
SkylerK34 #4
Chapter 37: Oh and guys. This wa my first fanfic so it elps for comments :) other than the usualy people (you know eho yew are)
But im not sure if i wanna finish this one. So Comment if i should pleasee
Also im thinking if doung a Super Junior one. Its probably has no romance but yeahh
Chapter 37: waaaa and NOW!?!
Chapter 36: OMG!! HE'S ZANE'S BROTHER!?!?! OOOH MY GOD! KEKEK xD Love it!
LovesAsianDrama #8
Chapter 33: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, UM HOW DID I GET INTO THIS HMMMM????? THANK YOU *90 DEGREE BOW* This made my morning and made me laugh. To see my line in there SMH. Now it's time for G.T.T.C.S.S.B.T. FIGHTING!!!! AND UPDATE SOON NEH
Chapter 33: Yes!!!!!! You updated :D i was waiting for so so so so so long XD Can't wait to find more and more :D it's getting so so intresting..and Ryan..who is this? and...there's so many questions...STUPID YB!!! Why are you doing this to little poor Skyler.
Chapter 1: New reader here~
Well you already knew that hehe
The beginning is so cute ^^