Question time!!!

You Light Up My World Like No Other.

~Young Bae's POV~
What was Seung Hyun talking about? What happen to Skyler that we don't know about? Skyler walked in with a small bowl of hot soup. 
"I thought you'd be sleeping."
"At this time?" i scoffed.
"That's true." he helped me sit up and place a pillow for my back. He stood up, and with the bowl of soup, he sat down next to me.
"Open wide." he looked so cute when he's motherly...or fatherly?
"Since you're feeding me like a child, i'm gonna start the questions."
"What questions?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Well technically I'm sitting like a decent guy so i'm going to get to know you better. I'm sure you already know about me." i winked as he blushed.
"Where are you from?"
"California,San Diego."
"Really? So you were born in the US." he nodded as he fed me.
"How come you speak fluent Korean?"
"My mom taught me and also Daesung."
"I noticed you can't say your R's."
"I don't get it either. I was born in the US with a white father and Korean mother. I shouldn't have an accent at all. I can't pronounce anything correctly with er,or and ar. I sound stupid." i shook my head.
"It's what makes you special."
He blushed again."Eat your soup." then he shoved the spoon in my mouth.
"How come you're such an awesome cook?"
"I had to learn how to raise myself after my mom passed away because of cancer."
"I'm sorry."
"It's alright." he fed me again."Next question."
"How come you have purple eyes?"
"My mom's favorite color was purple so i got purple contacts." he smiled."Without them, i'm really blind. Just like how i was without my mom."
This went on for a while as i asked him questions. I found out he loved volleyball,he wanted to be a pediatrician,he had friends back home(i should plan a trip back for him) and that he plans on going to college. He's caring, sometimes shy, positive, thoughtful and loving. I laid down on his lap after i was done eating.
Now's the time for the big question."Skyler." 
"Yeah?" he was playing with my hair.
"I need you to answer truthfully okay?"
"Umm..i already have for the past thousand questions Young Bae."
"What...what happen to you two years ago?"
"What do you mean?"
"Daesung...warned me not to play with your feelings because something happened. "His expression darkened for a moment but it quickly disappeared.
"I don't know what you're talking about. I think my cousin is just trying to scare you." but nevertheless he got up and grabbed the bowl from the table. Jumping up, i grabbed his wrists and pulled him into an embrace.
"Please Skyler. What happen?"
His voice cracked."Let me go Young Bae."
"No. Not until you tell me."
"I promise you it's nothing. Don't worry about it." he turned around and faced me.
I looked deep into his eyes. He didn't want to talk about it and i shouldn't force him.
"Alright. I won't bother you about it." he smiled half-heartedly.
"Thank you Young Bae." he kissed me on the lips softly. I pulled back in surprise.
"That's the first time you kissed me first." he grinned and pulled away.

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My longest chapter gonna be up later soo hope you'll like it and comment


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Pweaseeeeee update sooon x3
SkylerK34 #2
Hey Guyss. Since I had this sotry on hold can yew guys check out my other fanfic about Super Junior>>>>>>>
Babysitting Super Junior
SkylerK34 #3
This storybis officaly placed on Hold until I finish my other super junior fanfic
SkylerK34 #4
Chapter 37: Oh and guys. This wa my first fanfic so it elps for comments :) other than the usualy people (you know eho yew are)
But im not sure if i wanna finish this one. So Comment if i should pleasee
Also im thinking if doung a Super Junior one. Its probably has no romance but yeahh
Chapter 37: waaaa and NOW!?!
Chapter 36: OMG!! HE'S ZANE'S BROTHER!?!?! OOOH MY GOD! KEKEK xD Love it!
LovesAsianDrama #8
Chapter 33: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, UM HOW DID I GET INTO THIS HMMMM????? THANK YOU *90 DEGREE BOW* This made my morning and made me laugh. To see my line in there SMH. Now it's time for G.T.T.C.S.S.B.T. FIGHTING!!!! AND UPDATE SOON NEH
Chapter 33: Yes!!!!!! You updated :D i was waiting for so so so so so long XD Can't wait to find more and more :D it's getting so so intresting..and Ryan..who is this? and...there's so many questions...STUPID YB!!! Why are you doing this to little poor Skyler.
Chapter 1: New reader here~
Well you already knew that hehe
The beginning is so cute ^^