
You Light Up My World Like No Other.
<4 months later>
~Skyler's POV~
I still can't believe how much time went by. I've been with Bae for about 4 months now. And he loves me. I never felt so loved before. I think. He was always there for me every second. He never stopped touching me and not like that. He always held my hand gently.
Whispers how he loves me at night and attempts to cook breakfast for me.
One time he tried to scramble the eggs,but he ended up burning them because he apparently forgot to put in oil. The others laughed but i thought it was sweet.
Right now,it was beginning of winter. It hasn't snowed yet but we're hoping. Everyone thought it would be nice to have one more picnic before it gets colder. Seung Hyun and Jiyong were setting the food on the blanket. Daesung and Seungri were bringing out those shelter tent thingies. Bae went to buy some food or something. Apparently i blanked out when he was leaving. 
"Hey Skye! Can you get the plates and stuff out of the trunk?"
"Sure!" i ran to the car. As i rummaged through the car a voice spoke.
"Skyler?" a chill ran up my spine. I shook my head. I'm just imagining things.
"Is it really you?" the person spoke in english. This time i felt a hand on my shoulder. Sadly, people don't learn. The person received the same reaction.
"Da ?" i almost brought my fist down when i saw him. I couldn't believe my eyes.
"Mind getting off of me?" Zane smiled. He still looked the same. Blonde spiked hair,his blue determined eyes and smooth pale skin.
My eyes grew cold. "What the hell are you doing here? You weren't done humiliating me that you actually followed me?"
"C'mon ba-"
"Call me baby and i swear i'll-"
"You'll what?" he challenged.
I growled and pulled us off."What do you want?"
"I loved you Skye. Always have and always will."
"Shut up. You're lying."
"No. Look,what i did was wrong but it was peer pressure. Now that we're out of high school-"
"You are. Not me."
"I know. But i feel like you should give me a chance."
"A chance? You're seriously asking for another chance? It was because of you that i forgot what day i was born. It was you who made me disowned. It was you who put me in so much pain for the last two fricking years. It was because of you that i couldn't fall in love again. And you expect another chance?" I yelled.
"Please Skyler. I still love you."
"Say what you want. But I don't love you."
"Shut up and quit the act. What are really here for? How did you get here and how did you know where i was?"
"Everyone heard you were leaving to Korea. And your father told me that you related to some famous person."
"Go home. And don't come back."
"What? I came all the way here and now you want me to leave?"
"I never asked you to come."
"Leave." i turned and saw Bae walking out of his car and few feet away. 
But then Zane grabbed my arm and spun me. He kissed me forcefully to show Bae.  I yanked back immediately but he held on. I kneed him hard and then spun myself. Before he could recover i back-kicked his face.
I turned and saw Bae running towards me.
"It's not what it looked like Bae. He did it to me willingly but i wasn't-" he shut me off with a kiss. 
"I know Angel. I saw." Bae glared at Zane as he got up.
"So this is the competition?"
"There is no competition."
"You ing !" he ran towards me. I tensed to ready a punch when Bae suddenly punched him first.
"Bae!" i was shocked. He never looked so angry.
"You touch him again I will end you." his english wasn't good but the message was obvious. 
Zane got up."This isn't over." 
As he walked away i yelled,"Oh and i ain't no ."
He glared and ran off.
"Thank you Bae. I love you." i gently kissed him.
"Anytime. What was he doing here?"
"He tried to get me back."
"The nerve." he tensed. 
"Don't worry Bae. It's over. Now let's go enjoy our picnic."
He nodded.
No one noticed what had happened but i put some ice on Bae's hand. Our picnic was so fun! We had these mini games to see who knew their partner the most.
Jiyong and Seung Hyun obviously won.
"How about i get to know you more tonight?" Bae whispered. I laughed and slapped him away.
Seungri's cooking made everyone full. Jiyong and Seung Hyun took a nap. Seungri and Daesung went to walk by the lake. Bae grabbed my hand. He led us to the park.
There was no one around so Bae kissed me hard and passionately.
We played around the park like little kids. I never seen him so happy before. 
He pushed me on the swings.
"Hey Angel?"
"Yes Bae?"
"I forgot to ask but..how did you end up with us?"
"I...was disowned. After the incident with Zane, the reason we moved was not really because i needed a new start but because my father wanted me to become a straight son. He thought that being gay was wrong. So after everything he tried such as getting my girlfriends,he failed and i ended up with Dae."
Bae stopped pushing me and was suddenly in front of me.
"Bae!" i jumped off the swings to avoid crashing him but he caught me and hugged me hard to his chest. I felt his heart beating.
"I love you Angel. On one hand, i'm thankful for his disowning you because no we're together."
"Thank you Bae."
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My longest chapter gonna be up later soo hope you'll like it and comment


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Pweaseeeeee update sooon x3
SkylerK34 #2
Hey Guyss. Since I had this sotry on hold can yew guys check out my other fanfic about Super Junior>>>>>>>
Babysitting Super Junior
SkylerK34 #3
This storybis officaly placed on Hold until I finish my other super junior fanfic
SkylerK34 #4
Chapter 37: Oh and guys. This wa my first fanfic so it elps for comments :) other than the usualy people (you know eho yew are)
But im not sure if i wanna finish this one. So Comment if i should pleasee
Also im thinking if doung a Super Junior one. Its probably has no romance but yeahh
Chapter 37: waaaa and NOW!?!
Chapter 36: OMG!! HE'S ZANE'S BROTHER!?!?! OOOH MY GOD! KEKEK xD Love it!
LovesAsianDrama #8
Chapter 33: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, UM HOW DID I GET INTO THIS HMMMM????? THANK YOU *90 DEGREE BOW* This made my morning and made me laugh. To see my line in there SMH. Now it's time for G.T.T.C.S.S.B.T. FIGHTING!!!! AND UPDATE SOON NEH
Chapter 33: Yes!!!!!! You updated :D i was waiting for so so so so so long XD Can't wait to find more and more :D it's getting so so intresting..and Ryan..who is this? and...there's so many questions...STUPID YB!!! Why are you doing this to little poor Skyler.
Chapter 1: New reader here~
Well you already knew that hehe
The beginning is so cute ^^