Mark Kang-Simms

You Light Up My World Like No Other.

~Seungri’s POV~

Hmm…nothing. Nothing. Nothing. Damn. Does he even have any kind of file? Mr.Yang was kind enough to go through the trouble of getting Skyler’s files from America. Turns out he had some friend who was a government official or something.

“Aish! Nothing about him!” I pushed the papers away from me. I rubbed my eyes. It’s only been two days. How can detectives do these things?

Just as I was about to give up, a file with bright red letters caught my eye. It read Classified. Why is this here? I opened the folder. OPERATION SILENT KIDS

I scanned the page and my eyes bugged out.

Start date: 1980-present.

Status: Extremely Classified.

Summary: Children of ages 3-12 are being kidnapped for unknown reasons around the world. New York City, San Diego, Hanoi, Seoul, Hong Kong and so on. Parents have reported of kidnappings in their own homes. Investigations have ceased because no one could solve who is the mastermind of all this. Why would they do such a thing? Blackmailing, revenge or ion? Not one child has been returned.

This is crazy. This is out of our league. I turned the page and there was some sort of list with names. Not just one paper, but at least 20 of them!

Alisa Sanchez

Rodrigo Garcia

Alexandra Udinov

Khang Nguyen

And so on. There were hundreds of kids. This is just too much. But I still turned the page. There was a picture of a little boy. He has blonde hair, big brown eyes and he looked so familiar.

Mark Kang-Simms- kidnapped at the age of 5 on New Years Eve with 17 other children.

DOB: August 23, 1991

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Height: 3’4”

Weight: 54 lbs

Features: Scars from a car accident at unknown age.

Mother: Kang Young-Soons (died of cancer)

Father: Jake Simms (remarried. Location unknown, status unknown)

The folder slid off of my hands since I was shaking too much. The last name of the mother was same as Dae. Surely it was just a coincidence. But it doesn’t add up since Skyler knows nothing about his past. Or is it because he’s actually lying to us? If we can get a DNA test then my theory is correct! On the back of the envelope was a Ziploc bag with strands of hair.

“Dae! Hyung! Hyung!”

I ran towards our dorm. “Guys!” I turned the handle and pushed. But it was a pull door so I hanged my forehead against the door.

“Guys! You’re not gonna believe this.” I quickly explained everything to them. They were shocked, then surprised but agreed to my plan.

“Alright, we just need to get some DNA from Skyler.”

“How are we gonna do that?”

“I got it!” Jiyong yelled and went back to his room. When he came out, he held a laptop. He typed in some web and Dae yelled next to me.

“Of course! iCloud! They have a transmitter in every iPhone.”

“But what’s his password and username?” Seung Hyun asked.

“We set that part up too.” I smirked. We all grinned. The computer was searching for a few seconds but then it blinked.

“He’s at…in the building?” What?

“Where exactly?”

“In the lobby.” We all ran out and down the stairs. Being too excited we didn’t use the elevator like smart people. But Skyler wasn’t anywhere to be seen. The front desk person came up to us.

He bowed in greeting and handed us Skyler’s phone.

“Argh! He knew of course.”

We all gloomily walked back up. I threw myself on the couch. Dae sighed and sat next to my head. I laid my head on his lap.

“You need a haircut soon.” He just said. I nodded.

“Wait..” I blinked. “Wait right there.” I ran to Young Bae’s room and saw Skyler’s pillow untouched. And there on the pillow, was a strand of hair!

“I got it guys!” I yelled once I went out to the living room. Everyone cheered. Please Skyler, just wait a little longer.

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My longest chapter gonna be up later soo hope you'll like it and comment


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Pweaseeeeee update sooon x3
SkylerK34 #2
Hey Guyss. Since I had this sotry on hold can yew guys check out my other fanfic about Super Junior>>>>>>>
Babysitting Super Junior
SkylerK34 #3
This storybis officaly placed on Hold until I finish my other super junior fanfic
SkylerK34 #4
Chapter 37: Oh and guys. This wa my first fanfic so it elps for comments :) other than the usualy people (you know eho yew are)
But im not sure if i wanna finish this one. So Comment if i should pleasee
Also im thinking if doung a Super Junior one. Its probably has no romance but yeahh
Chapter 37: waaaa and NOW!?!
Chapter 36: OMG!! HE'S ZANE'S BROTHER!?!?! OOOH MY GOD! KEKEK xD Love it!
LovesAsianDrama #8
Chapter 33: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, UM HOW DID I GET INTO THIS HMMMM????? THANK YOU *90 DEGREE BOW* This made my morning and made me laugh. To see my line in there SMH. Now it's time for G.T.T.C.S.S.B.T. FIGHTING!!!! AND UPDATE SOON NEH
Chapter 33: Yes!!!!!! You updated :D i was waiting for so so so so so long XD Can't wait to find more and more :D it's getting so so intresting..and Ryan..who is this? and...there's so many questions...STUPID YB!!! Why are you doing this to little poor Skyler.
Chapter 1: New reader here~
Well you already knew that hehe
The beginning is so cute ^^