A walk in the woods

What is Love

One bright morning Jiyeon woke up from the right side of her bed. She happily skipped out from her bed and completed her morning essentials with a new vigor. She chose her dress carefully and treated herself to the heartiest breakfast she had made in the last week.

She didn't know why but she was just so happy. It just came from the inside part of her. Maybe it was because the sun was shining so brightly or maybe it was because the birds were chirping so beautifully.

Why am I like this today?


Aish! Why ponder over something so meaningless? Let's just enjoy the day as it comes.

Other people could see it too.

That light spring in her step, her brighter than usual smile and that cheerful twinkle in her eyes.

So when she greeted them with that lively smile on her face, they waved back at her even livelier than before.

She couldn't exactly put her finger on it. It was as if she was waiting for something good to happen. And in the process of waitng for it to happen, she herself was feeling good already.

"Morning Su Ji! Morning Ann J!" Jiyeon chirped to her dongsaengs as she entered the locker room.

"Good morning unnie!" Both of then greeted her back.

"What's it with you today, unnie?" Ann J asked.

"Wae, what's wrong?" Jiyeon questioned back.

"Mmmm, you seem really happy today."

Jiyeon laughed.

"Is it bad to seem really happy now and then!"

"Aniya, Ann J is right. Something's different about your mood today.What is it?" Su Ji asked eagerly.

"Mmm! New haircolor?" Ann J asked.

Su Ji tsked.

"New dress?" Su Ji applied hopefully.

Ann J tsked.

"New shoes?"


"Nothing new?" Ann J pouted.

Jiyeon only looked at both of them questioningly.

"Ah matta!" Su Ji finally exclaimed.

"Since it's nothing new and yet you're still so happy, I know what it is?"

Both Ann J and Jiyeon stared at her.

"Namja! You have a guy in your life!" Su Ji pinpointed.

"Wah!" Ann J gushed out.

"Unnie, chukkahe!"

"YAH YAH YAH! Just because I kept quiet how can you two keep on going making around such false speculations, eh? Is it something that big to wonder about being so happy?"

"Ani! But you really seem happy today. I mean like so happy that you can't contain it inside of you and are ready to burst out any moment!" Ann J gushed.

"Mmm, I agree with what she said."

Jiyeon could only let out a hearty laugh.

"Really, I look like that. Then something must be really wrong with me."

They burst out into more laughter and quickly moved on to their way to patient's rooms.

On the way something suddenly went off in Jiyeon's head. She abruptly halted. Her stop made the other two look back at her.

"What's the matter? Aren't you coming?" Su Ji inquired.

"Ani! I just remembered something. You guys go ahead. I'll catch up with you later."

With that she sped off like the bullet in the opposite direction.

"What's wrong with her?"

She looked through the glass door to find her patient staring out at the woods. Again.

She let a small smile grace her lips and pushed open the door.

"Morning! How are you feeling today?"

Kris didn't bother to turn around to look who'd visited him. So in turn he just nodded.

Having been around Kris for a few months Jiyeon successfully translated it into, "Morning! Fine."

She walked upto him with that light spring still in her step and sat down beside him.

"Looking out at the woods again?"

Kris hmmed.

"Ever been out there."

Kris chuckled.

He slightly shifted his head to look at her. "I'm a mental. A bit loose in the head. You think they've got an even looser screw than mine letting someone like me wonder all alone out there?"

Jiyeon only managed a smile.

"So that means you've never been there." Jiyeon concluded.

"Have you ever wondered what it must be like out there?"

One of the corners of Kris's mouth lightly tilted up.

"Countless times."

Jiyeon got up from her seat and fished around for something in her pocket.

Kris didn't bother looking at her, minding his own business that was until he felt something cool and soft slide over his eyes.

His chest tightened. It started feeling as if there were bands of steel around his chest constricting his breath. He panicked raising his hands upto his eyes to feel the silky fabric. To say he was alarmed would be an understatement. The darkness, it brought out all those ugly memories from the past as a fast rewind.

His breathing started to get heavy and he was trying desperately to rip the fabric that was blocking his vision. His mind was a jumbled state of nerves. One he was sure, he wouldn't be able to handle.

Until he felt a light touch on his arm.

A soothing voice gently whispered, "Relax. It's me."

"Jiyeon." His voice came out, a mere whisper.

"I have a suprise for you." He could hear the smile in her voice.

Don't suprise me like this.

But he was reassured, that it was her, not those hideous flashes that just scarred his memory back a while ago.

"Why did you have to blindfold me?"

Seriously, Jiyeon had pondered about it a lot. Should she cover his eyes with her own hands or should she just blindfold him? It had given her quite a headache. She'd wanted to use her own hands. She wanted to know how sharp his nose felt or how exactly thick his lashes were. But then she remembered how far away the suprise was and it exactly wouldn't look right if she was to use her hands. She would be tipteoing all the way given Kris's monstrous height and her undersized one.

"Cause it's necessary. If you just saw it then it would no longer be a suprise." She poked his cheek while saying so.

"Yah, did you just poke my cheek?" Kris asked, incredulity clear in his voice.

"So what if I did?" Kris could already imagine her with her hands on her hips and face jut out forward in what she considered her tough act.

"Yah, you've really grown a spine. Just because my eyes are covered, that doesn't mean I can't get back at you?"

"Oh really? What to do? It seems that will have to wait for it later. For now, come with me. Your suprise is waitng!"

She put her hands around his arms and jostled him up. She gently placed her hand on his elbow with the other one on his back and slowly guided him out from the room.

In all honesty, Kris felt like a lamb. Not the ones that are slaughtered or sacrificed but those that have a shepherd. Just like those lambs who knew that if they followed their shepherd, he'd steer them nicely to a safe place.

And that's what it felt like at the moment. If he'd just follow what Jiyeon was guiding him towards to, he'd really like the safe place she chose for him. And so, he let himself be led.

Concentrating on the warmth her small hand provided, the gentle tugs the one resting on his elbow made, they were soon out from the building.

Kris could clearly feel it in the air. The freedom it smelled of, the warmth slowly spreading all over his skin, the quickening pace of his heart. It clearly spoke only one thing "He was out from the institute."

"Don't you dare think of making a run for it. I may not look like it but I'm pretty good at taekwondo."

Kris smirked. Even though all he could see was black, he clearly saw her in his mind with her eyebrows lightly scrunched and eyes squinted daring him to go against what she just said. Had it been the first day of their meeting he would have scoffed at her. But since he knew her a bit well now, he knew she wasn't joking when her pretty features were arranged like that.

But stiill, she looks cute with that face.

"Arasso. I don't want to miss this suprise either."

Having heard that, Jiyeon was back to her normal self. That small smile grazing her lips again, eyes twinkling so prettily with that shy air hanging around her.

If anyone had see them at that moment, it would have looked like an angel from heaven guiding a mere mortal who'd lost his vision.

"This way." She whispered.

As the minutes passed, the air around them started getting thicker and heavier. It smelled strongly of nature. Like the rough bark of a tree with branches hanging drowsily with hints of dewdrops still fresh on their leaves.

It couldn't be.

Just then, he heard a rustle of leaves.

The knot on the blindfold lossened and smoothly slid down his face.

When he opened his eyes, he thought they were deceiving him. He whirled around trying to take in the familiar yet completely new surrounding.

Indeed, he was in the woods. That very same woods he'd always looked at for 11 years but could never visit it no matter how hard he desired it.

His expression must have looked like a child getting treated to an ice-cream after being sick for days cause when he looked at Jiyeon, she giggled.

"Aigoo, uri Kris. Do you like this suprise that much? Aigoo!" With that she pinched his cheeks.

"How did you...." He couldn't finish his sentence.

"Let's just say I have my ways." Jiyeon winked.

Seeing Kris still had that dumbfounded expression on his face, Jiyeon pinched his cheeks again.

"Come on. Don't you want to explore the woods? We haven't got all day." With that Jiyeon walked up ahead.

Smiling, Kris jogged up to her.

"Race you, last one to reach that birch tree is a smelly loser." And before she knew it, he was off.

"Yah, wait! I haven't even agreed to it." Despite having said that, Jiyeon still ran as fast as she could trying to catch up to him.

The whole day turned out to be a real fun. Seriously Jiyeon couldn't even remember when was the last time she felt so happy just walking around the woods and talking to one's patient.

Kris kept on pointing out at trees he knew, how long it had been there and how he'd seen those young saplings grow into such strong trees. He kept on providing her information about what they could be used for and the significance each one held.

"Waah! How do you know so much about them?" Jiyeon asked, clearly amazed at the vast knowledge he had about them.

"Since I was not allowed to go outside, I read books about them."

They spent more time quietly walking, enjoying the view around them.

"How did you manage to do this?" Kris asked again.

"I told you, I have my ways."

When Kris didn't look pleased with the answer, Jiyeon sighed.

"It's all thanks to you actually. You know that?" Jiyeon told him.

Befuddled Kris only raised one of his brows.

"Mmmm, since our Kris has been so lenient on the staffs lately not giving them any trouble, they have started to think that maybe your medication is working. And I told them if a change in environment is what you'll need for a while, why not take the chances. And so they agreed!"

Jiyeon twirled around finishing her words.

When she looked up, she found him still staring at her.

"Bwoyah? I just told you, didn't I? So stop staring!" She looked away before she gave herself away by blushing madly.


"Uh!" She looked up.

"Why? Why'd you bother?" His question sounded so fragile it almost made her sad.

But she smiled.

"I don't know. Since I woke up this morning, I've been feeling so happy. I don't know why but I just am. And so I wanted to share this bundle of joy with someone. Lucky you." She pointed her finger at him while saying so.

When she looked up to gaze at his eyes, time stopped.




Was that his heart just now?

At that exact moment, she looked like a fairy tale. Something one only got to read about, hear about but one that no one ever got to witness.

And so he smiled.

He slowly walked up to her, closing the distance between them.

Jiyeon only watched him, curious as to what he was about to do.

He slowly bent down and gently placed a kiss on her cheek. Almost near to her lips.

"That's for poking my cheek earlier."

And then he walked ahead, leaving her behind.

Befuddled, she slowly put her hand at the place he just kissed.

"Pabo, I poked you on your left cheek, not right."

Still she smiled.

"You're welcome, Wu Fan."

Oh, I'm done. Seriously I had fun writing this chappie! Also the chapter may not relate quite as much to the title since there's only a little of the woods part included and sorry for the lame fluff! Anyways enjoy!

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ok shoot those updating in every 5 days part, can't do it. But it will be a double update this time so YAY!!!


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jiyeonyesung #1
Chapter 13: ıt was different and i like it but you didn't finish your story:(
myungji_luv #2
Chapter 13: so sad, the story is amazing though, why dun u have a co - author to continue this wonderful fic :w
berryberry96 #3
Chapter 13: i will still subscribe! just to show you that the story is beautiful, and i fell in love with it <3
theeastsea #4
Chapter 13: :(
T-araNation #5
Chapter 13: this is the best Krisyeon story I'd ever read... Plz don't delect it... I've wait for it like day by day for you to update. This is really interesting story.... D; I can have an co-author to continue though...
T-araNation #6
Chapter 13: noooooooooooooo.....I love this story :(
asianstorylover #7
Chapter 13: !!!!!!T-T I was sooooo happy to c u update... But it turns out tht ur planning on discontinuing it....T-T !!!Y!!!.... I totally respect ur decision but can u at least put it on auction or hve ppl to audition to write the story instead of u deleting it .. Oh u can hve a partner .. Idk but plz don't delete it.. I hve always been waiting for te fic to come out.. Ad when it finally does .. It brings a smile on my face... Hehe ikr it's just a story .. But a story tht interest me.. So can u not delete it.., and get someone else to continue for u??.. Only if u want to.. But yeah.. I totally respect ur decision.. But plz don't delete it!!>.<
This was my favorite story of kris and Jiyeon I really hope you will write another one!
Chapter 13: Aw I'm sad you are discontinuing it but I do hope that you will write another story about Jiyeon :D
Chapter 13: NOOOOOO don't remove it !
It take you long enough to update all this 12 chapter and now you're giving up >.< It's quiet sad to hear ! I hope you can leave it like this or leave it on hiatus but don't delete it please :(
Hope you can understand you subs and silent reader !