
Maybe I misunderstood

Authors note: SORRY!! SORRY! SORRY! I am SOOO sorry for not writing for such a long time!! I have been having a hectic life -____- school and family events and what not!! But I am back!! As always comments and critique are appreciated!! It's what keeps me writing!! ANND soon I will be starting a YooSu Fanfic! :D please support me on that as well!!!! Anyway....back to our story (now let's see...where was I......Oh! I remembers ^_^) just kidding ;P


Zhou Mi reached out to grab Kyuhyun, attempting to be a hero for the man he loved. But to no avail. His attempt at "helping" only lead to both of them rolling down the stairs,small cries of pain escaping between their lips. When they hit the bottom Zhou Mi immediately sat up and faced his friend. "Kyu are you okay!?" Worry filled his tone.

Kyuhyun winced at the pain he was feeling in his arm, but he refused to let Zhou Mi know he was injured. "Yeah, Im fine. Babo, why did you grab onto me? Did you hurt yourself?" Kyuhyun started to thoroughly inspect Zhou Mi's body for injury. 

Zhou Mi flushed at the attention. "My head hurts a tiny bit , but I will be fine." He let out a weak smile, his head really did hurt. No, it didn't hurt it was throbbing with pain.

Kyuhyun sighed and leaned back against the wall looking up angrily at the stairs, his brow knitted. "Those stairs have something against me." Zhou Mi looked up at the stairs then at Kyuhyun confused. "Umm....hmm?"

Kyuhyun laughed lightly. "Do you remember when you fist became a member of Super Junior? I was showing you around, and we were going up to the roof when I slipped and fell? Then there was that other time I was taking that girl up here...what was her name...hmm..anyway I tripped then too!"

Zhou Mi grinned remembering how much Kyuhyun had cursed that day "Yeah, I remember that. I also remember that you kicked one of the stairs in anger and ended up hurting your toe."

Kyuhyun stuck his tongue out at the stairs. Suddenly a silence surrounded the boys as Kyuhyun was reminiscing and Zhou Mi was too afraid to say what was on his mind. 

Finally, after a minute of silence Zhou Mi spoke.

"You know, Kyu....I...I like being your only friend." He grabbed his arm and locked his eyes onto the ground.

Kyuhyun snapped back to reality and turned to Zhou Mi. "Who says you're my ONLY friend" He hissed, a dark cloud forming around him.

Zhou Mi knew that Kyuhyun had the others members of Super Junior, they would always be there for him, he was after all their loving, adorable, sly, sarcastic, evil Maknae...but Zhou Mi also knew that kyuhyun had trouble keeping other people as his friends. He was not very polite to strangers and would sometimes let his tongue get away with him (I.e. speak before thinking). 

'He must have been really lonely before he got into entertainment.' Zhou Mi loved Kyuhyun more then anything in the world, Kyuhyun was a treasure to him and he was afraid that if Kyu made any more friends, then those people would also start to recognize what kind of a treasure he was.

"I didn't say that Kyu. It's just...being able to hang out with you so much makes me feel special." Zhou Mi gave Kyuhyun his cutest smiley face. But Kyuhyun took What Zhou mi meant as a compliment, the other way.

"What do you mean you feel "Special"? Like your so great for being my friend. You are special because noone else will befriend me, but you did because your such a great person?"Zhou Mi opened his mouth but closed it again as he saw Kyuhyun wince in pain as he stood up. "Im outta here." 

"Kyu....thats not what I meant...I....that was...." But kyuhyun had already gathered his belongings into his backpack and left.

"Geez...could the guy be any more disrespectful?" Zhou Mi muttered to himself. Oh wait, he could be.


Kyuhyun grumbled to himself as he made his way to the nurses office, his wrist screaming in agony. "Umm nurse." She looked up and saw Kyuhyun holding his wrist his mouth in a thin line as he held back the urge to cry. "Omo! Kyuhyun dear what happened!?!?!?" She grabbed some ice in a bag and gave it to him, then she reached for the phone. 

"Erm...who are you calling?" Kyuhyun was afraid of the answer. "I am calling your Hyung Leeteuk!" 'Nooooo not him...he babies me too much' Kyuhyun knew it was too late to stop the nurse however, so he silently sat on the bed and awaited Leeteuks arrival. 

Well, Leeteuk came, so did Ryeowook, Heechul, Siwon, Donghae and Eunhyuk. All of their faces were filled with worry. "My Poor Kyuhyun! Are you okay!?!?!" Leeteuk raced to Kyuhyun and gave him a big squeeze, Kyuhyun hissed under his breath. 

"Why are all of you here? I thought only Leeteuk was coming.."

Donghae shrugged his shoulders, "You know how Leeteuk is, he texted all of us, telling us you were dying...and we....well...." He scratched his head, debating whether to say one of two things: 1. we were worried, ever since the car accident we are really protective and thankful you are with us today. or 2. We cant believe we actually listened to him, I was enjoying some leisure time too...damn him!

 But Donghae decided not to speak, as Kyuhyun would probably not be thankful for either of those comments.

Eunhyuk did the speaking for him. "We were worried are after all our baby!" Eunhyuk then ruffled Kyuhyuns hair and grinned.

Kyuhyun pulled away from eunhyuk's grip and looked around the room. "Well, how come not everybody came?"

Leeteuk laughed and pulled Kyuhyun into a hug. "Kyu, mommy only had so much texting time in running to get here.....there was this group of fan girls..," Leeteuk shuddered remembering how as soon as he had heard Kyuhyun was injured he had taken off forgetting to wear a disguise.

Amidst running he noticed a few girls started to follow him yelling his name...soon those few became like twenty. He did not have time to sign anything for them or give them proper attention so as he ran trying to evade them he had shouted. "MIANE!!! I will make this up to you!!!" Before successfully evading them.

"But if Heechul and Siwon are here...then...where is Zhou Mi?" Kyuhyun realized that right now he was pissed at Zhou Mi, but he couldn't help but want him here.

Leeteuk shrugged, he was sure he had sent Zhou Mi a text. "I nurse what's the verdict?" Leeteuk and the rest of the members turned their full attention to the nurse.

"He only has a sprained wrist and also a LOT of bruises on his arm...Kyuhyun are you being bullied?" Kyuhyun smirked.

"Yes, I am..." He sighed heavily and Leeteuk let out a cry of anger. "Who has been bullying my Kyuhyun!? I will make them PAY!" 

Kyuhyun stood up and pointed out of the nurses office. "Come Leeteuk I will show you who has been bullying me so that you may destroy them." Leeteuk nodded and all of the members of Super Junior started tromping through the halls, small glares on their faces ignoring the nurses suggestion that they consult the principal instead of taking matters into their own hands.

Super Junior Stuck together and the were ready to take on Kyuhyuns bullies, in fact Donghae had been crackiong his knuckles the entire walk. Finally they went through a door and stopped at some stairs.

The members of Super Junior looked around. "Umm.....where are the bullies?" Kyuhyun pointed "Right in front of your faces!!" The members were confused..there was nobody there, just some stairs and....oh dear lord please let this be a joke. Siwon rubbed his forehead. "The stairs Kyuhyun, really?" 

Kyuhyun glared a Siwon, then he turned to Leeteuk. "Leeteuk you believe me right!? It's these stairs they always trip me!!!" he whined and gave Leeteuk his, Im the youngest please love me face, it never failed to work on Leeteuk.

"Yeah, i believe you...but uh...what do you want me to do to stairs....??"Kyuhyun grinned "Destroy them."


After Kyuhyun had left Zhou Mi had stood up only to be feeling extremely dizzy, he gripped the wall. 'How could I be more hurt then Kyuhyun, who fell the whole way?' Zhou Mi was not a very strong person, but his personality was always bright. He looked up the stairs and put his hand to his forehead. The dizziness did not seem to be fading.

Maybe I should go see a doctor mm....he opened the door and began to walk down the hall, feeling light headed and weak. After a couple minutes of this his phone vibrated. It read: OUR PRECIOUS KYUHYUN IS DYING!! MEET ME AT THE NURSES OFFICE AT ------- ACADEMY!! NOWW!!!!!!!!!! POOR KYUHYUNNIEEEEEE AY!!!!

Zhou MI fixated his gaze on the screen. Kyuhyun...dying? He told me he wasn't injured......A battle raged on in Zhou Mi's mind...he was uncertain. To see Kyuhyun or not to see him? 

'If he told me he was fine, then obviously he is too mad at me to want me to see him..'..Zhou Mi sighed and wiped at his eyes trying to avoid the tears. He hated it when Kyuhyun was mad at him, he liked the Kyuhyun that would laugh and when he was playing his video games.

Zhou Mi remembered once, he came in on kyuhyun winning a game, he had been so vibrant. "AHA! I got you ER!! Take that! and THAT! ooh and THAT!! Haiyaaa!!!!!!" and Kyuhyun had hit his hand on his computer keyboard letting out a cry as he realized he had pressed the windows butten which had closed the game. "NOOOO!!!!!DAMN YOU COMPUTER I HATE YOU!!!...NO...I LOVE YOU!!PLEASE BRING MY GAME BACK!!!!!" 

Kyuhyun had acted like suh a child that day it made Zhou Mi smile. But he knew, the best thing to do when Kyuhyun was mad at you, was to simply give him time to cool off. As much as he was worried about Kyuhyun he would refrain form seeing least until dinner.


Authors note:

Soooo How am I doing? Is this story interesting enough for you? ^___^ I am trying REALLY HARD to make it interesting, funny, and to build my characters!!!!!!!! :D I LOVE LEETEUK don't you guys (Ima miss him when he goes into Army :( TT_TT) Please COMMENT!! I would LOVE to hear from you guys!!!!!!!!  Hmm...wonder whats wrong with Mimi Oppa :)...........

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DrumRolls #1
cool!! eat that Sooman! (?) XDD
almost end? O-O omo, will miss this :/
litobbear #2
plz tell me its going to be sichul in the end!! T_T
DrumRolls #3
yeah, it's a nice song! ^__^
omo, too much misunderstanding here ;~;
poor both, oh gees, Hee-ah, what have you done?! >_<
and fortunately that detective-fan decided to not post it to public! I'm gonna enter my laptop and chocked her to death is it ever happen (?) LOL XDD
DrumRolls #4
poor Kyu bear and poor Teukie umma ;~;
omo, Kyuuuu don't quit ;~; Teukie umma didn't mean it, okayyy?
everyone is miserable, I'm miserable too here ;~;