Chapter 2

Destiny's Game (Season 2)

Chapter 2:

            “TaeMin ah…always do good okay? I’ll be watching over you still so don’t worry. Just call me if you have any problems.” YiBum said and broke the hug. “MinHo ah.” YiBum said. “Hyung.” MinHo said as he hugged him. He wasn’t crying as he understood well. “You always stay watch of your hyungs and the maknae okay? I’m counting on you and your hyungs. Always do your best.” YiBum said. “De hyung. I will.” MinHo said. “Well then this is goodbye. SHINee fighting!” YiBum said with a broad smile. SHINee smiled back and waved goodbye. “Fighting!” they said. They watched him go into a taxi and ride off. Their new manager was watching them by the side.

            “SHINee.” Their new manager names Han YoonDuk said. “Annyeong hasaeyo we are SHINee.” They greeted their new manager despite them tearing up and all. “Annyeong hasayeo my name is Han YoonDuk. I’ll be your manager from here on.” YoonDuk said. “How about going up to your dorm and relax for a bit before going to rehearsals?” he added. “Ah, hyung. It’s okay. We’re fine.” Onew said and wiped his tears. “Let’s go SHINee! Fighting!” Onew said. “Fighting!” the others followed. After some minor preparations they were ready to go.

            Despite losing another family member the SHINee family still showed a happy and okay image to everyone else that they met. For the sake of YiBum they’re doing their best on what they’re doing. They happily welcomed a new addition to their family which was YoonDuk but there was still something missing. SHINee finished rehearsals around 11 pm. because they were preparing for their comeback stage at MCountdown the next day. They were nervous and excited at the same time. They went back to their dorms and after some members finished taking a shower and eating some snacks they all gathered at the living room.

            Their new manager hit the sacks before them. It was understandable. SHINee was the first group who was under him and it was his first time to actually stay that late at night awake at another place. “I guess it’s a new start.” Key said. “Yeah it is. Let’s continue to do our best for our loved ones. Our parents, relatives, fans, YiBum hyung, and AeLin. Let’s give them all we’ve got tomorrow on MCountdown.” Onew said. “Yeah!” they all said. Then all of a sudden Key’s phone rang.

            “Huh? Who is this again?” Key said as he saw who was calling. “Hello?” Key answered. “Hello? Oppa!” the other line said. “Huh? Who is this?” Key replied. “Sorry for hanging up on you last time. Unnie called me for something.” The other line said. “Hello? Is this a fan? I’m sorry but I don’t know your name…and…where did you get my number?” Key said. “Oppa! It’s me…AeLin.” The other line said. Key was speechless at first not knowing what to say. “Ha? AeLin?!” Key replied. “De oppa. It’s me…AeLin!” the other line said.

            Then he put it in speaker mode so the others can hear. “Is this really AeLin? Prove it to us.” Key said. “Oppa, don’t you recognize my voice? It’s still the same.” The caller said. “She sure does sound a lot like AeLin.” MinHo said. “That’s not enough to prove that you’re really her.” Key said. “Okay…uhm…how can I convince you that I’m really AeLin…ah! Now I know! The birthmark on my hand! You know that one that can’t be seen by others because it’s usually covered with make-up. I didn’t want it to be covered at first because it was like my highlight but they forced me to. Remember that?” the caller explained.

            “Hmm…AeLin and us are the only ones who know that secret.” Onew said. “Which hand was the birthmark placed?” Key said. “The right hand.” “And what finger is it aligned to?” “It’s at the upper left of my hand aligned to the pointing finger.” She answered. “Uwah. AeLin ah!” Key said now convinced. “Oppa!” she replied. “It’s really AeLin!” JongHyun said. “Why is your number different?” Key said. “I had to change my number because a lot of people here have been getting it.” AeLin said. “Oppa, how are you doing?” she added. “AeLin ah, we’re doing fine. How about you? It’s been a while!” Onew said.

            “I’m sorry I wasn’t able to call you guys before. I became very busy that I didn’t even have time to sleep and eat.” AeLin said. “Aww…it’s okay. We’ve missed you so much.” Key said. “I’ve missed you too.” AeLin said. “So, how’s everybody doing?” she added. “Guess what, I released my first ever solo album 4 months ago. It was sure daebak!” JongHyun said.

            “Ah! For sure it was JongHyun oppa! I feel so sad that I didn’t get updated on that. I will definitely buy your CD!” AeLin said. “AeLin ah, I’ve been offered a role in another variety show.” Key said. “Ahh…congratulations Key oppa. Do good in variety okay? And be the diva that you are.”AeLin said joking. “AeLin ah, I and your MinHo oppa has been offered a role in a drama to start late this year.” Onew said. “A drama? Wow! You’re really doing your best! I will be looking forward to that drama.” AeLin said. “MinHo oppa. Are you doing well?” she added.

            “De AeLin. I’m doing fine. Don’t worry about me.” He looked at TaeMin while saying those words. “Ahh…I’m glad everybody is doing fine! You’ve been getting the best of it there huh? Haha. That’s good!” AeLin said. TaeMin stayed silent. He didn’t say a word and AeLin didn’t even mention his name. They kept on talking to each other more. “Ah! Before I hang up…uhm…TaeMin.” AeLin said. They all looked at him and Key handed him his phone.

            TaeMin was hesitant to get the phone but JongHyun took out his hand and placed the phone there. “Take it.” JongHyun said. TaeMin took it and looked at it for a while. “Hello? TaeMin?” AeLin said. Hearing her voice he paused for a while. He took a slight deep breath and answered. “Ya. How can you just call me TaeMin? Haven’t you learned respect while in Japan?” TaeMin said. “Ah, sorry. Oppa.” AeLin answered. He was surprised. AeLin will never say that just like that.

            “Sorry TaeMin oppa. How are you doing?” AeLin said. “Huh, uhm…well…I’m just…uhm…well…I’m doing fine; Nothing new.” TaeMin answered. The members looked frustrated over his answer but left it to him. “Ahh…I hope you get more offers oppa. I’ll be looking forward to your future plans.” AeLin said. “Ah…uhm. De.” he replied and handed the phone back to Key. “Ah, hello, AeLin. It’s Key again.” Key said. “Ah oppa. I need to go now. I will be calling you again when I have time okay? Bye!” AeLin said. “Ah, okay! Good luck on your work there and take care always!” Key said.

            Then he hung up. “So it was AeLin all along.” JongHyun said. “It’s good that she called after a long while.” Onew said. “It’s good to hear from her again.” Key added. “She didn’t forget us.” MinHo said and looked at TaeMin. TaeMin didn’t say anything and just stayed as he was. “Come on guys let’s go to bed. It’s a big day tomorrow.” Onew said. “De.” they replied. They stood up and closed the lights. They went to their bedroom and slept. Hours later everybody was asleep besides TaeMin. “That girl really.” He thought. “How can she say oppa that easily? That girl…aish!” then he just tried to sleep.

            The next day was their big day. They woke up early and went to the studio to rehearse. “Guys, let’s do this.” Key said. “Yeah let’s do it!” TaeMin said. “1, 2, 3…SHINee fighting!” Onew said before going onstage for their general rehearsals. Hours later it was time for their actual performance. Fans are gathering at their seats anticipating their comeback. And of course the other singers are dressing up as well. They were nervous despite having to do the comeback a lot of times before.

            For them it would always be a new experience no matter how long they’ve stayed in the industry. “For the fans, YiBum hyung, our company, relatives and family; and let’s not forget AeLin, let’s make this the best comeback ever!” Onew said. “Fighting!” they all said before going on stage for the actual performance. When they went out to the public eye all was in anticipation. Fans were screaming their names anticipating the start of their song.

            With them in their minds and with all the others they did their best in their comeback. “For them…” “For umma and appa…” “For my friends in school and in my neighbourhood…” “For my relatives who are counting on me…” “For YiBum hyung and the agency…” “For AeLin…” “We will do our best for all of you guys!!” they thought as they performed.

            “Hyung! Are you awake?” A familiar voice said. “Huh?” Onew said as he slowly opened his eyes and was blinded by a gleaming light. “Hyung, hyung!” saying these words he saw MinHo. “Hyung, are you awake?” he said once more. In the background he can hear the air conditioner and the sound of the television. As he got a clear sight of where he was he gave a confused face. “Where am I?” Onew said. In the background he saw TaeMin and JongHyun watching TV. Then he saw Key pass by.

            “Hyung, you don’t remember?” MinHo said. “Remember what?” Onew said. “You know yesterday when you passed out and hit yourself in the head.” MinHo replied. “He’s awake?” Key appeared and went to him. “Really? I did?” Onew replied. “Hyung ah, they said you had some kinds of disease.” JongHyun said. “Disease?” he thought and felt his adrenalin rush. “Where am I?” Onew said. “At the hospital.” Key said. “Go to sleep hyung. Don’t strain yourself.” MinHo said. “What kind of disease do I have?” Onew said rather frantic. “Hyung, go to sleep please. You don’t need to know.” JongHyun said.

            “No! No way! I won’t rest until you tell me!” Onew said. Then he went on frenzy and kept on shouting no. “Hyung! WAKE UP!!!” that finally woke him up. He had a sudden bolt of lightning going through his whole body. “Hyung, are you okay? You’ve been saying no for almost a minute now.” TaeMin said. “Oh…it was just a dream.” He thought and put his hand over his chest. “It’s time to eat. Hurry up we still have a schedule.” TaeMin said. “Ah…okay I’ll be right there.” Onew said and paused for a while before moving. “It was just a dream.” He said as he panted and got out of bed.

            It was another day for SHINee. It was already Monday; their comeback stages were now all done. Right now they have tons of work to do like CF’s, interviews, variety shows, radio shows, and so on. After eating and changing into their clothes they head off to their first schedule which was for a magazine interview. “I wonder what kind of questions they will ask us this time.” JongHyun said. “Ahh…I hope those questions aren’t hard to answer. I really am not comfortable with those.” TaeMin said. “Who isn’t?” MinHo said. They all laughed and talked for a while before arriving to where they were going to be interviewed. The usual, fans were gathered around the building to greet the SHINee members.

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yellyme #1
@ixstar28<br />
thank you very much for reading!! ^^ i really appreciate it!!
i love your fanfic ♥♥♥