Chapter 24

Destiny's Game (Season 2)


Chapter 24:

AeLin and TaeMin spend the small hours they have together arguing during the day and when they come home, it’s either one gets knocked out after continuing their argument or they end up sleeping together after having a long talk about how their days went. “Ya! You’re lucky I won’t be here later or else you’ll be on your knees begging for forgiveness.” AeLin said as they made a ruckus inside the van. 3 days have passed after Onew’s discharge. It was already the 1st day of December.

Onew and MinHo are soon going to be celebrating their birthdays. “Everything’s going so fast.” Key said as the SHINee members rode on the vehicle on to their recording. MinHo was with them now since he had some free time from the filming. “I know…even the disbandments are becoming a big topic now. There are a lot of groups we once were with that are disbanding.” Jjong said. “I wonder…if ever, we’ll disband soon too.” Onew said out of the blue. The 4 looked at him. “Hm? What? I just said. But then, I don’t want to disband though.” He replied.

“I’ve been through so much with you guys by my side. It won’t be that easy to let you guys go.” Onew added. There was a moment of silence. Soon it was time for them to go out and go to the building for their recording. The day passes by quickly as well. Soon the birthdays were over and it was the week before they start to film the kiss scene. They were informed about the kiss scene a week before. AeLin tried to tell TaeMin about the scene of course but it seemed like she didn’t quite have the chance to tell him because of their tight schedulse.

3 days have passed and AeLin and MinHo went home very late after filming. It was 10:30 PM when they got home from the shoot. Everyone was already asleep they assumed. Upon arriving MinHo and AeLin decided to stay up a bit more and rehearse a bit more. “Are you sure you’re okay with the kiss? You know we can always tell the scriptwriters to change the script.” MinHo said. They were seated on the couch. “I’m fine with it. They’ve worked so hard with the script. I’m just really nervous.” AeLin said nodding embarrassed of what the two are talking about.

MinHo held her hand. “It’ll be fine. I’ll be here to guide you.” MinHo said. Then they started to do the dialog part. The scene was going to be shot in the living room of the big mansion. The situation was like this. JinWoon went home late drunk and waiting for him is NaeRi who was very worried to where he was. She assisted him in getting upstairs but because JinWoon was out of his mind and was too heavy for her to lift up the stairs she let him lay down on the couch. Then NaeRi starts to prepare things that would calm the drunken JinWoon down and send him to sleep.

JinWoon kept on standing up and when NaeRi didn’t notice him come up on her he stole her first kiss then says some things, gives her a warm smile then collapses. For sure this wasn’t the first kiss for both for them. For AeLin, she hers stolen by the infamous TaeMin on her 18th birthday and as for MinHo, he had his in the past dramas he’s been in. Although they had their first times already they were still very nervous; nervous about what would happen during and after the kiss especially that they have some feelings for each other inside their hearts.

While the two were busy engrossed in acting TaeMin happened to come out of the room and went to drink some water. Just as Khun said…choosing between TaeMin and MinHo would be difficult. AeLin already did profess her love for TaeMin, but she still hasn’t closed her heart to MinHo whom she also felt the same way, or she thought. Because he was barely awake and had his eyes half-open and the place was dark he didn’t notice the two on the couch. There was only a small lamp light to illuminate the living room. Without any further disturbances he went down the stairs and headed for the kitchen.

The two didn’t notice him pass by at the back as well. He got a bottle of water from the fridge and drank a glass full. As he looked back to the living room he finally noticed the two on the couch. He was stunned to see what was before him. MinHo and AeLin were just inches away before they actually lock their lips. MinHo had his arms wrapped around AeLin. “Ah!” then a breaking sound was heard. TaeMin seemed to have dropped the glass he was holding. The two got surprised and looked to see what happened.

TaeMin had a small smirk on his face and went back to the look of being shocked. “TaeMin!” AeLin said and went to him. “AeLin ah…” TaeMin replied and had open arms. As AeLin was about to approach him when she wacked his head. “You’re still awake! You should be asleep by now.” TaeMin’s face hit the kitchen table. “Ow…Yeah, I just went to get some water.” He said and pulled his face up. “Eh…you look ugly.” AeLin said as she saw TaeMin’s flat face. “Ya, it’s your fault! What do you care if I’m still awake or not!” TaeMin replied. He looked at MinHo who was looking at him. “No you cant. Haha.” TaeMin thought and got amused. MinHo smirked at the way TaeMin reacted. “So you’re serious now.” MinHo thought and went to them.

“So you’re trying to hide how you’re supposedly seducing MinHo hyung huh.” TaeMin said. “Seducing??? I’m going to kill you!!!” AeLin yelled and was about to charge him. “AeLin ah, you better go up and wash yourself before going to sleep. That’s enough rehearsing for now.” MinHo pulled her and said. “Oppa…” AeLin said and looked at him. “You’re lucky MinHo oppa is here to cover for you.” AeLin looked at TaeMin with piercing eyes. TaeMin just laughed in a sarcastic way. AeLin then got upstairs as TaeMin got the broom sweeped the glass fragments away.

“So I see you’re in good terms now.” MinHo said as he leaned on the kitchen table. “And I see you’re getting closer and closer to her now.” TaeMin replied as he got up and went to the trash bin. “We have a kissing scene. We were just rehearsing.” MinHo said. “Oh, a kiss scene. Well that’s good.” TaeMin replied. “I know you dropped the glass on purpose. You jealous huh?” MinHo said and started to . “Hyung, these beautiful lips of mine already stole her first kiss. Why would I be jealous? Ohohoho…” TaeMin said as he floated up the stairs. MinHo was left there doumbfounded. “Finally.” He said and smiled out of amusement.  

            The day of the kissing scene was on the way. They were starting to get ready for that much awaited scene. AeLin was at the trailers rehearsing that scene. “I wonder if it’s going to be alright.” She gave out a sigh. “I’ve never got the chance to rehearse this scene with MinHo oppa.” She added and looked at herself in the mirror. “Stupid TaeMin.” She thought. Whenever MinHo and AeLin would rehearse that part of the scene at home, TaeMin would always, somehow interfere. He’d be saying that he has a favour to ask from either one, make a lot of noise, and other stuff that could distract them.

“I feel really nervous…” she thought and drowned herself in misery. “What’s with this kiss matter???” she said out of desperation. Then as she said that she heard the door to her room open. She looked at who went in. “Oh, it’s just you.” AeLin said as she saw MinHo come in. “How are you doing?” MinHo said and went to her. “I’m doing fine…” she replied rather unsure. MinHo got beside her and grabbed a chair.

“I can tell that you’re nervous.” MinHo said and moved her chair to make her face him. AeLin got more nervous by that. She could feel her heart pound. She nodded in embarrassment. MinHo got her chin and titled her head up. “Don’t worry. As I said, you’ll be fine.” MinHo said and gave her a warm smile. AeLin then smiled but was still hesitant. MinHo then let go of her chin and looked around. “Oppa…” she called. “What is it?” MinHo said and looked at her. “Uhm…yeah…to be honest…I’m nervous.” AeLin said and kept on looking at her hands which were rubbing against each other on her lap.

 “I don’t know…if I can pull it off.” She added. She could feel her face heat up as she was saying those words. Then MinHo laid his hands on her shoulders. “Look at me.” MinHo said. AeLin was still hesitant and didn’t know what to do. “Don’t worry, Trust me.” MinHo said, Slowly AeLin started to raise her head to see MinHo’s face that close to hers. Her face was really red. “It won’t take long.” MinHo said as he started to get closer to her face. AeLin’s heart raced at that sight. She closed her eyes and got ready for what was going to happen.

For the next second, for the first time, they locked lips. MinHo held her tightly, almost like not wanting to let go of her. “AeLin…” his thoughts were going all over. “…for the last time…” then slowly, he loosened up his grip and finally broke the kiss. “How’d that feel?” MinHo said and looked at her who was still a bit shocked. “It…it was…” MinHo then pulled her closer to him and hugged her. “…for the last time…let me show you….how I really feel.” He thought and hugged her tightly. “I don’t want to let go. I want this moment to last forever…” he continued. “Thank you, AeLin.” He said.

            “Oppa…” she replied. “Thank you, for being born into the world I’m in as well. I’ll never forget you. Be happy with him okay?” then finally, MinHo let go of her and looked her in the eyes. “Don’t get to nervous later okay? It’s just acting.” MinHo said as tears started to form in his eyes. “Oppa…” AeLin looked at him. Then MinHo walked away and went outside the room. AeLin was left there confused, but at the same time, getting what he meant. “I let go. I knew it. When it comes to him, it’s just impossible.” MinHo thought and smiled to himself.

Soon the filming was to start. The kissing scene was repeated for about 5-7 times because of the different angles they had to shoot it. “TaeMin…now, I really give her to you.” He thought as they continued filming. After the filming ended the two were in the van alone for the meantime. “Oppa.” AeLin called out. There was an awkward feel in between the two after all that has happened. “What is it?” he replied. “Thank you…” she said. MinHo felt his heart twitch. “Thank you…for everything.” AeLin added. “It’s because I love you both that I can’t help to see you both in pain.” “It’s no problem. I’m glad I can help.” He replied and wipped of the tears in his eyes.


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yellyme #1
@ixstar28<br />
thank you very much for reading!! ^^ i really appreciate it!!
i love your fanfic ♥♥♥