Chapter 26

Destiny's Game (Season 2)


Chapter 26:

            “AeLin ah.” Key called. “What is it?” AeLin replied. They were talking on the phone. “Have you read them?” Key said. “De, I have.” She answered. “Are you okay? Is there anyone stalking you lately?” Key said worried. “Oppa, I’m fine. Don’t worry. And I have had stalkers ever since I debuted so it’s all normal.” AeLin said with a calming voice. “Are you sure you’re doing fine without us? We can go back to Seoul and stay with you for a while.” Key said, “Oppa, you’re in your World Tour. Don’t make it a big deal. And besides, I have BEAST members with me. YeoSeob oppa has been going to my dorm with HyunSeung oppa to make me company.” She said. “Are you sure???” Key was really pushing it on her. “De oppa. Say ‘hi’ to the other members for me okay? I need to go now. Annyeong.” AeLin said and put down the phone.

 Things went on like this for the year. They were really busy, enough not be have contact with each other anymore. December came by quickly as January took its decend. It’s the New Year again. Because of SHINee’s soon to be disbandment AeLin was transferred to another dorm. They were living separately again and because of that, a bigger gap was formed between the two. “It’s painful for her. That’s why she’s doing this.” Onew said. “Don’t worry. She still loves us.” Key added. “She knows it’ll be more painful if we be part of her life even more now that we’re going to disband.” Jjong said. “It’ll be alright TaeMin.” MinHo said.

January, February; time started to take over. “It’s nearly March. When are we disbanding again?” TaeMin said. “April.” Onew answered. “I guess it’s near the end of SHINee.” TaeMin said. They were at the restaurant where Ray was the owner of, the one by the bay.

            “MinHo ah, how’s AeLin these days?” TaeMin said. MinHo and AeLin were on another drama after the last one ended early that January. MinHo was the only one who can talk to her in personal. “She’s doing fine, but she’s getting thinner again.” MinHo replied. “I wonder if she’s eating right.” Onew said. “Oh SHINee!” a familiar voice came. “Ray!” they replied. Ray came to the restaurant to check on how business was going. Last time they heard of Ray he was in Japan working on his Japanese branch of his restaurant. “Can I sit in with you guys?” Ray said. “Sure.” Key replied. “6 iced tea please. It’s on the house guys.” Ray said.

            “Thanks.” They replied. “So how’s it going with you guys?” Ray said. “Well, all is going fine I guess.” Onew said. “That’s good. I haven’t heard from AeLin lately, how is she?” Ray asked and he was asking it to TaeMin. “She’s doing well, she just lost weight.” MinHo said. Ray got his attention to him. “Hm, that’s good too. Where is she anyways? Shouldn’t she usually be with you guys as well?” Ray said. There was a short pause. “Well…” JongHyun said. Then the iced teas came. “It’s really a long story. But it’s been like this for months now. But we’re still friends with her.” Onew said. “Ahh, I really have been away from Seoul for a long time.” Ray said.

            The 6 chatted for a little longer when SHINee had to leave. “Ray shii, we’ll be going now. Thanks for the food!” JongHyun said. “No problem, come back anytime! And also, say hi to AeLin for me okay?” he said. SHINee headed for the city. Then there came the time when SHINee finally had to announce their break-up. SHINee and AeLin were still in touch with the members though. It was only 6 days before SHINee’s break up comes to a toll. They were at an event where SHINee and AeLin were attending together. As said earlier AeLin didn’t socialize much with SHINee. It was planned that after the performance they’ll finally break the news.

            They didn’t know if AeLin knew about the plan but right then they were ready for whatever the fans will react to their news. “That’s SHINee everyone! Let’s give them a round of applause.” The emcees went to the group. They had their bright smiles on. “De. Thank you very much!” Onew said. “We really appreciate your support. Uhm…we have something important to say.” JongHyun said. As soon as the fans settled down they took deep breaths. AeLin was downstage watching them knowing what they will be saying. “It’s been how many years since all of you supported us.” Onew said. His voice was shaky and there people started to notice how they were all teary-eyed. “For the Shawols in SHINee World thank you! We’ve been very great full since the start.” Key said.

            JongHyun then burst into tears. MinHo hugged him and comforted him while wiping his tears as well. “We’re announcing our official disbandment this April. The reason behind the disbandment is because our contract has already expired and we would like to welcome new ones into the industry so we leave our place on the April.” Key continued. The fans were also crying. AeLin was also tearing up. “We love you very much remember that. From all the scandals and controversies our members have gone through you stayed by our side fighting for what’s right. SHINee would be nothing without you.” TaeMin said.

            “Thank you very much for supporting us.” Then SHINee did a 90 degree bow and went off the stage. The fans were calling for them and for an encore performance. The SHINee members backstage were crying. “I didn’t think this would be this hard.” Key said trying to laugh to try to lighten up the mood. “Hyung, I’ll miss you.” MinHo hugged Key tightly and Key did the same. SHINee did a group hug and wiped their tears. Onstage AeLin was performing already and before they knew it she was done. She was being interviewed by the MC regarding SHINee’s disbandment since it’s well known that SHINee and Lin are close. Because of all the crying backstage SHINee wasn’t able to get the question the MC asked.

            “Uhm, SHINee has been very good sunbaes to me. As all of you who watched me grow and all, they shaped up my life. When I first came I got a lot of bad comments from many SHINee fans saying that I was getting too close so I should keep my distance and stuff. Being a newbie and a young girl I got scared. You never know the power of Korean fans.” She started. “To what people think of me now is because of SHINee raising me to be the person I am now. They are my friends, my best friends, and my family. When my umma and appa died on the fire they were there to mourn with me and going to Japan made me miss them badly.” She continued.

            There and then the SHINee members started to listen. “2PM also broke up late last year and I am as close to them as I am to SHIINee. If SHINee isn’t there 2PM will be and vice versa. Knowing their break up would be going to happen soon I feel tremendous pain in my heart. Since 2PM is no more and their members are living their lives separately I won’t have Onew and MinHo oppa to visit my dorm almost every day and hang out with me; I won’t have Key oppa to nag me about doing my homework and my chores; I won’t have JongHyun oppa to do vocal exercises and do bets with; and I won’t have TaeMin oppa to amuse me in every way he can.” AeLin’s voice started to shake as she shared her memories with the rest of them. The fans still continued to cry and SHINee was still tearing up on her words.

            “If there was any way SHINee could still be SHINee I would’ve done it already. I am a fan of SHINee, so whatever path they may take I must support them. SHINee! Can you hear me there? You still have time to be the SHINee members you are. You still have days remaining before your break up. Stop counting and do every way to make those remaining days memorable.” AeLin said and smiled. There was a round of applause from the fans as she wiped her tears and kept smiling. “She called me oppa.” TaeMin said while tearing up. Then soon the event came to an end. Everyone in the venue was depressed and still many fans were crying.

            The artists gathered around backstage and went to SHINee to offer their blessings after the break up is over. AeLin was the last to go to them. “AeLin.” TaeMin said. “I wish you luck after your break up. I hope you all find good jobs and will encounter good things after.” AeLin didn’t even look into their eyes. As soon as she said what she had to say she left immediately. After that SHINee went back to their dorm. Their manager now was different. YiBum already was managing another group and so was SaeKo. AeLin’s manager is from JYPE and was a former worker in SME and so she was usually at JYPE. SHINee’s manager was also different now. He usually left SHINee roaming around the events without him.

A day before the break up SHINee’s promotional ended. They had nothing to do that day after finishing packing their things. Key would be leaving for L.A on the night of the next day. JongHyun and Onew would be going to Hollywood to discuss some things but they’ll be at a different plane with Key. The two would stay there for at least 5 days. MinHo would be going back to Incheon to his family and would be taking a break for 1 week the same day as the others would leave.

TaeMin’s migration to Seattle was already decided. He will be staying with his brother and the rest of his family in Seattle. While in Korea he’s already starting to learn more English. Jay who’s also currently living in Seattle with his wife would be assisting TaeMin in his migration since their family and Jay’s family would be soon neighbours. AeLin would be staying in Seoul to further promote her singles.

Since SHINee had nothing to do this day, they decided to go to their YiBum hyungs house. YiBum and SaeKo were now living together and now have 3 kids. They rode their company van and headed for their house. There was not much conversation in the van because of depression. They were at the front gate of the house and rang the door bell. SaeKo went out of the house and headed for the gate. “Ah, SHINee! Oh my. You look more matured now! Come in come in. Why did you come?” SaeKo said as she opened the gate and let them in the house.

“SaeKo unnie, sorry if we bothered you. We just wanted to talk with you and YiBum hyung.” Onew said as they entered the living room. “Where are your children?” Key said. “They’re at school right now.” SaeKo answered. “Where’s YiBum hyung?” MinHo said. “Ah, he’ll be here in a minute. He’s buying some things.” SaeKo said. SaeKo let them sit down on the sofa and got some tea. “So, what brings you here?” SaeKo said. “Well, as you know, SHINee is already disbanding.” JongHyun said. “Oh yeah. I saw that event of yours. I’m really sorry about that.” SaeKo said.

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yellyme #1
@ixstar28<br />
thank you very much for reading!! ^^ i really appreciate it!!
i love your fanfic ♥♥♥