Chapter 27

Destiny's Game (Season 2)


Chapter 27:

“No it’s okay. We just wanted to pay you two a visit and thank you for all the things you have done for us. Even though you were AeLin’s manager we wouldn’t have been close to her if you hadn’t been so close with hyung.” Key said. “Speaking of AeLin, how is she?” SaeKo said. SHINee paused for a while and looked at each other. “She’s doing fine.” MinHo answered. “Hm, well, that’s good. TaeMin, how is it going with her?” SaeKo said. “Well, uhm…” he looked at MinHo first then smiled at SaeKo. “Are you two going out now?” SaeKo added. “Ah, no no. Truth is, we’re not even hanging out anymore.” TaeMin said.

“Anymore? Why?” SaeKo said. They just nodded and stayed silent. “Did something happen? Did she do something wrong?” SaeKo added. Just then someone got in the house. “I’m back!” it was YiBum. “Ah, YiBum is here.” SaeKo stood up and headed for the door to meet him. “Ah! AeLin!” SaeKo said. SHINee’s ears pick up when they heard her name. “Is SHINee -” then she paused when she saw them sitting on the sofa at the living room. She saw all of them smiling at her and for her to not act rude she smiled back but went to the kitchen immediately.

“How did you meet AeLin?” SaeKo said while unpacking the groceries. “Well, when I was about to go out of the gates I saw her come by.” YiBum said. “I figured going with oppa to help him buy the groceries.” AeLin added. “Well, that’s good.” SaeKo said. “What made you come here as well?” SaeKo said. “Well, I was going to talk to you about something.” AeLin said. “How about going with me upstairs to put these things there?” SaeKo said. “Sure.” AeLin replied. The two went up the stairs and started to talk. “SHINee told me that you’re not hanging out anymore. What happened?” SaeKo said.

“Unnie ah, I’m sorry.” AeLin said. “I thought putting a gap between us would make the break-up less painful. I love them, I do…especially him. I really want to tell him that, but I’m really afraid.” She added. “AeLin, soon the SHINee members would be splitting up and going to different places. You do know that. Some of them would be going far away, and some would be just beside you. Tell him now, or else you won’t have enough time and you might lose him for the rest of your life. Putting a gap between would make things worse. You’ll end up regretting it.” SaeKo said. AeLin started to cry and hugged her. “Unnie…” she said in between weeps. “Shhh…hush now AeLin.” SaeKo said.

“YiBum hyung, thank you for taking care of us.” The SHINee members gathered around him at the living room. “SHINee, my SHINee boys. It’s very hard for me to know that you’re going to be separating soon. We had so many good memories.” YiBum said. “Hyung, I love you hyung.” Key said and hugged him. Then the others followed. JongHyun was already crying hard and wasn’t able to hug him. “Oh, JongHyun. You still didn’t change. Don’t cry. Always remember you’ll still be SHINee where ever you may go.” YiBum went to JongHyun and hugged him tightly.

“I’ll miss you very much.” JongHyun said. “I’ll miss you too.” YiBum said. Then SaeKo and AeLin went downstairs and saw what was happening. AeLin already wiped her tears and was looking at them. “Oppa, unnie, I’ll be going now.” AeLin said and bowed to them. SaeKo looked at her as if she had something to say. “Sorry unnie. I can’t do it.” She thought. She faced SHINee and bowed. “Goodbye.” She said and went out of the house as quickly as she can. She was obviously trying to avoid SHINee again. “TaeMin, go on after her.” SaeKo said. “What? Why?” TaeMin replied.

“I know you have something to say to her.” As SaeKo finished that sentence thunder was heard and rain started to pour in hard. “Go on TaeMin.” MinHo said. TaeMin was surprised and paused for one moment. Then he rushed out of the house and stopped because rain was really pouring hard. “AeLin! Where are you?” TaeMin said and looked around. To the right she saw AeLin walking on the road without an umbrella. She was already a little far. He didn’t have any second thoughts and ran into the rain and chased her.

            “AeLin!” he said. Then it seemed like she heard him and she stopped. She was already crying but because of the rain it wasn’t really clear from afar. “AeLin! Wait!” TaeMin stopped at a spot with a little distance between them. “AeLin! Listen to me. Is a bow the only thing you’ll give us as your goodbye?” TaeMin said. She heard everything he was saying and was continuing to cry. “After the many years we’ve known each other a bow is the only thing you want to give us as a goodbye?” TaeMin said. There was a slight pause. “When you left for Japan I didn’t just give you a bow did I?” he waited for her reply. “Did I?!” he repeated. “No!” she answered.

            “Then why are you doing this to us now? AeLin, don’t you know that we might not be seeing each other again after tomorrow? AeLin! I’m going to Seattle tomorrow to permanently live there. I’ll find work and won’t have time to come back to South Korea.” TaeMin said. There was another pause. It seemed like AeLin didn’t know about that. “He’s going to Seattle?” she thought. “MinHo would be the only one with you.” TaeMin continued. “I didn’t want to hide tha fact that I’ll be migrating too but right now, I really regret not telling you sooner.” There was a long pause in between. The other SHINee members with SaeKo and YiBum were watching from behind TaeMin with their umbrellas.

            Because TaeMin was literally yelling they can hear what they were saying. “AeLin, if you don’t want to talk then fine. I just want to tell you something before I really leave. I didn’t want you this to end this way. You are the best thing that ever happened in my life and I’m happy that you as like me as well. But before I go, I wanted you to be wrapped around my arms tightly and right there and then I wanted to say, I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH AELIN!” TaeMin said. He was waiting for a reply from her. She heard it alright but she didn’t know what to do next after acting so foolishly. “I thought you told me you would’t forget me, forget us. AELIN!!” He added.

After they separated dorms it was like nothing ever happened to them. It felt like her confession was nothing, like their special relationship didn’t happen, like it never happened. There was a very big gap between AeLin and TaeMin once more when they separated dorms. Although TaeMin tried to endure it, right now is his limit. “Fine then. I’ll be going now. Goodbye AeLin.” TaeMin said and turned around and saw the others watching them. Tears started to fall from his eyes. Just as he was walking back he felt her warm boy wrap around him. AeLin ran to him and hugged him tightly from the back. “Pls. don’t go.” AeLin said. TaeMin paused and got her hands off of him.

He faced her and looked deep inside her eyes. He then pulled her into a warm tight hug. She was still crying. “AeLin, it’ll be okay.” TaeMin said. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” AeLin said while crying. “It’s okay…shh…” TaeMin said. “I’m really sorry. I thought if I were to be together with you once more, I wouldn’t take the separation. I don’t want you to go TaeMin.” AeLin said. “AeLin…” TaeMin said and hugged her tightly. “I’m sorry. I was selfish, really selfish. I’m sorry.” She continued. “Shh…” “I really love you too, TaeMin…I love you.” She said and dug her face into his chest. TaeMin just smiled. “Ya! You two! Come on in and dry yourselves!” SaeKo interrupted. The other SHINee members were howling and all. The two went back to SaeKo and YiBum’s house and got changed.

            It was a good thing that SHINee brought with them extra clothes and that SaeKo had some clothes that fit AeLin. They had hot tea and talked. “How about going out for a while? It’s still early and we can still enjoy our last day together.” YiBum said. “That’s a good idea!” Onew said. As soon as the rain stopped they headed to many places. AeLin and TaeMin kept on arguing about where to go and argued over many silly things. Onew, MinHo, JongHyun, and Key were all smiles and enjoyed themselves watching the two argue over stupid things. “Just like the first time AeLin and SHINee got together.” YiBum said. “De.” the two started seeing SHINee and Lin in their teen days again.

            When it was finally dark they went back to YiBum and SaeKo’s house. “The kids are here already.” SaeKo said. “Umma!” the eldest daughter welcomed them. “SaeEun, how did school go?” SaeKo said and hugged her daughter. “Appa!” their youngest boy came. “YiJung!” YiBum hugged him as well. The SHINee members and AeLin were touched. “How cute.” Onew said. “Ah! SHINee uncles!” the two went to SHINee. “Annyeong.” SHINee greeted them. “Lin auntie.” They also went to her. “This is the first time they actually saw you in person. We kept on telling them stories about the 6 of you when we were still together.” YiBum said. “These kids are adorable.” AeLin said.

            “Auntie, is it okay if you sign me an autograph?” SaeEun said. “Sure baby, as many as you want.” AeLin said and smiled. “You too SHINee uncles.” YiJung said. The two went to their rooms and got some papers. “Those two are big fan of yours.” SaeKo said. Soon the kids were back with papers and pen. SaeEun had a big crush on MinHo and Key and YiJung actually wanted to be like TaeMin. “That’s a good boy.” TaeMin was playing with YiJung and at the same time arguing with AeLin which amused YiJung. “YiJung ah, litsten to me. Don’t ever believe what your AeLin auntie is saying okay? She’s crazy.” TaeMin said. “Don’t believe him YiJung, he’s the crazy one.” AeLin replied. YiJung was just laughing all the way.

            “Uncle, do you like auntie?” YiJung said all of a sudden. “Eh? What?” TaeMin said in confusion. “Umma said that you really liked AeLin auntie ever since you were still younger.” YiJung said. TaeMin smiled and hugged the little boy. “It’s a secret.” TaeMin said. “How about taking a picture umma?” SaeEun said. “Good idea! YiBum go get the camera.” SaeKo said. “Already here.” YiBum said. They took a couple of pictures with the kids and with SaeKo and YiBum. “Now let’s take a picture of SHINee as a group.” SaeKo said.

            SHINee agreed and gathered. “This is the last time you will be together in a picture like this.” SaeKo said. The atmosphere changed into a serious one. AeLin was in one side holding her tears from falling knowing that her love of her life would be going to Seattle tomorrow and to the fact that this may be the last time they’ll be around to be together. SHINee had their bright smiles and YiBum took the picture. Then AeLin was made to join them. Soon it was time for them to go back to their dorms. SHINee had their final goodbye to YiBum and SaeKo.

            SHINee let AeLin ride with them to her apartment. AeLin was awfully silent. TaeMin, who was sitting beside her, held her hand tightly. AeLin squeezed back and they stayed like that until it was time for her to go. “Bye SHINee oppas.” AeLin said. “Bye AeLin. We’ll still be meeting tomorrow right? We will pick you up.” Onew said. “De.” she said and bowed in gratitude. As the doors closed on the car AeLin saw TaeMin smiling brightly saying ‘thank you, finally I was able to say it.’. She smiled and waved goodbye to them.

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yellyme #1
@ixstar28<br />
thank you very much for reading!! ^^ i really appreciate it!!
i love your fanfic ♥♥♥