
My Cheesy Boy



Yoonhee's POV

I woke up as the birds are chirping loudly outside my room window. I sat up, yawned and stretched my arms.

''What day is today?'' I asked myself.

I took the calendar on my nightstand and looked at it.

''Oh, it's Monday.'' I mumbled and was about to sleep back but the reality hit me.

''Wait, Monday? OH , I'M LATE FOR CLASS!'' I yelled.

I hurriedly get off from my bed, but I stumbled and fell.

''Oof.'' I yelped and quickly get up to prepare for school.

I ran all the way to school, the guard was about to close the gate but I quickly warned him not to.

''WAIT! WAIT FOR ME!'' I shouted and quickly slide through the closing door.

''THANK YOU!'' I shouted at the guard.

''Oof!'' I bumped into someone again at the wrong time.

''Ow, I'm sorry!'' The person said in hurry.

''Oh wait, Woohyun?'' I asked.

''You are late too?'' He asked.

''Yeah.  Hey, let's quickly go!'' I took his wrist and ran.

Woohyun's POV

The moment she took my wrist, my heart start to beat faster again.

*You shouldn't be thinking this right now!* I shook all the thoughts away.

No One's POV

''I'M SORRY, WE ARE LATE!'' Both of them shouted as they opened the classroom's door.

''Well, no more chance. Clean the class after school.'' Mr.Kim said.

''Yes.'' Both of them obediently said with their head hung low.

''Why are you late?'' Taeyeon asked worriedly.

''I overslept...'' Yoonhee sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck.

''Late again huh.'' L smirked.

''This time isn't my fault. It was Hyuna's fault. She kept bugging me!'' Woohyun whined.

''Poor guy.'' L pinched Woohyun's cheek.

Yoonhee's POV

''Bye.'' I waved at Taeyeon sadly as she is going back home now.

''Take care!'' She waved and left the classroom.

''I guess we are alone now huh.'' Woohyun said from behind.

''Sadly yes.'' I pouted.

''Aren't you suppose to be happy? I mean, you got a detention with cheesy Nam!'' He proudly said.

''Yeah, I'm happy.'' I sarcastically said but deep down in my heart, I know I meant it.

''Come on, let's clean up. You arrange table and chairs, I mop.'' I said.

''NO!'' He stopped me.

''Let me mop and arrange the table and chairs, while you just sweep and clean the whiteboard.'' He said.

''Are you sure?'' I narrowed my eyes.

''You can count on cheesy Nam.'' He show off his triceps.

''Okay then.'' I eyed him weirdly and agreed.


Sorry, its too short :(

I promise to update later :D

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^^ i'm the girl who made your poster btw~ LOL woohyun so cheesy in here. and..i just wanted to say, the picture you have as the background in your story...I HAVE THAT POSTER HANGING IN MY BEDROOM RIGHT NOW~!!! LOL idk why but i was excited when I saw that picture since i'm like "wait..isn't that the poster in my room?.." XDD

keep up the good work! Hwaiting! ^^
Sequel please *pout*
I love this story. The videos you put are hilarious.
woohyun is super cheesy in this fic!!
big bang was damn hilarious until I forgot the story before that!!
This is cute!! :3
is this taeyeon from girls generation? uwahhh why you paired her with yeollie~? T.T /cry
butttttttt this cute story <3 namu so cheesyyyy~ xD
Namu is so cheesy and cute^^
Hehe, nice story! ^^
Alicialee30 #9
Poor L, Dongwoo, Hoya and Sungjong. T.T This story was REALLY cheesy. :D I loved the story.!<3 Cute_~ (: