Chapter 32: Date

Key, Meet My Husband

Key's POV

Key was nervous. Undeniably nervous and he wasn't sure why, after all it was just Taemin's security. He was just using her so he shouldn't care about the date other than the fact he had managed to succeed in setting it up. Thinking about it... there were actually reasons why he should be nervous. One, he didn't know her name. Two, Nor what she looked like and lastly, he could pick up the wrong person because of the previous reasons.

And now Key was even more nervous upon realizing these facts. He hoped he had the correct girl when he picked her up so that he did not end up accused of kidnap as well as accidently ending up standing the other girl up as that wouldn't make Taemin jealous at all. In fact it would not achieve anything good.

He pulled up to the building, having stolen the building's co-ordinates from Heechul's pink sparkly limo which they really should return sometime soon... but they were in too much fear for their lives to risk taking it back as if Heechul had caught them... they did not even want to imagine what he would do to them.

Now back to the date.Or rather waiting for some unknown woman to appear. Which many women did but most just ledt the building to go straight onto catching taxis or to their cars. One woman stood out, not only was she beautiful with luscious honey-brown locks which tumbled down her shoulders like a waterfall she had changed from a work uniform to a stunning dress. And she looked as if she was waiting. Was she the one?

Apparently so, especially when upon spotting the waiting Key she calmly approached and asked the following: "Are you Kim Kibum?" She queried with a raised eyebrow.

"I prefer Key." Key replied with a dazzling smile towards the other, she inspected him over with a mild red stain appearing on her cheeks at the smile she was given.

"You're more good-looking than I had expected." She admitted, eyes still scanning him over, a smug smile appeared upon Key's lips, he knew that he was good looking but it was still good to hear so by others.

"You're not too bad yourself." He answered, however he was inwardly thinking that Taemin'll suit the dress better. Hell he could make the dress look good. She smiled softly at the compliment.

"So what do you have in mind?" She asked inquiring about the date, Key just winked at her.

"It's a surprise, now hop in." He answered hoping she didn't expect too much from him. For example a five-star date which was incredibly expensive, he wasn't made of money and thus he could not afford that unlike Taemin the job he had gotten hadn't earnt him millions, however he was still going to have the courtesy to treat her right. At least for tonight any way. She had gotten dressed up for him after all.

Hopefully it would be a date she would never forget. In a good way.

When they had arrived it was at a nice but not over-expensed restaurant, one that Key had knew so well. After all it did hold sentimental value to him, if there was anywhere in the world to make Taemin jealous it would be this place. The home of his and Taemin's last date. However due to the emotional attachment he had he hoped that he did not end up crying.

He smiled as he parked the car and held the car door open for her as he lifted her over a puddle, she took the offered arm gladly afterwards, impressed by the behaviour of a gentleman shown to her.

The restaurant was rather quaint but the atmosphere was pleasant and there were no overwhelming amounts of people and a nice twist of casualness. Overall she deemed it an excellent start.

Once the orders were set and done, they fell into pleasant conversation about anything which came to mind from the weather or fashion to pets and friends. She had cracked up over some of the antics of Jonghyun and Minho that Key had mentioned.

All in all it was pretty much a perfect date, it went as planned (prehaps better than planned) and that was such a shock. Not that he had expected the date to be completely terrible, it was just never with Taemin had his dates went to plan they always blew up in some way. But they had always been memorable and had a magical air to them.

The date drew to a close as he drove her home following her instructions. The date was then sealed with a kiss at the doorstep as she entered her apartment. Mission success he would say, in fact he would do it again anytime.

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Chapter 53: hmm, I'm commenting before bed.....good story. You should definitely come back to it. Forget about having a personal life and school work. Seriously, come update. Make some readers happy.
Chapter 16: Bad bad bad naughty meany leader of all trolls author-nim. Why did I honestly even trust you? Especially after all you writes about your fam time. No more comments for you til the end.

And I so mean it this time.
Chapter 15: Okay, smarty-pants author-nim. You totally's got me with the scene where Key will speak to Taeminnie for the first time at the party. So so so o o o did NOT expect that twist. *patting author-nims head and handing author-nim a BIG bowl of chocolate mint and strawberry ice cream*
Chapter 7: Adam Lambert is just wow. Such a blessed man. He must make his fam so proud. Your comments to readers are hi-lar-ri-ous. I especially liked the response that Taeminnie begged author-nim to let him wear a suit the first time he sees Key again and author-nims like, "Nope, ain't no haps. You're wearing pink and you will not be manly Taeminnie."

I like how author-nims noggin rotates.
Chapter 6: Okay, that is a - author-nim deserves cookies - for that Ontae fic recommendation. I read first chap and subscribed. Thanks
Okay, trailer was disappointing......


Seriously, it was.




Sheesh, don't be a baby. It was disappointing cause it was TOO SHORT!

hehehe, did I successfully troll author-nim? *skipping off to read in glee*
awwwwwww i really love this story authornim please please update soon i will be waiting
good luck fighting
Chapter 55: No! I'm so sorry! I hate when things died and your cat!!!! I love cats!!!!! It's okay, you dun have to update in this sad time
Chapter 53: This is such a great fic I waited a long time for your update~ Thank you so much author-nim~^-^
Shanamexchingu #10
Chapter 40: Hi hi i'm here
very look forward to your update for thiss!eo?
Idk i still think the husband is Lee,,,Jinki!?!?
Update this eo?jebal
Hwaaiiting C: