Chapter 30: Guilt

Key, Meet My Husband


Taemin’s POV

Taemin returned back to his bedroom tired after the long meeting and smiled lightly at his husband who sat lit by lamp light reading, his honey coloured hair accented by the lamp. His husband looked up from his book with a warm smile.

“Taemin, you’re home. I was waiting for you downstairs but then it got late…” His husband said sheepishly before putting his book down to open his arms for the other. Taemin smiled and was quick to snuggle into the other’s arms comfortable, with his ear against his husband’s chest listening to the steady heart beat.

“How was work?” His husband asked as he massaged the younger’s temples with his lips, Taemin was always showered with love like this so why did his body react to Key like that? That spark… made no sense. He had everything with his husband. And love… so much love.

“Tiring, I feel like sleeping for a week.” Taemin managed to smile still snuggled into his loving husband who chuckled lightly.

“I would prefer if you didn’t as I’ll miss you.” He said before kissing down Taemin’s neck making the younger shiver lightly. It felt good… but still just a hug with Key had felt more exciting. What was wrong with him? He wished Key had just stayed in America. Why did he come back and messed everything up?

Noticing the shiver his husband stopped. He would never push Taemin into something he wasn’t ready for, he would wait forever. He had waited the whole of their marriage and technically they weren’t properly married as it was never consummated. But in his heart they were and the marriage certificate said so also.

“Let’s just sleep.” Taemin murmured, and his husband sighed softly. It was selfish but he wanted Taemin to be fully his one day but he would wait. As long as it took.

They managed to fall asleep after the light was turned off, asleep in one another’s arms.


Taemin was greeted with the sight of a field of flowers, daisies he noted, the sky a bright blue and the green fields never-ending. In fact… it was surprisingly similar to the dream he had before he and Key got together. He looked down and sure enough his feet was bare all he needed was…

Key… he was there and he was wearing that flowing knee length wedding dress and those white jeans. And the veil garmented on his hair. It was just like that dream… but it was different as Key held a single sunflower.

Key looked at him and giggled. “Are you coming to our wedding day or not?” He said before dragging Taemin and they appeared in the church. Then Taemin realised just how different it was… Jonghyun still being a priest but he was perched on a pew with Minho leaning over him.

“What are you doing?” Taemin asked blankly.

“Repopulating so I’m not the last dinosaur around. Now you accept Key as your lawfully wedded wife?” Jonghyun answered before tugging Minho closer to him. Taemin didn’t answer that last question and diverted his eyes and looked towards Key who was attached to Eunhyuk and that dreaded banana milk bottle who he had despised oh so much.

His heart ached for some odd reason he couldn’t really understand, his heart shouldn’t hurt at all. This dream was so much more twisted. Annoyed he dragged Key from both Eunhyuk and that banana milk bottle and connected his lips against Key’s who pushed Taemin away.

“You’re too late.” Key murmured softly, “You should had said I do earlier…” He said looking at Taemin before leaving with that banana milk bottle.

Taemin's Yeobo's POV

"No! Don't steal my Key!" Taemin cried as he rolled over into his husband in his sleep. This awoke the other and he yawned tiredly, he had a long day and wished to sleep however he still looked towards the younger with a soft smile on his sleepy face. He have been woken up again by Taemin when he desperately wanted sleep, but he loved his young 'wife' to bits especially with the childness he shown despites his career, other people may have found it annoying. But not him. It just helped to Taemin even more perfect. 


He even loved the times he got woken up by Taemin's moving, Taemin was a natural dancer, and he never stopped moving even in his sleep, which coincidently was where he had met the other. No, not in his sleep. At a dance competition. It was almost upsetting that Taemin was unable to follow his dance dreams but he was successful now so he could start a dance academy even if he could not dance on stage as he wished.


"No not my Key." Taemin murmured, curling into his 'yeobo' who kissed the younger's forehead lovingly. The younger was just too cute sometimes. Especially when he was sleep-talking about nonsense or drooling onto the pillow, thats why he loved getting woken up as then he got to see this side of his 'wife' and he just loved all the sides he was shown.


"I'm not going to steal your keys silly. I have my own set." He chuckled kissing Taemin's forehead in an attempt to ease the younger, to which Taemin opened his beautiful, large and dark eyes looking up at his husband with an almost guilty expression. He dismissed it as the fact Taemin had yet again woke him up and Taemin always felt bad about it.


"Yeah..." Taemin mumbled before burying his face into his 'yeobo's chest inhaling the scent. He could not believe he had dreamt of Key in his husband's arms. His loving husband who gave him the world. Yet he returned nothing... he hadn't even given his husband himself fully. His hand in marriage... but not his body and apparently not his full heart either according to that dream.


"Taemin? My beautiful jagiya?" His husband questioned concerned, Taemin's hair calming the younger and do so lovingly.


"Just want to sleep in your chest." Taemin lied, guilt eating at him... his husband was too caring, an angel... and he dreamt of another. He hoped his husband's scent could chase away any unwanted visitors this time round, he did not want Key in his dreams.


Taemin’s husband smiled lovingly at the other, he loved holding Taemin like this in his arms, he kissed Taemin’s forehead before falling back to sleep. Taemin however couldn’t sleep. His dream was haunting him as well as that spark he felt. He was horrible, just horrible his husband deserved better… but couldn’t bring himself to leave the other even if it was for his husband’s sake. He wouldn’t break an angel’s heart. Eventually he did fall back to sleep but the guilt was still there.

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This story next~~


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Chapter 53: hmm, I'm commenting before bed.....good story. You should definitely come back to it. Forget about having a personal life and school work. Seriously, come update. Make some readers happy.
Chapter 16: Bad bad bad naughty meany leader of all trolls author-nim. Why did I honestly even trust you? Especially after all you writes about your fam time. No more comments for you til the end.

And I so mean it this time.
Chapter 15: Okay, smarty-pants author-nim. You totally's got me with the scene where Key will speak to Taeminnie for the first time at the party. So so so o o o did NOT expect that twist. *patting author-nims head and handing author-nim a BIG bowl of chocolate mint and strawberry ice cream*
Chapter 7: Adam Lambert is just wow. Such a blessed man. He must make his fam so proud. Your comments to readers are hi-lar-ri-ous. I especially liked the response that Taeminnie begged author-nim to let him wear a suit the first time he sees Key again and author-nims like, "Nope, ain't no haps. You're wearing pink and you will not be manly Taeminnie."

I like how author-nims noggin rotates.
Chapter 6: Okay, that is a - author-nim deserves cookies - for that Ontae fic recommendation. I read first chap and subscribed. Thanks
Okay, trailer was disappointing......


Seriously, it was.




Sheesh, don't be a baby. It was disappointing cause it was TOO SHORT!

hehehe, did I successfully troll author-nim? *skipping off to read in glee*
awwwwwww i really love this story authornim please please update soon i will be waiting
good luck fighting
Chapter 55: No! I'm so sorry! I hate when things died and your cat!!!! I love cats!!!!! It's okay, you dun have to update in this sad time
Chapter 53: This is such a great fic I waited a long time for your update~ Thank you so much author-nim~^-^
Shanamexchingu #10
Chapter 40: Hi hi i'm here
very look forward to your update for thiss!eo?
Idk i still think the husband is Lee,,,Jinki!?!?
Update this eo?jebal
Hwaaiiting C: