Chapter 17: Eavesdropping

Key, Meet My Husband

Key-ish POV

"We can still be friends..." Taemin said, Jonghyun (who had been searching for his darling Minho had decided once finding Key who was on a roll decided to ditch looking for Minho as hanging out with Key seemed more fun. He was such a loving husband wasn't he?) gave Key a look as he began to tremble slightly. He concerned for his friend.

Key bit his lip. Just friends? He did not think that he could ever go back into being just friends after all they went through, all the firsts they had together, all those promises and plans for the future. He had been planning to marry Taemin himself for goodness sake before it all went to shambles. He had the ring to prove it. He had never thrown it away... he had kept it safe as he never expected his to happen.

He heard as the phone was put down but forgotten to hang up or be turned off. He smiled slightly, that was just like his Taemin, he had always  done that when they had been together as well. Key used to like to listen to Taemin for a while as he just could never get enough of him. Also Taemin acted so cute and always gushed over their calls.

"Yeobo!" He heard Taemin exclaim happily sounding like the childish boy he had left rather than the cold businessman he had spoke to on the phone. It caused his heart to clench at the thought that someone else rather than him was making Taemin happy, someone else was able to hold him tight and kiss him gently, someone was being called yeobo by him. Sometimes he wished he never left.

"Missed me that much?" The voice of Taemin's so called 'yeobo' laughed. The voice was strangely familiar to him yet he could not quite place who the voice belonged to... did he know Taemin's 'yeobo' then? If so he hoped he was not too attached to whoever it was as that was going down.

"Of course I did, you're my yeobo afterall." Key could practically hear the merong that he imagined Taemin was more than likely to do to his husband. Key felt almost sick at that word. Taemin's husband, that should have been his title, that guy should have been him.

 "Taemin, you sent for me, you never send for me. What happened?" His husband asked softly, Taemin's sigh was very audible.

"Key..." Taemin said sounding stressed, Key bit his lip again, nearly tearing at the skin and breaking it. Was he really having such a negative effect on Taemin? Key's eyes widened and he looked at an equally shocked looking Jonghyun as they heard a sob. Was Taemin crying?

"I don't think I can handle it anymore, all the pressure from work. Its hard being one of the youngest CEOs in the country/contient, everyone else tries to bully you as their older. I'm falling behind with paperwork, I'm lacking sleep, my eating habits are horrendous. JongHo keeps getting into problems so I have to get them out, so I'm losing money, travelling and falling even more behind with my work." Jonghyun went visibly paler at that and looked guilty and rather upset. It hurt to know you were just being a burden and causing troubles.

"I love them too much to stop helping them though, Heechul keeps bothering me, the paparazzi keeps bothering me as I'm also the face of my company and they want to know everything. KeyTae fangirls stalk me leaving me with no privacy, modelling agencies want my face on their magazines. I have so any people trying to get it on with me, so many women claiming I got them pregnant, or that their child's mine. I don't need Key to add into the mix." Jonghyun gulped, he had never realised how much problems Taemin was going through, Taemin never bothered them to ask for help. Key felt bad too.

"Taemin..." Taemin's 'yeobo' said softly.

"Don't you know how hard it is to speak with him? I still just want to break down and cry. Then I was actually so harsh with him, I did not want to be but the stress was getting to me and I took it all out onto him. I sounded so cruel. I'm such a horrible person." Taemin was wepting heavily with large heart breaking sobs now. Soothing sounds where heard in the background, the husband was clearly attempting to comfort Taemin.

"Taemin, listen to me. You are not a horrible person, I'm sure Key will understand that you were jut having a bad day, besides as far as I know Key's a strong person..."

"I made him sound so upset though." Taemin interupted, he sounded so pitiful. Key felt himself choking up both over the sound of Taemin's tears and the fact that he was one of the main causes for it. He never wanted to make Taemin cry, yet he kept on doing it. If anyone was the horrible person it was him. Or at least he thought so.

Then there was just silence for a while except for shushing noises and small outbreaks of sobs. Jonghyun no longer felt quite so cheerful and Key felt about to cry again.

A/N: This orginally was different but now I read it again Taemin is so cruel and Key's heart might break if he heard it... I can't be that cruel

I inspired a fic ^_^ *feeling awesome*

Also Rou!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She literally poked me to make me update today... she's mean, but I poked her back and for longer :P And she gave me skittles so I love her :P She eats her ice cream so slow though... well anyway I now feel confident... ish about describing her.

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This story next~~


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Chapter 53: hmm, I'm commenting before bed.....good story. You should definitely come back to it. Forget about having a personal life and school work. Seriously, come update. Make some readers happy.
Chapter 16: Bad bad bad naughty meany leader of all trolls author-nim. Why did I honestly even trust you? Especially after all you writes about your fam time. No more comments for you til the end.

And I so mean it this time.
Chapter 15: Okay, smarty-pants author-nim. You totally's got me with the scene where Key will speak to Taeminnie for the first time at the party. So so so o o o did NOT expect that twist. *patting author-nims head and handing author-nim a BIG bowl of chocolate mint and strawberry ice cream*
Chapter 7: Adam Lambert is just wow. Such a blessed man. He must make his fam so proud. Your comments to readers are hi-lar-ri-ous. I especially liked the response that Taeminnie begged author-nim to let him wear a suit the first time he sees Key again and author-nims like, "Nope, ain't no haps. You're wearing pink and you will not be manly Taeminnie."

I like how author-nims noggin rotates.
Chapter 6: Okay, that is a - author-nim deserves cookies - for that Ontae fic recommendation. I read first chap and subscribed. Thanks
Okay, trailer was disappointing......


Seriously, it was.




Sheesh, don't be a baby. It was disappointing cause it was TOO SHORT!

hehehe, did I successfully troll author-nim? *skipping off to read in glee*
awwwwwww i really love this story authornim please please update soon i will be waiting
good luck fighting
Chapter 55: No! I'm so sorry! I hate when things died and your cat!!!! I love cats!!!!! It's okay, you dun have to update in this sad time
Chapter 53: This is such a great fic I waited a long time for your update~ Thank you so much author-nim~^-^
Shanamexchingu #10
Chapter 40: Hi hi i'm here
very look forward to your update for thiss!eo?
Idk i still think the husband is Lee,,,Jinki!?!?
Update this eo?jebal
Hwaaiiting C: