Chapter 10: Party

Key, Meet My Husband

Key-ish POV:

Key was somewhat shocked at Onew's confession, he out of all people Key would of never thought to have held the invitation back, he was annoyed and beyond pissed but Onew had looked so sad and sorry for it and how could Key be so cruel as not to forgive him. Besides Key would of done the same if it was for Taemin's sake. He would do anything for Taemin.

"I know how to make up for it!" Onew shouted suddenly gaining the attention of everyone on the bus, Onew then shuffled embarrassed and hid his red face, he looked cute like that. Key gave him a questioning glance and an amused smile.

"Come to this party with me, all guests are allowed to bring a friend and you can be my !" Onew said excitedly, Key couldn't bring it in his heart to say no to him especially seeing as it had made him so pleased at having thought of a way to make it up to him. Even though he would rather be searching for Taemin in order to apologise for his horrible break up and win him back. 

"Taemin'll be there, he was invited along with JongHo. I wonder who they'll bring. Taemin always brings the most interesting people, JongHo brings people they'll later." Onew was rambling but all what caught Key's attention was the fact that Taemin would be there at the party. He was so going now. Wild horses couldn't stop him. He'll shoot them before they could.

"When is it?" Key asked excitedly, Onew looked at his watch. "Tomorrow, around six." He said, Key gave a yelp.

"That's not enough time for me to prepare! Quick! We have to go clothes shopping!" Key said, Onew paled, he had just got rid of Heechul who was constantly trying to get him 'hipper' clothes and now Key was dragging him clothes shopping? his life.


After hours of shopping Key finally deemed them fashionable enough to go to the party, if Onew was not trying to make it up for him he swore he would of killed him by now. Key had forced him to get an entire outfit change. Heechul would be pleased but Onew himself was not. They arrived a few minutes late but Key declared them fashionable late. Because they were late for the sake of fashion.

As soon as they were in, Key was attacked by a foreign girl, she looked European. Attacked meaning that she threw herself at him, upon seeing her and recognizing her, Onew made a break for it. Leaving Key all alone with this girl who was glaring at him accusingly. He felt nervous.

"Why?" She asked coldly, Key gulped looking down at her, she was quite short and looked younger than him. So why was she so scary?

"Er... may I help you?" Key asked worriedly, she frowned at him, letting go seeing that he as not about to run like Onew did and opened her jacket pocket revealing a badge, it looked similar to a police or FBI badge if it wasn't for the KT engraved upon it.

"Rou, leader of the KeyTae fanbase. Now tell me what in the name of strawberries gave you the idea to break Taemin's heart and thousands of KeyTae fangirls and boys' hearts too by leaving to America." She asked coming closer to him making him back away scared.

"Long distance relationships did not seem to work so I thought it'll be better if I let him have his freedom." Key explained wondering why he was even trying to explain himself to her. She frowned at him looking suspicious.

"So why the hell are you standing there! Go find him, make up, kiss, get married and have gazillion kids!" She yelled at him, Key whimpered slightly, she was scarier than his umma. He nodded weakly, standing still not knowing quite what to do. She rolled her eyes looking at him. "Fine I'll help you find him. Seriously, how hopeless do you have to get?" She muttered mostly to herself, she combed the crowd with her eyes, her eyes landing on a person. Suddenly she squealed out of nowhere making Key jump back.

"Who is that heaven sent person! He is so hot, he even smells like strawberries! He's my future husband." She said sighing looking over to a stranger who was speaking to Onew. Key decided to back away slowly before just deciding to run.


"Hey! Onew, looking good. You look as if you let Heechul dress you for once." A familiar voice said from behind Onew who was hiding from the KeyTae fanbase member, how did they sneak into every party, they were worst than the paparazzi. It was bad how they sent their leader, she was the worst. She was from the UK (KeyTae had went global, when setting it up he did it a bit too well) yet still she was here. They were planning something but back to the problem behind him.

"Why are you two here?" Onew asked groaning, Ryeowook and Eunhyuk smiled at him brightly. They were going to have so much fun winding him up again.

"Heechul brang us." They answered managing somehow to say it in unison.

"How did Heechul get to bring two people?" Onew questioned them not looking very pleased, Eunhyuk was smelling like strawberries again and Ryeowook looked just as hyper.

"He's Heechul." Eunhyuk said as if it explained everything. It did. Eunhyuk began to shuffle looking nervous, he looked uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"I feel as if someone's watching me." He said, Ryeowook looked around for the culprit so to put Eunhyuk at ease.

"There is! There's this European person staring at you, it's the same face that Onew makes when he sees chicken. I think she wants to eat you." Ryeowook informed him cheerfully, Eunhyuk felt that this certainly did not put him at ease.


"Key!" Jonghyun cried spotting the fashionable man who was shuffling nervously looking around not seeming to be enjoying it that much, he looked lost. Key looked up and smiled at them. Within seconds Jonghyun had knocked Key over in a flying hug, managing to over a few other guests as well. It was their fault for standing in his way so  to them.

"I missed you so much, there was no one to nag at Minho and me for looking like tramps, well there was Heechul but he's scarier!" Jonghyun said and began listing off reasons why he missed Key. None of them making Key's personality look so good though... Minho at last feeling jealous pried Jonghyun off of Key and pulled him into his chest before kissing him strongly. Not quite knowing what to do Key just stood there and watched them blankly. When they separated for breath, Minho looked at Key and nodded.

"Nice seeing you again now if you don't mind I'll be making love to this darling husband of mine. Ciao." Minho said picking a giggling Jonghyun up bridal style and running away with him. Key was left alone. Again.

That's when he saw him, shining like an angel in a white tuxedo decorated in jewels around the edges. There was Taemin. He felt his heart speed up, his palms grow sweaty. At last he was going to speak to his angel again.


Rou frowned annoyed, Key had ditched her after she had been so kind as to offer to find Taemin for him. Bastard.

"I will get my revenge on you Key!" She yelled, gaining the attention of one man in particular. The one and only Heechul. He sidled next to her.

"I hear you want revenge, I do too and I have a plan which could benefit us both."

"I'm listening."

A/N: Yay! xXxkangarouxXx appears, I wanted you to be scary :P That's not the last though. There will be more KeyTae fanclub

Sorry I did not update on Thursday, I was busy... painting sunflowers... horses and butterflies hence the new background besides the watermelons made me hungry for blood watermelons and UNICORNS, I painted unicorns I love unicorns. I listened to Opera (Super Junior)  on Friday, my first thought was puppets, then circus, then clowns which lead me to clowns in a circus (like these harlequin style ones though being controlled like puppets and leading people who watch the circus into the back tent and turning them in turn into puppets. I like puppets even though their creepy, and clowns are evil. I couldn't update on Saturday as I was attacked and beaten up by little children, there was like seven of them. The oldest being five.

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This story next~~


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Chapter 53: hmm, I'm commenting before bed.....good story. You should definitely come back to it. Forget about having a personal life and school work. Seriously, come update. Make some readers happy.
Chapter 16: Bad bad bad naughty meany leader of all trolls author-nim. Why did I honestly even trust you? Especially after all you writes about your fam time. No more comments for you til the end.

And I so mean it this time.
Chapter 15: Okay, smarty-pants author-nim. You totally's got me with the scene where Key will speak to Taeminnie for the first time at the party. So so so o o o did NOT expect that twist. *patting author-nims head and handing author-nim a BIG bowl of chocolate mint and strawberry ice cream*
Chapter 7: Adam Lambert is just wow. Such a blessed man. He must make his fam so proud. Your comments to readers are hi-lar-ri-ous. I especially liked the response that Taeminnie begged author-nim to let him wear a suit the first time he sees Key again and author-nims like, "Nope, ain't no haps. You're wearing pink and you will not be manly Taeminnie."

I like how author-nims noggin rotates.
Chapter 6: Okay, that is a - author-nim deserves cookies - for that Ontae fic recommendation. I read first chap and subscribed. Thanks
Okay, trailer was disappointing......


Seriously, it was.




Sheesh, don't be a baby. It was disappointing cause it was TOO SHORT!

hehehe, did I successfully troll author-nim? *skipping off to read in glee*
awwwwwww i really love this story authornim please please update soon i will be waiting
good luck fighting
Chapter 55: No! I'm so sorry! I hate when things died and your cat!!!! I love cats!!!!! It's okay, you dun have to update in this sad time
Chapter 53: This is such a great fic I waited a long time for your update~ Thank you so much author-nim~^-^
Shanamexchingu #10
Chapter 40: Hi hi i'm here
very look forward to your update for thiss!eo?
Idk i still think the husband is Lee,,,Jinki!?!?
Update this eo?jebal
Hwaaiiting C: