Chapter Six

Fly With Me
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I was breathing so hard. I don't want to be late so I ran. I ran and ran and ran from where the taxi dropped me. It's just 7:45 and I don't want him to wait for me. I wore this romantic combined vanilla long sleeves top with elastic detail dirty white waist skirt. I don't look that cute. I mean, I could definitely post a fashion entry in my blog about what i'm wearing right now but I will not. I'm not a fashion geek. But since, i've been waiting for this trip, like forever. My mom bought me lots and lots of clothes. And when I say lots, I mean she spent 1.5 million won for those clothes. She said it's a gift from dad. Like, is there any parent who would give her daughter 1.5 million won for her wardrobe. I kind of doubted them and told them i'll just keep the money, but it's a take it or leave it deal. I don't have a choice. Haha. Then I got the news that dad got promoted. And it means he'll get even more busier because of that. I don't know if it's a positive thing or not. Anyway, back to's like i'm running for hours now. Where is he? I checked my watch. It's 7;50. Oh, thank God.

Then, I felt someone touched my arm. It was warm. I can feel electricty through my veins. Nothing is ordinary about this. 

"Hey. Stop running? Are you lost or something?" I see the most beautiful guy in the world infront of me. He's wonderful. Really.

"Oh. Hi." I glanced at my watch, it's just 7:54.. "Gongchan, you're early."

"No , I'm not. Haha." "Yes, you are. I think, you've been waiting for nearly half an hour already. I can see his sweat under his chin. It's so visible, I want to touch it. I want to touch his neck, and damp his sweat.. I want to....

"How'd you know?" "Duhh? Your sweat!!! Anyway, I came up here early, because I want to be earlier than you. I guess, I failed the plan."

"You have a plan?! Haha. Anyway, let's move on and tour ourselves in this place. We've got this whole day to enjoy."

"Wait. Gongchan, don't you have any schedule today? Where's your other hyungs? Are you even allowed to do this?"

"Hey! This is our vacation. And yes, I am allowed. I told them, i'll meet someone. Now, stop asking questions. Let's go!"

He walked first and I just can't move until I asked him another question. I know, i'm such a jerk. Wy can't I just shut up!? I ran after him  His hands was in his pocket when I hold him in the arm and stopped him. My heart beats faster. This is making me crazy.

"Can I please, ask another question?"

"Go on, this should be the last." he smiled.

"Why are you doing this?" i asked him with such curious eyes. I really want to know, what's up.

"I told you last night. I want to prove, i'm just normal as you are. I want to be friends with you."

"Why me?"

"Uh-oh. That's the last question I'm gonna answer, oryt. Come on." Then he grabbed and dragged me.

He held my hand. Our hands touching. I AM FREAKING OUT.

"I'm hungry." I told him after that looong stroll we took. Though, it made me tired. Everything was so perfect. It was wayy out of my imagination. We talked about things, it was gongchan talking all along. Yeah, i talked sometimes, but that's when he'll ask me about something. I learned he like math, hates science. Loves to sing. He just can't help being cute. Like that, stuffs. He's so ordinary, in my point of view. But being an idol was wayyy out of ordinary's definition. He is not like me. But we have a few commons. We both love music. He likes to study, i like too. That sort of stuffs. Just simple things. Everything about him is simple, yet I see him too highly. Mayb i'm the problem here. Maybe I just can't acc

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_queenchristine #2
Chapter 18: I love this story so much!! ❤❤
_-Taeminnie-_ #3
Chapter 18: When I started reading this, I felt that I was in heaven <3 And it's true! This Fanfic... it's fabulous and amazing, and I'm sure hat I will read this many many times before this <33 :'3
Chapter 20: very cute story :)
Chapter 18: The ending is so cute ♥ I love this story *u* Esp. when it's Channie ♥
I wanna go to Jeju Island now. /dreaming/ I'm from the Philippines OTL.
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl this story was so cute XD makes me love channie even more now! Haha
LatifaKim #7
Chapter 10: Omo!! love ya<3
Chapter 18: Kyaa! Author-nim you just ruined my bias list! This stowie is just soooo adowable that I can't stop spazzing and squealing! ^-^
Chapter 18: Gongchan's slowly beating everyone on my bias list, ahh!
Haha, I love your stories. I hope to read the stories you write in the future!

I look forward to what'll happen in "A Little Too Deep For You". ^^