Chapter One

Fly With Me
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I was walking down our school hallway when one of the girls from the back tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, Sam. Congratulations." She smiled at me and then flew away. Well. That was fast. I actually didn't even know her. I know people but only in their faces not their names. I have friends, maybe like 3 to 4. And we're not that even close. My best friend is my sister. Yes, my younger sister. Her name is Cassandra and she's 10 years old. Well, I'm 7 years ahead of her, but still, I can share everything with her. We know everything about each other. I'm not that good in socializing with people but I can bare with it. Yeah. I'm not that popular in my school, tho.

"Hi Sam! Goddess! You're so smart! Congrats!" I smiled as this guy infront of the lockers eyed me as I passed by.

"Sam, congratulations." 

"Oh, you shoot. That was awesome Sam. Keep up the good work!"

Random people said. Random people. Random people I didn't even know. But they know me.

So, I am popular. But not that much. No, i'm not being humble. Hah. Well. I left the school with a smile. I know what they're talking about. It was probably because I got first again. It's not that much. I don't even know how I did it. I never studied like a bookworm before, but then I got perfect marks everytime. Maybe mom, switched her real baby to a genius or something. Because even my mom isn't that smart. Not that i'm taking down my mom but, she even said it herself. But. Mom isn't so amazed with these achievements. She's not giving me such high praisals like, jumping around the living room as she heard I got first, or I won some spelling bee contest. No. She often smile, and say, that I did well. I think she's cool with it. And I like it. I don't like a kangaroo mom, you know. Jumping and stuff.At home, we're a very happy family. My dad and mom are both working and even if they work full-time, they still have time for their two lovely daughters.

I walked down the hallway to the school inside gate. So, since it's 3:00 already. I'd go home straight so that I can take care of my sister. Yeah, she had some bad coughs this morning and obviously didn't attend class. 

As I walked to the door. I can see Cassandra peeking at the window. She's watching me as I walk to the door. This sister of mine. Not even opening the door.

"Cassandra, open the door or no TV for the rest of the day." I said with a grin. She opened the door.

"Ugh. Y U SO HOT? I'm just fooling around. And I can't take a no-TV for today. B1A4 got some awesome comeback."

"I know, your sister is hot." I replied . I leaned in to our heavenly couch, with a big sigh as I relaxed.

"No! Not that kind of hot. I mean you're very sensitive. Annoyed already." Cass sat beside me and opened the TV.

"Hey hey hey, watch that mouth of yours. And stop with the B1A4 thing, okay? You've been blabbing about them since their debut and it's a year ago."

"Why? They're awesome. I can;t resist them. Don't deny. I saw you've got their songs on your ipod, you know."

"I'm not denying anything. I have their songs. I think they're cool until you played them like one thousand times a day and I got so annoyed. Like, I can't even take it, if I hear one more of their beats." I continued. 

"What? I'm not playing it one thousand times a day!" Cass hissed.

I'm always having this kind of convo with my sister. Especially the B1A4 part. She's not like her age. I always thought, I was having a talk with my own age friends. That's why I enjoy my sister's company. As always. She's awesome and I love it. Though, she can;t help to act her age, sometimes. I mean, most of the times. Like when, she's in her B1A4 addiction.

"Anyway, how are you feeling? those coughs?" I said with a worry.

"Almost fine, I just need some B1A4 capsules, to strengthen myself more."

"What are you talking about?" I confusingly said.

"This." She pointed out to the TV and giggled as Music Core showed some promotions of B1A4.

My sister is just addicted. So addicted.


After a few hours, mom arrived with a load of grocery bags in her hands.

"Mom! You went to the grocery?" I asked as I help her with the bags.

"Yes, got some quick shopping. I'll try this new recipe, I found online. It looked delicious so, yeah, you know me, Sam."

I nodded and went to the kitchen. 

"Mom! Mom! Samantha got first again." Cassandra blurted out. I wasn't shy because mom would probably react like she always would. Smile then say, I did well. And back to what she was doing. But it was not as I'm expecting.

"Wow. That's awesome, Sam. Good Job, you did very well." She said with a big smile while steppng closer to me.

"Thanks, mom." I said with a hiss.

"Let's go in the living room? I need to talk to you." She said as she went straight to the couch. 

I followed and sat beside her.

"What's up?"

This is the part of the foreword.


It was when my mom told me, I should probably have a vacation, that Paris popped out of nowhere. I really want to go to Paris. It's aura gave me a such warm and romantic feeling. Well, Paris is the city of love and I imagine, if I can actually find my own Parisian boyfriend. But. Do they even like korean girls? I'm no full korean, tho. But I very much look like one. Do they like not that skinny-type of girls? I would like to know if they would prefer girls in pants or skirts. Will someone even notice me if I actually wore no-make up?

But then, my mom snapped me out of my day-dream about Paris. Oh, that word even gave me goosebumps. She asked me again.

"Do you like to have a vacation?"


I exclaimed. My mom gave me a wierd look that I would very much translate to a 'no-no'.

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_queenchristine #2
Chapter 18: I love this story so much!! ❤❤
_-Taeminnie-_ #3
Chapter 18: When I started reading this, I felt that I was in heaven <3 And it's true! This Fanfic... it's fabulous and amazing, and I'm sure hat I will read this many many times before this <33 :'3
Chapter 20: very cute story :)
Chapter 18: The ending is so cute ♥ I love this story *u* Esp. when it's Channie ♥
I wanna go to Jeju Island now. /dreaming/ I'm from the Philippines OTL.
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl this story was so cute XD makes me love channie even more now! Haha
LatifaKim #7
Chapter 10: Omo!! love ya<3
Chapter 18: Kyaa! Author-nim you just ruined my bias list! This stowie is just soooo adowable that I can't stop spazzing and squealing! ^-^
Chapter 18: Gongchan's slowly beating everyone on my bias list, ahh!
Haha, I love your stories. I hope to read the stories you write in the future!

I look forward to what'll happen in "A Little Too Deep For You". ^^