Chapter Sixteen

Fly With Me
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To: [email protected]

Subject: Sleep.

From: [email protected]


I think, I'm gonna be attacked by the bees right now because of your sweetness. *laughs* Anyway, you've got to sleep now.


He's making me sleep. But I don't want yet. I still want to email him. I want to talk to him.

To: [email protected]

Subject: :P

From: [email protected]


I'm not still sleepy. Why won't you just email me? I just want to talk to you... I don't want to sleep yet.



To: [email protected]

Subject: Come on.

From: [email protected]


You have to. You have to get that eight hour sleep. This is a must, okay? Now, follow me and go to sleep now. I won't reply.


To: [email protected]

Subject: :"<

From: [email protected]


Can't you just forgive me this once? I really want to talk to you.



To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: :"<

From: [email protected]


Don't frown. Okay, okay. I'll give your adorableness 30minutes more. Deal?


To: [email protected]

Subject: :D

From: [email protected]


Deal. HAHAHAHA. *claps* Hey, what're you doing right now?



To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: :D

From: [email protected]


I'm taking a bath. *joke* I'm actually writing something on my Journal. I have a lot to say.



To: [email protected]

Subject: Hmmmmm.

From: [email protected]


So, you keep a journal? You've been writing to it a lot huh? Maybe, you should let me borrow it sometime. :">



To: [email protected]

Subject: In your dreams.

From: [email protected]


Yah! I won't. I won't. I won't. I have all my secrets in here. And of course, I have you in here. I have some daydreams written here. I don't want you to know about my craziness. 



To: gon

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_queenchristine #2
Chapter 18: I love this story so much!! ❤❤
_-Taeminnie-_ #3
Chapter 18: When I started reading this, I felt that I was in heaven <3 And it's true! This Fanfic... it's fabulous and amazing, and I'm sure hat I will read this many many times before this <33 :'3
Chapter 20: very cute story :)
Chapter 18: The ending is so cute ♥ I love this story *u* Esp. when it's Channie ♥
I wanna go to Jeju Island now. /dreaming/ I'm from the Philippines OTL.
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl this story was so cute XD makes me love channie even more now! Haha
LatifaKim #7
Chapter 10: Omo!! love ya<3
Chapter 18: Kyaa! Author-nim you just ruined my bias list! This stowie is just soooo adowable that I can't stop spazzing and squealing! ^-^
Chapter 18: Gongchan's slowly beating everyone on my bias list, ahh!
Haha, I love your stories. I hope to read the stories you write in the future!

I look forward to what'll happen in "A Little Too Deep For You". ^^