Chapter Ten

Fly With Me
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Gongchan ran across the hallway like a cat chasing a mouse. He was fast and I wonder why?

"Hey! Why won't you run with me?"

"Don't you think, it would disturb the other people in this floor." I laughed.

"We're the only people here."

"What?" I looked at him. Kind of glared.

"I heard one of my hyungs said that the company rented every room in this floor. You know, for us to have some... relaxation...peace of mind.."

"mmmm.." I nodded with amusement.

"Where should we go?" I asked him.

"Anywhere our feet lead us to."

"Hmmm. Okay, my dear feet. Talk to me. Where should we go?" We both laughed and entered the elevator.

The second I got back my traveller senses, we're in a beach. OMG! A beach. Thank God the weather was clear now and it'll not be a burden, since I don't want to soak wet. Okay, so we're in a beach and we're supposed to get a little wet since there's technicall a body of water in a beach. How dum I am for being so dummy. Anyway, the breeze was so cool I can't feel things anymore. The only thing that makes me warm was Channie's hands. It was softy warm and I don't ever want to lose his hand. Not even a single second.

I asked him where are we. 

"Hamdeok Beach."

"So, what's so incredible about this place, huh?" I asked as he wave infront of my eyes.

"Can't you see? This beach is just magnificent. I can stay here all day long if I want to. Not that I'll be dragging you onto this. But I will really appreciate it if you let me be with you today in this beach."

"You're so proud of this place huh? We'll see about that." I chuckled and walked. with him of course. I was just kidding with gongchan when I said those words. it's really amazing here, like we're so meant to be in this place. It's a place for us. Then I wonder, where are the other people?

Why am I seeing no one. it's just the two of us. There's some cottages along the beach side so I think we'll be able to stay there while Mr. Sun is glaring at us. I mean, it's not hot. Actually it's cold. You know that weird feeling when the sun is so up but yet you feel incredibly cold. Yeah. that's just weird. Anyway..

"There's really nothing to see here, you know. Just the beach.


" And that's what makes it special." He said while I looked at him. He was staring at the body of water infront of us. Thank God there were some cute little cottages here. I'll die if we don't have any shelter to go on. I am exaggerating, okay.

"What makes the beach so special?" I asked him. CONFUSED. I don't know why he's so amused with this place.

" When I was young, my family, always loved this beach." he said.. still staring at the body of water. I wish, it was my body though. I AM JOKING.

So, he's gonna open up about his family now. I don't want to be awkward. it's just that

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_queenchristine #2
Chapter 18: I love this story so much!! ❤❤
_-Taeminnie-_ #3
Chapter 18: When I started reading this, I felt that I was in heaven <3 And it's true! This Fanfic... it's fabulous and amazing, and I'm sure hat I will read this many many times before this <33 :'3
Chapter 20: very cute story :)
Chapter 18: The ending is so cute ♥ I love this story *u* Esp. when it's Channie ♥
I wanna go to Jeju Island now. /dreaming/ I'm from the Philippines OTL.
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl this story was so cute XD makes me love channie even more now! Haha
LatifaKim #7
Chapter 10: Omo!! love ya<3
Chapter 18: Kyaa! Author-nim you just ruined my bias list! This stowie is just soooo adowable that I can't stop spazzing and squealing! ^-^
Chapter 18: Gongchan's slowly beating everyone on my bias list, ahh!
Haha, I love your stories. I hope to read the stories you write in the future!

I look forward to what'll happen in "A Little Too Deep For You". ^^