Chapter Two

Fly With Me
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How am I supposed to live again? I'll be leaving tomorrow morning alone, in Jeju. How romantic. Ugh. T_______T I really can't stand this anymore. I just need to enjoy that one week right? After that, i'll go back and study again. Study. Study. Study. Then my dreams of coming to Paris will not be as truthful as it can be. Just awesome. How unlucky I am! 

My sister entered my room as she sat in the pink mini couch beside my rack. 

"Hey dude, u excited?"

"Don't dude me Cass." I grumpily said.

"Why?" She laughed.

"You know that I've been dreaming all my life for mom to ask me to have a vacation. And I'm expecting that she'll go on with my Paris plan. Just to get back with my awesome grades, get it?"

"I know, sis. But you know, you're only seventeen, and mom's being just so protective."

How can my sister be so mature. I'm feeling like, I'm the ten year old here.


"I can't even go to my clasmates house this weekend." She said annoyingly.

"And why is that?"

"Mom didn't let me."

"What's new?" I packed.

"So just enjoy, Jeju. It's not that bad."

"I know. And I have no choice but to enjoy it, alright?"

"Yeah," She replied. Cass stood up and headed for the door. But before she left..

"Sam, be sure not to hook up with boys, when you're in Jeju. I heard that many booked a one week flight to Jeju these days, you might find one." She giggled and winked at me.

"Pretzels." I said with a grin. And she knows that I'm talking about, no problem there. 

I finished packing as I got a text message from somebody. Oh, it's from Hyuna.

Heard you're going to Jeju? Why didn't you tell me? OTL ~ 

Hyuna's my friend. Yes, she's one of thos 3-4 friends at school, i'm talking about. Since I have no escape here, I need to reply.


Yup. Sorry, got no time. I keep asking my mom to cancel it, but no choice. Paris is gone. ORZ

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_queenchristine #2
Chapter 18: I love this story so much!! ❤❤
_-Taeminnie-_ #3
Chapter 18: When I started reading this, I felt that I was in heaven <3 And it's true! This Fanfic... it's fabulous and amazing, and I'm sure hat I will read this many many times before this <33 :'3
Chapter 20: very cute story :)
Chapter 18: The ending is so cute ♥ I love this story *u* Esp. when it's Channie ♥
I wanna go to Jeju Island now. /dreaming/ I'm from the Philippines OTL.
Chapter 18: Asdfghjkl this story was so cute XD makes me love channie even more now! Haha
LatifaKim #7
Chapter 10: Omo!! love ya<3
Chapter 18: Kyaa! Author-nim you just ruined my bias list! This stowie is just soooo adowable that I can't stop spazzing and squealing! ^-^
Chapter 18: Gongchan's slowly beating everyone on my bias list, ahh!
Haha, I love your stories. I hope to read the stories you write in the future!

I look forward to what'll happen in "A Little Too Deep For You". ^^