Chapter 8

Curiousity Killed the Cat


It was time to wake up.


That was what Yukwon's body told him. He was most definitely awake, not fully awake but awake and feeling lazy. Slowly rubbing his eye lids, his sight came clearer. Just as he was about to move out of bed, he realized he couldn't move. His face scrunched up at his immobility, his mind wasn't able to figure out what was wrong and he struggled for a bit. Turning over slightly he noticed a long arm slugged over his body, and another placed below him, both connecting hands and holding Yukwon in place. The arms, hands and fingers were familiar, very familiar.


Adjusting himself just a bit more he managed to peek over to see the boy who was oh-so dear to his heart, sleeping soundly. Yukwon couldn't help but smile at the sight. At the moment he couldn't recall what had happened the night before, definitely not as they were fully dressed, infact in the same clothes they had on yesterday. Nope, no sore spots, or well, sore . It was safe to assume they just collapsed on Zico's bed. Blush creeped to his cheeks as he stared lovingly at his friend, no his lover.


Ah, he was so tempted to run his fingers down the other's face but Zico's strong arms still kept him in place.


The younger boy's lashes fluttered as his eyes opened, vision still blurry and mumbling words escaped his lips. The sound of a sudden giggle made his ears twitch, he knew very well where that came from.


“ Kwon-ah ? “


“ Good morning ~ “, the boy in his arms greeted with that pleasant tone Zico loved to hear.


Zico didn't answer, all he did was pull closer and leaned into the older boy's shoulder. His grip tightened and a slight yelp came from Yukwon's lips. A small chuckle was muffled into Yukwon's shoulder.


“ So do you guys need your own room yet? “


Such a cheeky remark came from no other than Kyung who was sitting up on his bunk, looking over to them with his signature grin. Didn't take long till a pillow came flying to his face.





Slowly but surely, Minhyuk starting take steps. Baby steps. Initiating more contact but not going full on because the last thing he'd want to do is have it in Jaehyo's face, for Jaehyo to suddenly stray from him. The taller boy seemed oblivious to Minhyuk's sudden increase of attention towards him, he eventually grew accustomed to it.


“ Oh ~ “


“ What? “


The raven haired dancer looked over to his dancer who sat beside him as the all sat on the ground for their lunch. Nothing new, just another day with schedules, leaving them no choice but to have their meal on the bare floor backstage. Raising an eyebrow at the younger boy as he splurped a strand of noodle into his mouth, he couldn't help but wonder, what did he want this time?


A devilish smirk showed on Zico's face. Minhyuk didn't like the look of this.


“ I see what you've been doing “, he spoke softly but loud enough for his hyung to hear.


What he had been doing? To be frank, what Minhyuk had started to do was similar to how Zico acted towards his dance partner. Being more touchy, maybe even intimate? Being more open and saying things he wouldn't say before. He knew how to do things but still have them be subtle, and he knew he was doing well because his pretty object of affection was unfazed by his acts of what one may possibly be able to call, flirting.


Minhyuk didn't bother answering and continued eating, he didn't want to say anything with the risk of the others nearby to overhear what he might say, but that didn't shut Zico up.

“ Keep up the good work “ , with a snicker, he pat Minhyuk's shoulder and got up to put aside his now empty food container.


What the is that supposed to mean?





Immediately after the end of their schedules to the day, the boys hopped into their ride and their manager drove them straight for dinner. Whines of hunger and growling stomachs filled the car, harassing their manager as he drived faster to their destination.


They headed to a restaurant, one which wasn't a regular one they'd go to and rushed in before any fans who would possibly be around would take notice. Their manager led them to a private room where seating was on the floor and they scrambled in one by one, Jaehyo sitting at one far end against the wall and Minhyuk suddenly finding himself being shoved beside him, actually almost falling onto him.


Who the ?


Whipping his head around, Yukwon towered over him with a grin, rubbing the back of his head, “ S-sorry hyung “. He knows now doesn't he? Instantly, he diverted his attention to Zico who was just behind Yukwon. The tall sharp eyed boy grinned. He opened his mouth didn't he?


Casually taking his place beside Minhyuk and Zico beside him, Yukwon acted like nothing happened. Minhyuk leaned in slightly to whisper to Yukwon , “ He told you? “. The younger boy nodded with a very delighted smile on his face. Minhyuk sighed.


“ Your secret's safe with me “


Across the table sat the other 3 members, Kyung, Jihoon and Taeil, Taeil placed in the middle ofcourse as all the members babied him as usual. Occassionally the leader and dancer couple would be stuck in their own world but ofcourse the others would disrupt them, there's no way they'd let them have peace.


“ Oi oi, we're here too “


“ Don't ignore us “


“ It's wrong to forget your friends “


Constant teasing, constant laughter. They didn't get offended in any way, the boys were all used to how they were with each other. One by one the dishes were served, piling all over the table to feed the hungry boys. And so the feast started.


As if there were 6 mothers at one table, all of them would offer food to Taeil first and attempt to feed him like a mother to their child, resulting in him crossing his arms from the teasing. It was time for Minhyuk to take some initiative.


Just before Jaehyo could take a bite of one of the dishes, Minhyuk interrupted him as Jaehyo paused with the food before his lips in his chopsticks.


“ What's that? “


“ Just some chicken “


“ Can I have some? “

“ Sure just--- “, before Jaehyo could reach out to get some for his friend, Minyuk shamelessly took the food directly from his chopsticks, as if being fed. This flustered Jaehyo.


“ Y-ya!! Why did you do that?! “


Looking up to Jaehyo, Minhyuk smiled, “ It tastes good “. Intentionally he his lips, pretending to savour whatever flavour was still upon his lips. The uljjang just tried to move on from there to continue his meal, and once again before he was going to take another bite, the raven haired boy stopped him.


“ It's my turn “


Closely placing food infront of Jaehyo's lips, he was clearly gesturing to feed the taller boy.


“ What are you doing? “

“ Returning the favour “


Boy this felt embarassing. Slowly his cheeks became tinted with pink. Hesitantly he opened his mouth and took the bite, Minhyuk sat beside him looking pleased.


Giggles started erupting from the other dancer beside him and along came the leader's snickering.

“ Yeobo, say aaahhh “


“ Ahhhh “


The two were acting like a couple you'd want to gag from seeing, clearly mocking the previous 2 and the other 3 just laughing out at their act. There's no doubting embarassment filled Minhyuk, he gently swatted at his dance partner's shoulder.


Abruptly Jaehyo got up and left the room, Zico called out to him , “ Where you off to? “


“ I just need some fresh air for a bit “


With that he left, leaving the other members dumbfounded.


“ What's up with him? “

“ I don't know “

“ Someone go after him ? “

Without hesitating, Minhyuk got up and went after Jaehyo. Did what he do upset him?

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Chapter 13: that was cool
hinatac #2
Chapter 3: This story is weird, the characters are weird, but how come I can't stop reading?? O_o
musicismyworld #3
Chapter 13: I really like this story!!
WickedDoll3095 #4
Please update~! *^*
AshXIII #5
Chapter 13: . . . (mentally squeals) BJae's so adorable. Well, Jae is, but you know. BBomb's cute too by default. (snickers) Best part? Jae split between the thoughts of BBomb and his . (grins) That almost sounded narcissistic if not for the sore part. Fuhuhuhuhu

Adoring every step of their relationship and BBomb's sly moves.
muchLove #6
YAY ~ B-Jae are finally together.

Awww Zikwon are both ual frustrated, it was kinda cute hor yukwon just kinda screamed it out to Minhyuk.
awika2005 #7
It's so short but it likes a little bomb make me grin and scream from Bjae moment XD
Minhyuk and Jaehyo finally become a new couple *party*

Angel Kwonnie gonna Jiho?? I think they've already made that o_O
Wait and see what'll be going on~ XD