Chapter 12

Curiousity Killed the Cat


“ Shall we conduct an experiment? “



“ An experiment? “


The raven boy nodded as he took a seat beside Jaehyo on the bed, there wasn't much of a distance between the two of them and this made his heart race slightly. The creaks of the bed from each movement did not help in any way. Looking into the eyes of the other boy, there was no way Minhyuk was going to back down from here.


Finger placed themselves onto Jaehyo's cheek, followed by a palm. One by one the fingers trailed down, caressing the almost flawless skin of the other boy, finding their way to lips, lips which were always lush and pink despite no use of anything like gloss. Jaehyo flinched from the contact, he didn't know what to do in this situation and was even more surprised to see Minhyuk pull his hand back. A devillish smile crept on Minhyuk's lips, one Jaehyo had never seen before. He didn't know what to expect.


“ How about this then... “


Minhyuk trailed off before opening the gap between them. He comfortably moved to the side, movement causing the bed to bounce slightly, Jaehyo showing slight panic from the unexpected movement. The tall boy was pretty much a bag of nervousness right now. And so Minhyuk continued,


“ … Since I already know how I feel, it wouldn't be too effective if I kissed you “


He trailed off again, eyes on the other boy. His expression was now neutral, as if talking to Jaehyo about anything from their usual days, leaving Jaehyo to question how he could remain so calm despite saying words.


“ ….. How about you kiss me? “


Expression still neutral, it was as if he said such 'complex' words so carelessly. Jaehyo jumped for a moment, pulling back slightly. The boy was now wide eyed, heart racing madly and he could feel himself blush uncontrollably.


How can you say such things so easily?


The raven haired boy cocked his head to the side slightly and smiled at his groupmate. There was definitely an air of confidence coming from Minhyuk, infact he himself didn't know what got to him. He was most likely 'inspired' by his leader. Silence filled the room they could even hear the the wall clock ticking, second by second,


Tick, tock, tick, tock.


There was no way Jaehyo could bring himself to look Minhyuk in the eye right now. This situation was too foreign to him. How is he supposed to react to his friend asking for a kiss? A male friend. Then he recalled, this isn't the first time, they've kissed before and Jaehyo didn't even reject it. He didn't fight back. He questioned himself before but it was at this very moment that he questioned himself way more. Digging a hole and crawling into it sounded like the best thing to do right now.


“ If you don't want to, you dont have to, you know? “


Hesitantly, Jaehyo slowly looked up to face Minhyuk. The expression he came to see before him wasn't one he expected. It wasn't that neutral face from earlier or was it that devillish smirk of confidence. He smiled softly, but it wasn't a good smile. There was a tinge of sadness, a sense of guilt built up inside if Jaehyo. Not only guilt but something about it made him sad too.


It wouldn't hurt right?


Jaehyo took a deep breath, an attempt to try and settle his nerves. It did help a bit but the boy was still a mess on the inside. He really did wonder why he was panicking so much from this. Had it been different if it was someone else? Would he be more calm?


I've got nothing to lose right?


Once again he took a deep breath. Finally building some courage, he braved himself to look Minhyuk face to face once again. He was feeling some sort of determination now and his sudden gaze surprised the other boy.


“ I guess it would be okay “

“ … oh? Really? “

“ Y-yeah “


It was pretty noticeable that relief was showing on Minhyuk's face, his smile changed. Despite Jaehyo agreeing, he still remained frozen in his spot. What was he supposed to do now? Just lunge forward at the boy who was sitting beside him? Ofcourse not. Casually leaning himself back, Minhyuk then beckoned Jaehyo to come closer, gesturing with his hand. Jaehyo couldn't help but be flustered. What was he supposed to do? Lay himself ontop of Minhyuk?


That's just too weird. This is all too weird.


Minhyuk just watched as the doe-eyed boy panicked infront of him, little movements clearly showing what was going on in his head. He couldn't help but laugh a bit at what played before him. It was all too cute. It just made him want him more.


An arm extended out to pull the panicking boy down onto Minhyuk's chest.


“ Wh-what are you doing?! “


“ Lending a hand “ , Minhyuk chuckled.


Their eyes met, faces mere centimetres apart. Minhyuk could feel Jaehyo's heart beat against his body, Jaehyo could feel Minhyuk's heartbeat as well. The rate Jaehyo's heartbeat was pretty predictable but Jaehyo came to a slight shock realizing Minhyuk's heart was racing as well, maybe not as fast as his, but still racing. He placed a hand onto the raven haired boy's chest, feeling every beat from the other boy's body.


“ And here I was thinking... I was the only nervous one “


Jaehyo smiled, his nerves calmed down knowing that this situation had them both nervous. Minhyuk the hair of the taller boy, proceeding to run his fingers through each strand with care. The boy before him was pretty much glowing in his eyes, he could feel himself fall deeper. Totally not acting to his suggestion, he pulled Jaehyo to him and pressed their lips together. He couldn't help himself. Jaehyo pulled back slightly, enough to break the light kiss, he faced Minhyuk who was now softly smiling at him.


His mind was blank now. He couldn't think of what to do but he did not feel disgusted or uncomfortable in the slightest bit. Shutting his eyes, he braced himself for what he was going to bring himself to do.


Leaning back in and bringing their lips together again, Minhyuk smiled into the kiss, pulling Jaehyo even closer. Naturally, just going with the flow of how things were, Jaehyo adjusted his head, cocking it slightly, allowing their kiss to proceed more, allowing Minhyuk to mould their lips together. Seeing both were male, surprisingly there wasn't any sort of battle for dominance, instead Jaehyo let Minhyuk have his way, let him have control. Jaehyo felt Minhyuk's tongue brush against his lips and so he gave entrance, allowing the other to explore his mouth. Minhyuk's kisses were rough but sweet, contrasting with Jaehyo's gentle kisses and yet they still continued in perfect harmony. Eventually Minhyuk pulled away, causing Jaehyo to gasp at the sudden stop.


“ Oh ~ ? “


Minhyuk couldn't help smirk, he was so pleased to see Jaehyo react this way, “ Did you not want me to stop? “


And so flustered Jaehyo was back, quickly bring himself off Minhyuk, back into sitting position, looking away and shaking his head as a quick response. Lifting himself off the bed, now sitting beside Jaehyo once again, he laughed a bit, adoring the boy beside him.


“ Maybe next time ~ “


His tone was teasing, making Jaehyo feel more embarassed. What came after didn't help at all. A hand rested on the uljjang's shoulder and he could feel the body warmth of the other boy as he pressed up against him, then whispering into his ear.


“ I'll make you feel good next time “


Chills went up Jaehyo's spine. Before he could shout out at the other boy for saying such a thing, the dancer was already off the bed and making his way to the door. As he unlocked the knob, he turned back to once again smile at Jaehyo.


“ I'll make you love me “


He raised a hand, as if gesturing goodbye and left.


Jaehyo still had himself placed on the bed, he was sitting them somewhat dumbfounded. He froze for a moment before he collapsed onto the bed, rolling to one end and facing the wall.


He needed some time alone.


I really need to learn how to write these kind of scenes properly lol I am so sorry but I hope you enjoyed this part OTL

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Chapter 13: that was cool
hinatac #2
Chapter 3: This story is weird, the characters are weird, but how come I can't stop reading?? O_o
musicismyworld #3
Chapter 13: I really like this story!!
WickedDoll3095 #4
Please update~! *^*
AshXIII #5
Chapter 13: . . . (mentally squeals) BJae's so adorable. Well, Jae is, but you know. BBomb's cute too by default. (snickers) Best part? Jae split between the thoughts of BBomb and his . (grins) That almost sounded narcissistic if not for the sore part. Fuhuhuhuhu

Adoring every step of their relationship and BBomb's sly moves.
muchLove #6
YAY ~ B-Jae are finally together.

Awww Zikwon are both ual frustrated, it was kinda cute hor yukwon just kinda screamed it out to Minhyuk.
awika2005 #7
It's so short but it likes a little bomb make me grin and scream from Bjae moment XD
Minhyuk and Jaehyo finally become a new couple *party*

Angel Kwonnie gonna Jiho?? I think they've already made that o_O
Wait and see what'll be going on~ XD