Chapter 3

Curiousity Killed the Cat



Ever since the experiment 'incidents' there would be times where Yukwon would drag away his raven haired dancer hyung to just talk. He didn't know what was going on in his head anymore, he was more confused than ever. It didn't help that the smooching machine started becoming friendlier with him compared to before, maybe even a bit touchy.
Minhyuk being a good hyung listened to his friend's confused thoughts. Infact he was the best person to come to for this, he knew exactly what was going on. From Yukwon's developing feelings to Zico's blatantly obvious flirting, he out of all the members would see it most. Why?
He liked guys.
Yes, Lee Minhyuk swung that way and he was aware of it since way back. However this was not something the other members were aware of except one, but we'll come to that later.
During his early days in Stardom, Yukwon caught his eye, mostly because he could see that Yukwon was like him but hadn't 'discovered himself' yet. Minhyuk was able to tell these things. Eventually he decided to back off once he noticed that the younger already had his eyes on someone else, Woo Jiho. Though, ofcourse Yukwon had no clue of these feelings and most likely at the time it was pretty much only admiration. As time passed Minhyuk noticed that these feelings had gone past admiration and became infatuation, it didn't stop at that. It was only now that the younger dancer was starting to realize his feelings.
When Minyuk was younger and started learning about himself he had no one to talk to or just be there for him. It was only after he was told directly by another person did he come to realization but ofcourse that wasn't his best experience in life. He didn't want Yukwon to feel the same, he decided to let him slowly learn on his own, or atleast wait till the right time if he had to tell him.
Their little talk sessions always made Yukwon feel better eventhough it mostly consisted of the younger talking 80% of the time. The least Minhyuk could do was lend a hearing ear and give advice when needed. This helped things become normally for awhile but eventually a very confused boy would always end up running to his hyung.
The boys took a break from their dance practice. All the boys had themselves sprawled all over the floor aside from Minhyuk, Zico and Jaehyo. The pretty boy of the group volunteered to get drinks from the convenience store and Zico had himself sitting and leaning against one of the walls at the far end of the dance studio, away from everyone. The raven haired boy thought this would be a good time to talk to him.
“ Hey “
“ What's up hyung? “
Minhyuk made himself comfortable beside his leader who was now a bit sceptical. He knew something was up. Casually the elder asked, “ So did the 'results' for you experiment come in yet? “. Zico raised an eyebrow, he wasn't expecting that at all and so he started laughing, “ What kind of question is that? “. The dancer just kept his eyes on the rapper, not saying a word. “ Well I guess there were 'results' “, he smiled, a smile softer than his usual.
“ You like him don't you? “
Too direct? Maybe it was but Minhyuk just wanted to get to the point. There sat a very shocked boy, eyes wider than they had ever been before. He took a moment to compose himself and he laughed slightly with a sheepish grin on his face. Slowly a slight tint of pink creeped onto his cheeks, “ I guess I have been obvious lately”.
“ Since when did you start liking him? “
“ I can't recall “
“ Aren't you going to tell him? “ 
“ Nope “
“ You know how he feels right? “
“ Yeah “
“ Then why not? “
Nervous laughter escaped Zico's lips, he was clearly being interrogated by his older groupmate, “ You're being kind of scary you know? “. “ I just want to know, I'm concerned “ explained the elder as if he was actually Yukwon's actual brother, “ Do you know how confused he is right now? “. The smile on the rapper's lips grew wider, eventually turning into a grin. He looked awfully pleased, “ I know”.
“ Then why? “
“ Because I'm enjoying this. It's cute “
“ What's wrong with you? “
“ I want him to realize on his own, have him come to me. I like seeing him being like this because of me “
“ …... You sadist “
“ Maybe I am “
Chuckling started coming from the boy with the shaved head while raven haired boy shrugged and sighed, “ Don't start complaining if you lose your chance with him then “. Confidence was definitely within Zico, he wasn't fazed and was still smiling , “ Don't worry”.
“ Whatever you do, don't hurt him “
“ Got it “
As if on cue, exactly after that ended, Jaehyo walked back in lugging the drinks he bought for everyone. He walked past the two who were talking, Minhyuk's gaze following the pretty boy, observing aspect of him intently.
“ Oh “
“ What? “
“ Jaehyo? “
A cheeky expression was written all over the leader's face as he grinned at his groupmate. He just caught on to something. That's when Minhyuk's usually cool image crumbled for a bit, getting slightly flustered. “ I hit the bull's eye didn't I? “, Zico was now smirking, “ I saw how you looked at him “. The roles were reversed, Minhyuk wasn't the interrogator anymore. He hung is head between his legs which he had pulled up against his body, hiding his embarassed expression, “ Yeah “.
“ Are you going to do anything? “
“ The situation isn't like yours “
“ There's no harm trying “
“ You don't understand Jiho-ya “ , said Minhyuk as he got off his spot beside Zico to go over to the others to get his drink.
It isn't that easy and it would never be that easy.



Tell me what you guys think so far yeah :) I'm sorry if there are any major typos or missing words, I tend to type too fast sometimes I don't notice errors, even after I run through it again. I'll try not to make mistakes and I'll try to write better lol.

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Chapter 13: that was cool
hinatac #2
Chapter 3: This story is weird, the characters are weird, but how come I can't stop reading?? O_o
musicismyworld #3
Chapter 13: I really like this story!!
WickedDoll3095 #4
Please update~! *^*
AshXIII #5
Chapter 13: . . . (mentally squeals) BJae's so adorable. Well, Jae is, but you know. BBomb's cute too by default. (snickers) Best part? Jae split between the thoughts of BBomb and his . (grins) That almost sounded narcissistic if not for the sore part. Fuhuhuhuhu

Adoring every step of their relationship and BBomb's sly moves.
muchLove #6
YAY ~ B-Jae are finally together.

Awww Zikwon are both ual frustrated, it was kinda cute hor yukwon just kinda screamed it out to Minhyuk.
awika2005 #7
It's so short but it likes a little bomb make me grin and scream from Bjae moment XD
Minhyuk and Jaehyo finally become a new couple *party*

Angel Kwonnie gonna Jiho?? I think they've already made that o_O
Wait and see what'll be going on~ XD