Chapter 10

Curiousity Killed the Cat


“ You did WHAT??!! “


It was another day of practice, one of those times inbetween where the boys would take a short break from their intense training. The younger dance exclaimed as he stood up in shock, still looking at the older dancer. Yukwon's mouth was hanging.


“ Shh, would you just chill? “ , Minhyuk panicked for a moment, hurriedly he tugged the younger boy back down, beside him. The other members noticed the little commotion, Minhyuk just waved out to them, signalling there was nothing wrong.


“ So, you just... did it? “


Yukwon was still shocked but at the same time, his curiousity was sparked. He looked over at Minhyuk, waiting for the older boy to just spill whatever details.


“ You make it sound like we had instead “


“ I'm sure you'd want that though “


“ … “


Still staring at the older boy, somewhat resembling a curious kitten, Minhyuk sighed. With a shrug, he finally continued, “ It just happened. I had nothing to lose “. Breaking into a grin, Yukwon looked somewhat proud of Minhyuk. He couldn't help but feel somewhat happy for the other.


“ You really are brave aren't you? “

“ Tell that to your boyfriend “


Playfully slapping Minhyuk on the arm, they were both now laughing, gaining stares from their groupmates. It's like they were in their own world. Jaehyo, who sat himself beside Taeil was quiet, staring into space. Taeil nudged him, bringing Jaehyo back to reality. The smaller but older individual stared at his friend, he knew something was wrong and Jaehyo could definitely tell from his expression. Despite that, he chose to ignore and went back to staring into nowhere, causing Taeil to sigh, then taking another moment to nudge harder.

“ Wh-what?! “


Crossing his hands and looking at Jaehyo, he wasn't too pleased with how he was ignored the first time. He knew something was up. Hastily waving his hand in the air as he shook his head, Jaehyo denied anything was wrong, “ Don't worry I'm fine, I'm just thinking about things “. There was no way Taeil was buying that, but he couldn't be bothered anymore. He just glanced off to where Minhyuk sat with Yukwon.


What did you do...?


As practiced continued, it was actually a good way for Jaehyo to keep his mind off things since he focused on trying to get their steps right. However, there would be times where he'd catch Minhyuk looking over to him and the awkward boy would sometimes skip a beat or lose balance, resulting in teasing from the composers of the group. Stress started to build within him.


Time was almost up, they packed whatever little things they had brought along for their session and cleaned up their mess. Just as Jaehyo was about to take a step out of the studio's door, a hand reach out for him, gently placed on his shoulder. As a reflex he turned around, his eyes met with deep dark brown eyes. It was no other than the raven haired dancer.


“ What do you want? “

“ Can we talk for awhile? “


“ Maybe now's not the best time, I'm tired “


The taller boy refused to make eye contact with him anymore and gently removed Minhyuk's hand from his shoulder.


Minhyuk stood there, he froze for a moment.


I screwed up didn't I?


“ Everything will be fine “, a voice whispered into his ear, raspy but at the same time smooth. His dear friend stood beside him, smiling, “ Let's get something to eat or drink, whatever “. It was Yukwon's turn to help Minhyuk, after all he's put up with from the younger dancer. It's the least he could do. A pair of long arms wrapped themselves around the shoulders of the two boys, pulling them somewhat closer but with enough space between the two to let the individual in the middle have some breathing space. “ I'm coming with you guys “, it was from non-other than Zico, who tagged along with the two.


The boys grabbed themselves a table at a place they'd usually go to for snacks, the couple sat sat by side as Minhyuk sat opposite them. It was fairly late at night already, they didn't have to worry about any fangirls spotting them so they would just relax and chat.


“ So that's what you did? “ , the rapper questioned, followed by the dancers nodding back at him, “ and I thought I was daring “. Zico chuckled for a moment, he was referring to his approach he had used on Yukwon.


“ He didn't refuse right? “

“ Nope “

“ He didn't push away? “


“ Nope “

“ I don't see anything wrong then “


Despite Zico's words which could be assuring, you can't blame Minhyuk for being worried. Anything could come from this, even if there were to be no special relationship between the two, it could mean the end of their friendship, it could ruin the chemistry between the members of the group. He didn't want that. Staring into his mug, he watched his drink as he slowly mixed. His thoughts were wandering.


“ What do you think I should do then? “ , he finally looked up at the other two. His tone clearly showed he was worried, so troubled by what may happen. “ Just give him some time, it's not something that happened everyday, after all look at the two of us “ , Zico grinned as he pulled Yukwon closer to him, “ Look at how things happened for us “. Yukwon turned to Zico, “ So what you did was all planned? “.


“ ofcourse “


He jabbed his lover in the arm, it wasn't too playful of a jab, kind of rough actually. A tinge of pain was felt, Zico placed his hand onto the spot he got hit, “ Wh-what the hell Kwon-ah “. The brunette just smiled and looked over to his dance partner.


“ Good luck “





Sorry for the short update, having a bit of a writer's block, not that i can really consider myself a writer lol. I hope i'll be able to write better soon. 

This series is going on longer than I expected to be, hopefully I'll learn how to stop dragging it so much lol )8 I'm so sorry.

As usual, tell me what you think!

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Chapter 13: that was cool
hinatac #2
Chapter 3: This story is weird, the characters are weird, but how come I can't stop reading?? O_o
musicismyworld #3
Chapter 13: I really like this story!!
WickedDoll3095 #4
Please update~! *^*
AshXIII #5
Chapter 13: . . . (mentally squeals) BJae's so adorable. Well, Jae is, but you know. BBomb's cute too by default. (snickers) Best part? Jae split between the thoughts of BBomb and his . (grins) That almost sounded narcissistic if not for the sore part. Fuhuhuhuhu

Adoring every step of their relationship and BBomb's sly moves.
muchLove #6
YAY ~ B-Jae are finally together.

Awww Zikwon are both ual frustrated, it was kinda cute hor yukwon just kinda screamed it out to Minhyuk.
awika2005 #7
It's so short but it likes a little bomb make me grin and scream from Bjae moment XD
Minhyuk and Jaehyo finally become a new couple *party*

Angel Kwonnie gonna Jiho?? I think they've already made that o_O
Wait and see what'll be going on~ XD