Chapter 5

Curiousity Killed the Cat


Loud screams filled the venue as Block B left the stage, fans chanting for more. It was another successful performance, but even backstage the sounds of the fan's screams rung in their ears, giving some of them maybe a bit of a headache. However, the younger dancer of the group was having headaches over a different issue.


It had been about 3 weeks since his bestfriend last kissed him, his head was still spinning. As time passed he was becoming more aware of how he felt, how he had always been in denial for quite a long time.


No, this is wrong.


What am I going to do?


“ Are you okay? “


Slowly he looked up, barely lifting his head, seeing right before him was the object of his affection. Great timing. He looked back down, his heart rate started going insane, “ Y-yeah I'm fine. Just a bit tired “. The last thing Yukwon wanted was for Zico to see how red his face was, he could tell from how hot his face felt.


“ We're heading back soon, you can sleep in the van okay? “

“ Yeah “


With that the taller boy left, Yukwon continued hiding his face. He really felt like he was going crazy.


The ride home felt like forever. Eventhough he tried to pretend to sleep, Zico's presence right beside him was making him uncomfortable. Clutching onto his stomach, the butterflies in his tummy made him feel like he was going to hurl. Trying to keep calm, he just leaned himself against the window and closed his eyes, taking steady breaths and by thinking of other things. Who would've known what would've happened if he had actually realized his friend beside him kept stealing glances along the journey.


As soon as they arrived at the dorm, he quickly got himself out of the van and went up into the building, leaving his groupmates confused and worried. Barging into the dorm and heading straight for the bathroom, he splashed cold water onto his face. Oh, there went his make-up. He cursed under his breath and got his face cleaned properly. Grabbing the closest face towel, not caring whom it belonged to, he wiped his face and just as he took it away to look into the mirror he saw Minhyuk behind him in the reflection. Yukwon let out a small scream causing the other members to come running to where they were


His hyung was pretty much dying from laughter while he himself was embarassed, trying to catch his breath from the sudden scare.


“ What's going on? “ spoke up one of the other members.


The younger dancer didn't answer, he just grabbed the his raven haired hyung by the wrist and started to drag him away, out the front door.

“ What's going on Kwon-ah ?! “


“ I need to talk to you for awhile, hyung “


They left the rest of the group absolutely clueless.


“ What just happened? “


“ No clue “


And they just proceeded to whatever they were doing before.


The two dancers found a quiet cafe, Yukwon got himself a mocha frappucino which seemed to calm him down a bit. “ Are you sure you want to drink that now? “ the elder raised his eyebrow at the other, “ You're going to be up all night “. A sigh escaped Yukwon's lips, “ It's not like I get much sleep now days anyway “. Seeing his friend like this, ofcourse he was worried, he understood how difficult it was.


“ I need help hyung, I think I'm going crazy “, the brunette placed his face in his hands, voice slightly shaky.


“ Why do you say that? “


Removing his hands for his face, he hesitated but finally faced Minhyuk, eyes slightly watery.


“ I think I'm in love with my bestfriend “


There was silence for awhile, despite Minhyuk being the one who would understand best, at the time he truly didn't know what to say.


“ I guess you think I'm disgustiㅡ “


“ No, not at all “ , he cut off Yukwon's sentence. That was the last thing he wanted the other to feel.


“ But it's wrong “


The younger's voice was becoming more unstable, you could see he was scared. Maybe this was the best time for Minhyuk to be more truthful with his younger friend. Building up his courage he finally said it, “ Kwon-ah, I understand how you feel “. This just brought more confusion to Yukwon's head. What was going on?


“ You like guys? “


“ Yes.... So I understand how it feels “


It seemed to work, Yukwon calmed down. He stared at his drink, thoughts running through his mind, eventually looking up to Minhyuk again, “ So this whole time you knew? “. Minhyuk nodded. Finally Yukwon felt some comfort, a smile finally drawing across his lips.


They stayed there for a while more, Yukwon releasing some of his worries and Minhyuk sharing more about 'himself', then left.


Everything will be alright.






Another day of practice, it was early morning but Yukwon was as chipper as ever, despite what he had at the cafe the previous night, he could finally sleep peacefully. There was no denying that talking with Minhyuk helped him so much. It was something he really needed. However there was still one mystery left, the second kiss, what was that for?


Some surveying by him was done around the dorm, apparently only he had fell victim to that second experiment. So much question raised in his head.


Could he like me?


He wanted to slap himself for even having such thoughts. He questioned how Zico could move on after that like nothing ever happened. Suddenly recalling Minhyuk's last words to him that night, “ Everything will be alright “. Was that sign for him? Hidden meaning maybe? His face flushed at the thought.


As if reading his throughts, Kyung who was passing by flashed him a grin, that cheeky grin of his.


“ What's with you? “


“ That should be my question to you seeing how you were last night. I just feel good today “ the younger rapper continued grinning and went off to greet someone who had just walked into the studio. Yukwon stared across the room, there stood Zico at the door, morning face still on, Kyung laughing at him. Inhaling slowly, the dancer braced himself for the day, he was definitely feeling better now, not as flustered as he once was. There came realization, now he was looking at this individual, fully aware of his feelings and accepting it. It was different.


Watching him pass before him, his heart felt warm, a smile crept on his lips without him realizing.


“ Ah, morning Kwon-ah “, the taller boy greeted.


“ Good morning! “ , flashing that amazing smile of his.


Kyung who was with Zico grinned once again.


“ Ya! Stop it “


The younger raven haired boy just chuckled as he made his way, across the room.


“ Are you feeling better? Looks like someone managed to sleep well “


Ah, a voice of comfort. Minhyuk placed himself beside Yukwon, he was happy to see his friend in a way better mood.


“ Thanks to you “


“ Hey, don't go falling for me okay? “ , he joked causing Yukwon to slap his arm while laughing.


Laughter continued on from their little area in the studio, not realizing the sharp eyes that were kept on them. Zico clutched at his chest. He envied how close the two were despite how close he, himself was to Yukwon. Their relationships were different. It hurt.


“ Don't look into it too much “, Kyung assured him as he lightly patted Zico's shoulder.






Bodies were on the floor of the studio, all worn out from the day's training. Some were sitting while some were laying all over the place, all drenched in sweat. The day was spent learning new choreography which is ofcourse usually tiring at first. Vocal line struggled most but as usual Jaehyo would be their target for bullying while Taeil would be babied, which he didn't like.


“ Hyung, you're so clumsy, I saw you stumble earlier “ chuckled the deep voiced maknae.


“ Yeah, your arms were all over the place too “ added Zico with a grin.


“ Oi, you two, don't forget I'm still older than the both of you “


Bullying Jaehyo was pretty much a daily thing that went on amongst the group members. Infact he himself had grown used to it. He realized that when he would accept it, the others would bother less to . Regardless, after awhile it would build up on the inside, it would be a lie if he said it didn't hurt.


Minhyuk observed as the others teased Jaehyo. Personally he felt it would be better if they didn't do this too often, he would always feel sorry but there are times he would join in too. Sometimes he enjoyed how embarassed the pretty boy would get. As long as he didn't go over the line it would be fine. Today however, things started getting out of hand.


Ofcourse out of all the members, there was a particular long faced boy who resembled a cucumber that had a habit of not thinking before doing things. While Zico could be quite harsh, he knew his limits but Kyung would sometimes go on and on. He would go overboard from time to time despite not actually meaning anything. The effects of his big mouth were starting to show.


The raven haired boy watched as Jaehyo tensed a bit, still trying to stay strong from all the teasing.


“ Don't screw up our performances again like you always do “ the rapper laughed.


Jaehyo kept silent, that line definitely hit him quite hard.


“ Oi, Kyung that's a bit too much “, the leader said.


“ Is it? “


“ Kyung-ah stop it “ , Minhyuk spoke up.


“ I'm only joking though “

“ Know your limits “, he reprimanded then turned to Jaehyo offering his hand to help him up, “ Come “. Looking at Minhyuk's open hand, he didn't know what the other had in mind but still took it and followed Minhyuk's lead.


Once they left the studio, Kyung finally realized his fault, only followed by Zico telling him off.


“ Where are you taking me? “


“ Away from them “


They didn't go far, infact they just went to the recording studio since no one was using it at the time. Minhyuk sat Jaehyo on the sofa and he took a seat on one of the wheeled chairs.


“ I'm okay you know “


Crossing his arms and looking over at Jaehyo, Minhyuk shook his head. His sharp gaze stayed on him, “ I'm not buying that. You're not “. Jaehyo's face softened, “ I'm used to it “. Clearly you could see he was trying to be strong but what Minhyuk had seen in the dance studio, he might've cumbled on the spot. More than anything else right now, Minhyuk wanted to take Jaehyo in his arms and comfort him but that would've been too strange. Friends don't do that, not guys at least.


“ Stay here for awhile till you feel better okay? “


He got up from his chair and and started to head for the door before the other called out to him.


“ No, please stay “ the taller boy's voice becoming unstable.


Ofcourse this surprised Minhyuk, he couldn't ask for more. Happiness started to build inside of him, what just happened was pretty much a trigger. Without thinking he turned to Jaehyo and pulled him into an embrace. At that moment he didn't care anymore.


“ M-minhyuk-ah ..? “


Not a word was said. Letting himself settle into the moment, Jaehyo too put his arms around his groupmate, startling the other who managed to remain calm on the outside but was pretty all over the place on the inside. They stayed like that till Jaehyo pretty much directly told Minhyuk it was enough. Minhyuk may have took advantage of the moment but one thing was for sure.


It was exactly what Jaehyo needed.




I really need to improve on my writing skills. So sorry everyone T___T

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Chapter 13: that was cool
hinatac #2
Chapter 3: This story is weird, the characters are weird, but how come I can't stop reading?? O_o
musicismyworld #3
Chapter 13: I really like this story!!
WickedDoll3095 #4
Please update~! *^*
AshXIII #5
Chapter 13: . . . (mentally squeals) BJae's so adorable. Well, Jae is, but you know. BBomb's cute too by default. (snickers) Best part? Jae split between the thoughts of BBomb and his . (grins) That almost sounded narcissistic if not for the sore part. Fuhuhuhuhu

Adoring every step of their relationship and BBomb's sly moves.
muchLove #6
YAY ~ B-Jae are finally together.

Awww Zikwon are both ual frustrated, it was kinda cute hor yukwon just kinda screamed it out to Minhyuk.
awika2005 #7
It's so short but it likes a little bomb make me grin and scream from Bjae moment XD
Minhyuk and Jaehyo finally become a new couple *party*

Angel Kwonnie gonna Jiho?? I think they've already made that o_O
Wait and see what'll be going on~ XD