Chapter 7

Curiousity Killed the Cat


What do you want me to do then ? “



Bickering started happening not too far away, Kyung trying to hold back Minhyuk who was pretty much put off by Zico's response. The others helped to pull the raven haired boy away from the scene. “ Chill would you? “ , Kyung whispered to his hyung who finally backed down.


“ What the is he doing? “


“ Everything will be fine! “


“ Then what is that? “, Minhyuk pointed out to the other dancer who was nothing near 'fine'.


Yukwon had prepared himself for rejection. He knew it would hurt but he felt that this was something he had to bring himself to do. This response however, was not what he was expecting. His heart grew heavy, it hurt so much.


Ah, I want to die.


Tears started to build in his eyes and he looked away. He didn't know what to do, he stood there unsure to even move away only to have the taller boy take him by surprise again. Strong arms wrapped about his body, Zico pulled him close, placing one arm around the waist and using one hand gently have him lean onto the taller boy's shoulder.


Physically Yukwon was the stronger one and tried to pull away but his emotions made him weak, he struggled, only to have Zico still hold tightly onto him. All of this, he hated it so much. How he felt weak, how confused he was, how he was breaking down on the inside, he hated how Zico did this to him. Bringing his hands onto Zico's shirt, gripping onto the fabric as he started sobbing into the shoulder of the taller boy.


“ I.... I want you to love me “


He didn't care anymore, to him nothing would've made a difference at the moment so he just let the words come out. Slowly Zico slightly pulled away and cupped Yukwon's chin, making him look up. Eyes which were now slightly puffy and filled with tears which eventually rolled down Yukwon's cheeks, Zico wiped away each one with care, infact almost lovingly, “ Don't cry “. Yukwon didn't understand, he couldn't read Zico at all.


When he least expected it, the boy before him leaned in, gently pressing their lips together. It was a simple kiss like the first one they had but not as brief. It felt different. Zico pulled away, still holding onto the other boy whose eyes had grown wide. He then let go and looked away to another direction, pointing out to a random space near the door.


“ I know you're all there “


Yukwon let out a help, now all his bandmates knew, they knew what he was hiding, what he thought everyone else would be disgusted about. He just wanted to run away but he couldn't because Zico had hold of him. One by one, they crawled out of their hiding place, looking somewhat sorry for creeping around while a lone Lee Minhyuk shot glares at Zico. Zico taking note of that knew he was pretty much in and grinned sheepishly at his hyung. Out came Kyung, bursting with life.




Acting like he wasn't in the wrong at all, Kyung ran over to his fellow '92liners, arms open wide and pulling both into a friendly hug. It was awkward, disturbing their moment together. The boy's action triggered liveliness from the others, all congratulating the two and making it a huge group hug. Yukwon who was earlier in tears now smiling happily, possibly happier than ever. Minhyuk watched the rest from the side seeing the joy surrounding his groupmates and the happiness beeming from his beloved dongsaeng. He couldn't help but smile and joined in.


And so the 7 boys had a little celebration for the new couple.






The sun slowly rose, had this been another day, the boys would be up and getting ready but fortunately for them, they only had schedules towards the end of the day. Most were pretty much bodies dead asleep in their beds which was no surprise since the boys pretty much went all out last night.


Not much later, Minhyuk emerged from under his covers and rolled out of bed. He got woken up but his internal alarm clock, waking up early was pretty much a habit. Annoyed with himself he groaned, face all scrunched up. After a splash of cold water in his face, more awake than before, he dragged himself to the kitchen.


Maybe coffee would be good. The raven haired boy couldn't go back to sleep anyway.


As he stepped into the kitchen, he encountered another individual there, he wasn't too sure who it was. A slim tall figure with dark hair.  No way that's Zico.


“ Oh, good morning Minhyuk-ah “


The stranger turned around greeting him, it was no other than Ahn Jaehyo. Minhyuk's heart skipped a beat.


“ Wh-what are you doing up so early? “


“ Too used to waking up early I guess? “ , the pretty boy laughed as he went back to whatever he was doing. Minhyuk walked over to peep at what Jaehyo was up to.


“ I'm making myself breakfast, do you want some? “


On the stove were eggs in a frying pan, sausages and bacon on the side on a plate.


“ It's an american breakfast ~ “


“ Looks good “


Minhyuk didn't answer and kept watching.


Growl ~


The taller boy started laughing, tickled by the sudden noise, “ I'll take that as a yes. Go chill first, I'll bring it out when I'm done “.


Nervously Minhyuk waited in the living room. The thought of Jaehyo preparing breakfast was rather... thrilling? He wasn't sure about how he felt. One thing was for sure, he loved the idea of it. Quietly he sneaked to the kitched entrance and peeked, watching Jaehyo's back as he prepared their breakfast while humming A Pink's songs. He walked back to his previous spot and smiled to himself.


Soon after, Jaehyo walked out of the kitchen carrying out their meals and placing them infront of Minhyuk, “ Just a moment, I'll get our drinks. What do you want? “. Caught off guard, Minhyuk sat him down and gave him a smile, “ Don't worry about it, I'll get them. What do YOU want? “


“ Tea would be good “


It felt like a dream. Just the two of them having breakfast together, having a casual conversation. It felt like they were together, a couple. Minhyuk wasn't going to let himself become too delusional but he let himself savour every moment of it, stealing glances of Jaehyo who just sat across from him. It's not always you get to enjoy the tasty cooking of someone you love.


“ Waaaa that looks so good “


Their conversation stopped, interrupted by a hungry giant who rubbed his eyes as he stood by the table. There went Minhyuk's happy moment. He sighed and continued eating. P.O disturbed Jaehyo to feed him. Jaehyo tried to shoo him away and tell him to cook on his own but that didn't happen. Eventually Jaehyo ended up preparing the same for the maknae. As soon as Minhyuk was done, he left the table and cleared up his part. He hid it very well but he was actually irritated, it wasn't always that moments like this would come to him.


Maybe it was time for him to start taking chances.




Short update but I felt like I needed to do it lol. Let me know what you think~

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Chapter 13: that was cool
hinatac #2
Chapter 3: This story is weird, the characters are weird, but how come I can't stop reading?? O_o
musicismyworld #3
Chapter 13: I really like this story!!
WickedDoll3095 #4
Please update~! *^*
AshXIII #5
Chapter 13: . . . (mentally squeals) BJae's so adorable. Well, Jae is, but you know. BBomb's cute too by default. (snickers) Best part? Jae split between the thoughts of BBomb and his . (grins) That almost sounded narcissistic if not for the sore part. Fuhuhuhuhu

Adoring every step of their relationship and BBomb's sly moves.
muchLove #6
YAY ~ B-Jae are finally together.

Awww Zikwon are both ual frustrated, it was kinda cute hor yukwon just kinda screamed it out to Minhyuk.
awika2005 #7
It's so short but it likes a little bomb make me grin and scream from Bjae moment XD
Minhyuk and Jaehyo finally become a new couple *party*

Angel Kwonnie gonna Jiho?? I think they've already made that o_O
Wait and see what'll be going on~ XD