Chapter 6 : Yongguk



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Lights go on again


Yongguk stood by his office window gazing at the beautiful night life of Seoul down below. Glittering lights and crowded streets filled the area even at that time of the day. Everyone was in the festive mood, enjoying the night with their friends and family. He let out a deep sigh and shut the blinders before trudging back to his seat. He rested his elbows on the table and covered his face with his palms. A whole load of things were going through his mind and he was getting a minor headache from it. 

Knock Knock

Yongguk straightened up as he heard the door to his office clicked open and his well mannered secretary, Ms Yoon walked in. She was holding a cup of coffee and some paper work that was told to be handed to Yongguk. Politely Ms Yoon greeted Yongguk a good evening and placed the coffee on his table. 

"You should take a break Ms Yoon. It's Christmas eve and you should be at home right now with your family." Yongguk said as he sipped his coffee and received the papers. 

"I'm fine sir." Ms Yoon smiled and bowed to him. 

"I insist, go home. You've been working too hard this year, please take this time to catch up with some family time." Yongguk firmly replied with his deep voice as he scanned through the papers. 

Ms Yoon smiled at her boss, "Are you sure sir? You won't need me?" 

Yongguk raised a brow at her comment and laughed, "I have to stop depending on you too much. Now go before your mother calls me."  Ms Yoon laughed along and took another bow before proceeding to the door. She turned around and observed Yongguk. "I'm still available on my cellphone if you need me sir. Need me about anything."

Yongguk stared distantly at his table. He knew exactly what she meant but he didn't want to depend on her anymore. "I'll be fine. Worry about yourself Ms Yoon." She smiled apologetically as she left the office. Once Yongguk knew he was alone once again, he dropped everything and leaned against his chair; rubbing his temples at the same time. *I miss her so much. Why can't i do anything about it?*

Tick Tock Tick Tock, the clock ticked. The time was passing by extremely slowly and Yongguk was still doing his work. He stole a glance at the wall clock that showed a little pass 10pm. He was doing his work really slowly to avoid coming home early. He didn't want to bump into unexpected people, especially her. He was about to return back to his work when his phone rang. 

*Omma?* He thought as he stared eye-wide at his phone screen. Carefully he swiped his touch screen phone and brought it up next to his ear. He heard his mothers' voice at the other end of the line. He's been so busy with work that he forgot that his mother had promised to visit him on christmas eve. She had been waiting for him outside his house for 2 hours and Yongguk mentally gave himself a punch in the face. 

"Omma, i'm sorry, i'm just too caught up with work." He started to pack up with his cellphone still next to his ear. 

"It's okay. Omma understands beside, I bumped into Hyesun just now and i'm at her house now. She told me the two of you haven't seen her for a while since you were busy with work. Is that true?" 

Yongguk froze in his tracks and gulped. He hadn't told his mother about his fight with Hyesun. Hyesun lives just next to Yongguk's house and apparently the two of them started to grow strong feelings for each other. The two of them started dating for a while but everytime, Yongguk would mess up by forgetting about things and not coming for important dates. That would lead to frequent fights. Not that Hyesun was angry at him but Yongguk for being angry at Hyesun who was not angry at him. Confusing right? It's been almost 2 weeks since the two of them interacted. Yongguk's mother adores Hyesun because of her kind and warm nature but Yongguk thinks she just deserves someone better than him. 

"She told you to drop by after work." Yongguk's mother continued and Yongguk was pulled back into reality. 

"Ah. Ye omma, I'm on my way there right now." Yongguk hung up and continued making his way to the carpark. He got into his sleek drive and immediately drove away. 




Yongguk parked his car at his house and quickly made his way to Hyesun's house across the street. His palms were getting sweaty and his heart was accelerating. One part of him was glad he could see her again but the other felt like he shouldn't be there as he's scared that he'll get angry at her again. He pressed on the door bell once and tucked his hands into his pocket. The door opened and there stood a tall goddess-like beauty. She smiled and Yongguk just wanted to embrace her right that moment. 

"You made it!" She exclaimed and invited him into her house that was more or less similar to his. 

"Yeah. Glad i did..where's my mom?" Yongguk weakly replied as he stepped into the house. The two of them shared eye contact for a while and Hyesun took his hand. 

"She's in the kitchen. We're fixing up some tea and coffee for you of course oppa." She lead him to the kitchen eventhough he knew her house like the back of his hands.Yongguk couldn't help but to study her back view as he followed. Her long brown wavy hair, her small body under her knitted sweater and her long model legs.

"Omma! Guess who's here?" She asked when they reached the kitchen. Yongguk's mother turned around and saw her son; her face brightened. Yongguk gave her mother a hug as he showed his gummy smile. His mother was moved to tears. Its been that long since they met. 

After their greetings, Yongguk's mother excused herself to Yongguk's house. Yongguk and Hyesun were stunned to hear that she wanted to leave so quickly. Yongguk wanted to follow her but she pushed him back down onto the couch. 

"You two need some catching up to do. I'll leave you two be.." Yongguk's mother chuckled and obtained Yongguk's house key from him,"I can leave by myself, the two of you better quickly get back together~" Yongguk and Hyesun hear the front door open then close again before silence filled the air.  The two of them fidgeted in their seats waiting for the other to start a conversation. A few seconds later, Yongguk cleared his throat and looked at her. 

"How have you been?" Yongguk asked; breaking the ice. 

"I'm fine.. How about you? Are you eating well?" She sincerely answered him. 

"Yeah.. I am." He mumbled. 

"I don't think so~ Why are you so shy suddenly?" She smiled, "You're lying right?" 

"You know me too well.." Yongguk couldn't help but return her angelic smile. 

"Come on, I'll cook up something for you." Hyesun lead him to the kitchen once more. 

"Did you tell my mum?" Yongguk asked out of curiosity. 

"About what?" Hyesun quickly tied her hair into a messy bun and put on her apron. 


"What is there to tell?" Hyesun shrugged it off. 

*How can she forgive me so easily.* Yongguk thought. Hyesun started cooking come chicken soup and Kimchi fried rice while Yongguk sat at the counter observing her cook for him. Then he felt his phone buzz. 

Stay over if you want to. I'll will be fine by myself. - Umma

Yongguk felt thankful for having such understanding people around him. His mother, Ms Yoon and his girlfriend, all of them are so kind to him despite him being hot-headed.  Yongguk placed his phone on the counter and walked over to Hyesun who was busy cutting vegetables. 

"Hyesun-ah.." Yongguk murmured as he wrapped his arms around her. 

"Hmm?" She replied as she casually continued cutting. 

"Mianhae..."  Yongguk apologized as he buried his face at the crook of her neck. 

"Oppa that tickles," She giggled and slightly flinched causing Yongguk to smile. 

He pulled her closer to him, "I miss you so much." Hyesun softened and turned around; temporarily forgetting about cooking. She placed her hands on each side of his face. Yongguk's hands automatically rested on her slender waist. "I missed you too~" She smiled. 

"How about we just take this time for ourselves in front of the fireplace? I just want to hold you right now." Yongguk looked deeply into her eyes. 

"I like that..." She smiled and kissed his nose, "But can i at least make some more tea?" 

"Coffee for me?" 

"Yes, Coffee for you~" 



So, the two of them ended up sitting in front of the fire place, cuddling up to each other. Hyesun comfortably resting in Yongguk's embrace, sipping their own hot beverages. Yongguk was softly Hyesun's soft arm. The fire was warming up the living room preventing the coldness from the winter to enter. 

"How's work?" Hyesun turned her head to face Yongguk. "The same..." Yongguk sighed and sipped his coffee. 

"Did you disturb Ms Yoon again?" Hyesun frowned. Yongguk kept silent. 

" Poor Ms Yoon. Maybe i should set up a blind date for her." Hyesun tapped her chin. 

Yongguk was taken aback, "You know other guys besides me? Single guys?" Hyesun placed her right index finger in front of her lips. 

"That's a secret." She winked at Yongguk. Yongguk scoffed but hugged her tighter, "Then why do you keep accepting me?" 

"Coz you're my man." She placed hers and Yongguk's empty cup on the table. 

"Oh really?"  "Mhmm." Hyesun took Yongguk's arms and wrapped them around her. 

Yongguk gazed at her for a while. Hyesun felt his attention on her and she turned around to meet eyes with him. 

"Wae?" She whispered. 

"You're beautiful. Do you know that?" Yongguk her cheek, "I can't believe it that I have a very beautiful girlfriend." 

The two of them ended up smiling at each other and Yongguk leaned in to her. His lips slowly met with Hyesun's and she gladly returned the kiss. The whole world vanished and their attention averted to only each other. The kiss turned something more than just an innocent kiss in a matter of seconds. 

Suddenly the grandfather clock rang. Ding~ Ding~ Ding~ Ding~

The two of them pulled away, panting slightly. 

"It's midnight.." She pointed out. 

"Yeah.." Yongguk gave Hyesun one short kiss and pulled away, "Merry Christmas Babe. I love you" 

"I love you too Oppa. Forever." 

"Looks like the lights are  again, we're back together."  





I'm sorry for not updating! ^ ^ I'm back with more Oneshots! 
I hope you like this oneshot! I'm kinda awkward being back to writing fanfics. >///< 

Forgive me for any mistakes! Bye Yeoom! 

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I'll try to update as soon as i can.


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kaiserwu #1
Chapter 14: ahhh this is the best! :'D
Chapter 14: OMG OMG OMG my feels is gonna explode!!!!
Chapter 14: KYAAAAA OMG OMG OMG *fans myself*
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Chapter 13: crying. too much feels. can't handle.
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Chapter 12: omgomgomg yoo youngjae babo youngjae you're so cute amdnalsoq I can't T^T
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Chapter 9: goddammit MR. KIM! this just akdbwkxnalcoalandi freakin SWEET! mother of god too much feels here
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