Seven Years Later

Childhood Charms


Its been seven years... We’ve stopped sending letters... We’ve had no contact whatsoever... I start to wonder if they even remember me... Maybe.. Just maybe... They kept their promise...


Zelo... I’ve stopped using that nickname since they left. Even my parents call me by my real name now. I don’t even let my present day friends call me Zelo. Oh, who am I kidding, i don’t have any friends. Not since they left... I’ve basically refused to be anyone’s friend.. It doesn’t feel the same without the others. Well I still have my blue bunny... Hah.. I think it’s kinda stupid.. Me, keeping a small blue bunny for seven years, hoping that the others kept their bunnies too. We don’t even communicate.


I bet they are all doing wonderful things right now. I bet Yongguk’s learning a new language... Himchan’s probably doing great things at his ‘smart’ school... Daehyun must be having fun in Busan... Youngjae is most likely studying for his family business... Jongup must have lots of friends... and then there’s me... Choi Junhong... The ‘nerd’ that skipped a grade... I’ve always wanted to catch up to them.. I want to visit all of them, and the faster i graduate, the faster i can see them... My only problem is that i have no idea where they are...


I still remember what Youngjae said seven years ago... “When we’re older we have to prove to each other that we’re doing what we want to do okay?” At first I wondered about what i wanted to be when I was older... I never really thought about it. But I made up my mind really quickly. I want to become famous. I want to be an idol so I can show all five of them that I can become as great as them.


Today will be the fifth time i’ll be auditioning at TS Entertainment. I know what you’re thinking, “Why are you trying again and again if you keep failing?”, well I feel like TS will really show my true colours.


I quickly got out of bed and went downstairs. My mother was cooking, as usual, and dad was sitting at the table. My mother opened just as i sat down at the table. “Junhong...” Even my mother uses my real name, i wasn’t lying you know, “You know the vacant houses on our street? They.. um.. got filled..” I looked up from my food and stared at her. I knew why she was telling me this, even though we don’t care who lives there. Those houses belonged to them. They lived there. The thought that someone else is going to live there.. I just can’t.. I don’t want anyone but my best friends to live there. I looked down at my food. I suddenly lost my appetite... but i must eat.. It’s a big day for me anyway...


My dad suddenly spoke up “Junhong,” I looked at him, signaling him to continue, “If the people that move in have children, you should probably befriend them..” I looked at my father. Eyes wide open.


I looked at my dad and virtually screamed, “No. NO! I don’t want to! You know that i won’t even talk to them! The only people that really understand me are them!” By the time I finished yelling i was already standing up. My breathing became irregular and i could feel my face going warm. My fury was slowly unleashing itself. I don’t even know why.


My dad put his arms on my shoulders, trying to calm me down, “I know son, but they’re in the past, its time to move on...” I looked at my dad, his eyes were caring and considerate. I know he only wants the best for me... But I still didn’t want to do it. I ran upstairs to get ready for my audition. I could barely hear my father talking to my mum... I could just make out an “I tried...” My footsteps were that loud.


It was always like this... My parents would find someone that they thought would get along with me but they always thought wrong. Every person judged me wrongly... I feel as though they didn’t understand what i was going through.. I know the want me to feel happy but what if i’m only happy when i’m with them?


I walked into my room and started to change clothes. My room is pretty simple. Just a bed, a dresser, a mirror and a desk. Everything a normal student would have... Well I did decorate one of my walls with photos, pictures, emails and letters from my best friends. They’re what keeps me going through the day. Reading one of them would probably cool me down. I finished changing and looked at one of the letters. I’ve basically memorised almost every letter. Haha~ I’m so creepy... The letter I was looking for was from Jongup it was the last letter i ever got from any of them... I quickly read it before i left.




I’m here at my mum’s house!!!

There are soooooo many kids here!!

There’s even a park!!

My mummy is cooking lots of yummy food for today

Do you remember what today is?


I’m having a party today~~ :DD

You should come visit!!

We can play like at Youngjae’s house

Don’t forget to keep the charms :DD





I smiled before i ran downstairs. Their letters would always cheer me up. My dad called me over just as i reached the bottom floor. “Really dad? Now? I have to go!!!” I quickly yelled.


“I’m sorry Junhong,” My dad cautiously hugged me, “good luck today.” I smiled at my dad’s encouragement. I suddenly felt a pang of guilt from yelling at him earlier. Dad let go and mum approached me.


My mum hugged me as well and said “Good luck~ You’ll do great!” My mum let go of me but held her hands on my shoulders, “ But don’t you want to eat?” I quickly shook my head and ran up to the door.


“I’ll see you guys later~!! Let’s hope i get in this time!!” I yelled at them as i quickly put on my shoes and ran out the door. I quickly ran into the subway station. The good thing about my house is that we live near it. The bad thing is that we always hear the rumbling sounds of the trains.


The train ride was shorter than usual. Maybe because I read a different letter. You see.. depending on who’s letters i read my mood changes slightly... Weird i know... Anyways, I walked into TS Entertainment just like i did four times before. TS has this ‘waiting’ room. I have no idea what else to call it, but the people that want to audition usually wait here first. Last time i was here there were very strange people... One was really really and i mean really big and um... big boned? I had a strange feeling he didn’t get in... Another was seriously tall, but waaaaay skinny and another was really annoying.. She’d talk to me as if she knew me. Creepy stalker...


Anyway, today there were lots of people. Well more than usual. There was one that was really big and buff... he scared me... The one next to him was big and buff, but he wasn’t as intimidating. Maybe its because he was bobbing his head like an idiot to his music. The one in the corner looked like he was sleeping. Seriously? Sleeping in TS? Do you seriously not want to get in? Anyway.. There was one on my left, he seemed pretty smart.. He was reading a book. I could see notes so it’s most likely a song book and then there was one on my right. He looked really short.. Well he’s shorter than me... But he’s wearing loose clothes... So i bet he’s a dancer... Well at least these guys weren’t as creepy as the ones before, they’ll probably get in.


I closed my eyes as I silently went through my routine in my head. I was going to dance for the majority of my audition. It’s my strong point after all. After that I’ll rap and then sing if they want me to. I’m not really a fan of singing though, rapping is more my style. I knew that the other guys would go in first so i completely dismissed them. They have some skills, i could tell just by looking at them.


Before i knew it I heard my name being called. I was greeted by the same people that judged me before and i started my routine. I could tell that they were impressed with how much i improved. But i guess they were annoyed at the fact that i kept auditioning... “Choi Junhong,” One of the judges started, “You’ve been here before right?” I nodded my head. “We’ve seen how much you’ve improved but may we ask you, what is your reason for coming back here constantly?”


I looked at them cautiously, I was too nervous to actually open my mouth. After about 2 minutes of silence another judge spoke up, “Tell you what,” she said, “Come back next time with a proper answer, then, and only then, will we actually consider you.”


I'm seriously busy with assignments and stuff I'm actually surprised I finished a chapter XD I could've done better but oh well
I'm going to try and update more often~
I'm sorry if this isn't that good XD It is one of my first ones XD
In this chapter it, as stated in the title, is seven years later, so Zelo is indeed 12 XD
Jongup's letter was when they were little XD That is why it was so short XD haha~
I hope you guys enjoyed this 'chapter' haha XD
Its only my second fanfic so critisim is welcome XD hahaha~
Please comment~ I need to know if its okay~ :)
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Hello everyone~ I've suddenly lost my mojo for Childhood Charms, I've re-read everything and decided to redo most of it :) I'll try and update... this year XD


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Mila2410 #1
Chapter 13: New reader!! Love your story!! I think the first person would be Yongguk or Daehyun...
LittleShadow #2
Chapter 13: DAAAEEHYUUN(: or yongguk~
Chapter 13: update soon~
LightWind #4
update soon! ;u; he needs to chat with himchan thou XD thtll be hilarious
Keep updating! Ah I hope they can be all together once again! And the first person to remember would either be between Yong Guk or Youngjae... :D
FiQaEyKa #6
awesome chapter dear , keep update :)
daydreambeliver #7
Author shii- your story reminds me of some song lyrics that I really love- The Call, by Regina Spektor :)
How come they can't remember?! That's so weird! Not even the eldest friends remember! What's up with that?! D: Gah!
daydreambeliver #9
Oh my god....just find out already that you know each ofher dammit!!! Lol...your story is really good keke :)
Yay!~ it's okay! School is important! I'll wait (even though it didn't seem like it in my previous comment >~<)