
Childhood Charms

“Hurry up Zelo!” Zelo. His nickname. Only his best friends call him Zelo. Zelo looked around and saw his friend Jongup waving at him, ushering him to move faster to the toy shop. Zelo ran to Jongup and found that Youngjae, his other friend, was there with him. Zelo looked around and noticed that the other three, Yongguk, Himchan and Daehyun, weren’t there. 


“They’re already inside~” Youngjae, the ‘smart’ boy, explained to Zelo, “Let’s go~ I don’t want to spend our last day in Seoul waiting outside in the cold rain! Come on~” Zelo laughed and walked inside. The toy shop was quite small but Zelo enjoyed it nonetheless. He found Yongguk, Daehyun and Himchan looking around the shop. Jongup and Youngjae joined the older boys. Zelo smiled when he saw his neighbours, but he frowned when he remembered the reason they were there.


Earlier that day Zelo was in his room when the other boys and their parents arrived at Zelo’s house. The kids all urgently ran up the stairs and burst into Zelo’s room. The boys all called out for their friend, “ZELO ZELO ZELO!!!!” The said boy stood up and asked them why they were in such a hurry. 


“You know that our families met through my daddy’s business right?” Youngjae yelled at Zelo while the others were catching their breaths. Zelo slowly nodded not knowing where the conversation was going so Youngjae continued “Well we have to move!”


“WHAT?!” Zelo yelled, “One of my best friends can’t leave! Why do you have to leave so quickly?” Zelo was panicking. He want all five of his best friends to stay with him. Together. Youngjae knew Zelo was feeling sad so he hugged him tightly.


Yongguk tried to speak in a more serious tone, however his high voice ruined the effect “Zelo... He’s not the only one leaving...” Zelo broke apart from Youngjae and looked worriedly at the eldest boy as if he was dreading what he was going to say next. “I have to move... far away...” Yongguk stated, “My parents had some troubles so they argued a lot... I might even live overseas...” Zelo stared wide-eyed at Yongguk’s explanation. He couldn’t believe two of his friends were leaving.


Daehyun tapped his shoulder and spoke to him softly “I’m moving back to Busan...” Daehyun quickly explained before Zelo said anything, “My grandmother is sick... Don’t worry... I won’t be leaving ‘till a few weeks pass... I think...”


Zelo turned around and spoke barely above a whisper “You too?” Daehyun nodded. Zelo looked at Jongup and Himchan, he could feel tears building up but he suppressed them. Judging by their expressions he knew that they had something too say. He looked at Himchan, expecting him to say something he didn’t want to hear.


Himchan noticed Zelo staring at him and so he started talking, “I... I got accepted into a ‘smart’ school... Well... That’s what my parents said anyway...” Zelo looked at Himchan confusingly. Himchan quickly spoke up, “I’m serious!”


“You’re lying...” Zelo said to Himchan. He knew that Himchan was bright, but he wasn’t the smartest in the bunch... Youngjae was smarter, everyone knew that.


Yongguk started chuckling “That’s what i thought as well... But his parents told my parents... He really did get accepted Zelo...” Himchan nodded furiously cause the rest of the group to laugh.


Zelo looked at Jongup. He knew that Jongup was going to be moving anyway. After all he was the first to know. Jongup’s parents were divorced so Jongup was going to stay with his dad for a while. Jongup walked towards Zelo and hugged him. “I’m sorry...” was all Zelo heard from Jongup and it took every ounce of his energy to hold back his tears.


The two youngest boys broke apart when Youngjae spoke up. “So...” Youngjae started, “I’m actually leaving soon... So do you guys want to go to our favourite shop?”


Zelo stopped thinking about the past when Himchan called him. Himchan yelled across the cramped toy store “Hey Zelo! What do you think we should buy so we can remember each other?” Zelo laughed and ran to the other five. There were toys all across the shelves, a five year old’s heaven but nothing caught his eye. He could see Himchan run spastically around the shop asking everyone if the toys he chose was good. HImchan would always make everyone laugh, even if it was the last day they’d see each other.


While Yongguk and Daehyun were holding Himchan down from touching the ‘guns’ the youngest three were watching in amusement. Suddenly, something on the shelves caught Zelo’s eye. It was a small, palm-sized, blue and black bunny keychain. Zelo was a er for cute stuff, after all he was five. “I like the green one.” Zelo turned around and saw that Jongup was looking at the green bunny that was next to the blue bunny. “Do you think we should get these? It says they’re one of a kind... and there are four other ones for the hyungs...” Zelo looked at the entire shelf. Jongup was right. He didn’t realise that there were another four bunnies, four different colours too. Jongup started speculating “We should probably ask the others...” He turned around to see the older boys laughing at Himchan, “HEY HYUNGS!”


The other four boys came and asked Jongup if he found something. “Actually, Zelo found these keychains.” replied Jongup. He held up the green bunny the caught his eye. Himchan looked at Zelo and noticed he was holding a blue bunny. Himchan knew Zelo liked cute things so he wouldn’t want to leave without making him happy.


“I want it. Lets get them! I dibs this purple one!” exclaimed Himchan as he snatched the purplish bunny as the group laughed. Youngjae picked yellow, Daehyun picked white and Yongguk picked red. The boys smiled as their parents paid for the items.


The six boys walked outside with their bunnies in their hands. Their parents getting ready to leave. The boys were sad that they were going to separate. They knew they had to say goodbye fast so Youngjae quietly spoke up, “When we’re older we have to prove to each other that we’re doing what we want to do okay?” The group nodded.


“We’ll find a way to stay together even when we’re older.” Himchan smiled and continued, “Even if Yongguk’s in another country.” Everyone chuckled.


“We can still communicate through email and letters...” said Daehyun “It wouldn’t be that hard...” Zelo could feel tears forming in his eyes. He didn’t want to say goodbye to his best and only friends so quickly.


Yongguk looked at everyone and started talking “Never throw these charms away.” He looked at Zelo, “Got it?” Zelo quickly wiped away his tears and nodded.


Jongup chuckled, “Never. We’re friends forever! We’ll always be!” Jongup comforted Zelo. 


Everyone looked at Zelo before they had to leave. “Promise me something...” Zelo looked at the others before they left. They nodded, waiting for him to continue, “As long as we have these charms we won’t forget each other. Promise?”



I finally posted something XD haha~
Originally i was working on my Beast Fanfic but since there were so many people waiting for this story I thought I should've posted something XD haha~
I wrote this today in like three hours so its not that good XD haha~ I could've done better but oh well
I said i was going to post it tonight XD hahah~
In this chapter it was set when Zelo was five so Jongup was six, Youngjae was seven, Daehyun was eight, Himchan and Yongguk was eleven hence why he hasn't hit puberty XD I hope no one was confused XD
I hope you guys enjoyed this 'chapter' haha XD
Its only my second fanfic so critisim is welcome XD hahaha~
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Thank you!
Hello everyone~ I've suddenly lost my mojo for Childhood Charms, I've re-read everything and decided to redo most of it :) I'll try and update... this year XD


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Mila2410 #1
Chapter 13: New reader!! Love your story!! I think the first person would be Yongguk or Daehyun...
LittleShadow #2
Chapter 13: DAAAEEHYUUN(: or yongguk~
Chapter 13: update soon~
LightWind #4
update soon! ;u; he needs to chat with himchan thou XD thtll be hilarious
Keep updating! Ah I hope they can be all together once again! And the first person to remember would either be between Yong Guk or Youngjae... :D
FiQaEyKa #6
awesome chapter dear , keep update :)
daydreambeliver #7
Author shii- your story reminds me of some song lyrics that I really love- The Call, by Regina Spektor :)
How come they can't remember?! That's so weird! Not even the eldest friends remember! What's up with that?! D: Gah!
daydreambeliver #9
Oh my god....just find out already that you know each ofher dammit!!! Lol...your story is really good keke :)
Yay!~ it's okay! School is important! I'll wait (even though it didn't seem like it in my previous comment >~<)