The Boy in the... Alley?

Childhood Charms



I quickly handed the boy, who I thought was Himchan, his books before I stood up and said very quickly, “Well, it was nice meeting you! I’ll see you at school maybe! Bye!” 

I stood up and quickly ran down the street, turning around to find Himchan stand up slowly with a smile on his face. I let out a huge sigh and let myself catch my breath on a nearby seat. I could barely hear myself think because of my heavy breathing and rapid heat beat. I was never a runner. Never was, never will. 

Why are they all suddenly here? Jongup should be at his parent’s new house, Daehyun should be in Busan, Youngjae should be taking over his family business and Himchan should be studying who knows where. 

Why did they suddenly all come back? And at the same time too... 

I got up from the seat and walked to the train station, sitting down in the corner like any other day only this time I put my bag next to me. That way no one can sit down next to me and interrupt my thoughts. 

Those four suddenly turning up is crazy... It’s all too much for my brain to handle. Just yesterday I was fine being a loner in the train, in school and even after school... Now that they’re here, I think I’d finally take my parent’s advice on moving on... But it’s not exactly moving on if they’re the same people. 

I sighed and rested my head against the window next to me. One thing bothered me: they all auditioned for TS and didn’t get in. Maybe they all wanted to become famous... Since they’re going to the same school as me doesn’t that mean they’re also talented? 

I wonder what’s their talents... I know Jongup can dance, Daehyun told me he could sing but I’m not so sure. I have no idea about Youngjae or Himchan. Maybe Himchan acted... I can’t really imagine him doing anything else... Regardless, I have no idea about Youngjae.

I heard the train slow down to a stop so I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the train station. Once I was outside I noticed the sky was pink and orange. The sun is setting... Was I really out for that long? I checked the time on my phone. 5 o’clock? My parents’ would be home then... 

I’m going to be in huge trouble... My parents’ always want me home before they come home. It’s always been a rule in our house. I let out a huge sigh and started running back home.

As I ran past the shops near my house I heard some strange things so I stopped and looked around. I could barely hear the sounds over my loud panting. 

“Argh!” I heard as I looked around. It sounded like someone was getting hurt but I couldn’t see it to be certain. I cautiously walked forward and I could’ve sworn I heard someone groan on my left. I walked closer and saw a hidden alleyway.

I slowly creeped up to the entrance and peeked inside but to my surprise I was greeted with a surprise attack. 

A male swung at me and I quickly dodged it, slipping my foot underneath his legs. He fell down to the ground and hit himself on the head. The guy looked like he passed out. I hope he’s okay... I do have quick reflexes... I don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad thing...

I turned around and saw another two guys beating up a guy from Kirin. My instincts told me to help stop the boy but I was frozen on the spot. Instead I merely yelled at the top of my lungs. “STOP!!” 

One guy grabbed the boy from my school in a head-lock while the other one turned to look at me. “Who’s this idiot?” the guy who spoke stared at me with evil eyes as he continued, “Your friend?” 

I saw the boy behind him struggle against the man’s grip. I usually don’t get in these stupid fights but deep inside me I knew I should stop this one. I looked at the person in front of me, took a deep breath and mustered up all the courage I had left in me, “You shouldn’t be fighting.”

The man walked up to me and I took a step back at the same time. “Do you know what he did? Do you know what his family did?!” 

The intimidating man stomped closer to me; I looked at the injured boy behind him and our eyes met. Just by looking into his eyes I knew he didn’t intend on doing anything bad.

I looked back at the scary man and said, “Even if he did something bad, you shouldn’t fight.” 

The man scoffed and pushed me back. “Why are you sticking up for him? You don’t even know what he did...Why don’t I tell you?”

“Shut up,” the boy’s voice echoed in the alley. 

The man turned his head and I looked at him. The boy somehow managed to release himself from the head-lock and knock out the other man in the process. His top buttons came undone revealing a necklace he was wearing. 

The man in front of me turned around and closed his fist. I closed my eyes almost anticipating the attack. 

“Leave him alone.”

I opened my eyes and saw the boy blocking the man’s punch. He turned to look at me. “Go! Run away from here!” 

I opened my mouth to protest but his necklace caught my eye. I saw a red bunny. This day cannot be happening...

I nodded my head at the boy but when I turned around the guy I thought passed out, clenched his fist and opened his mouth.





Hey guys~ I'm baaaaaaaack~ XD I never actually left...

I told you guys before that'd I'd post on Friday and here it is :DDD

But since I'm back to school I'm only going to post every Friday :(

Actually the real reason is B2ST's comeback XD

Oh! And some people told me before that Himchan's bunny is pink, not purple

Well I always thought of Himchan's bunny to be a more Magenta XD haha~ But I know what you guys are saying :P

I'm actually using the whole coour mishap later anyway XD

Do you guys like this chapter~? XD haha~ What do you think will happen next~? O_o? What's up with 'the boy's' family? Leave a comment below~ i'd like to know~ :DD

If you guys have any questions I'd be happy to answer :P But I won't give you any spoilers ;)

Thanks to everyone who subscribed~ I hope you like this chapter :3 haha~

If you havent subscribed to this story do it now~!! XD haha~


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Hello everyone~ I've suddenly lost my mojo for Childhood Charms, I've re-read everything and decided to redo most of it :) I'll try and update... this year XD


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Mila2410 #1
Chapter 13: New reader!! Love your story!! I think the first person would be Yongguk or Daehyun...
LittleShadow #2
Chapter 13: DAAAEEHYUUN(: or yongguk~
Chapter 13: update soon~
LightWind #4
update soon! ;u; he needs to chat with himchan thou XD thtll be hilarious
Keep updating! Ah I hope they can be all together once again! And the first person to remember would either be between Yong Guk or Youngjae... :D
FiQaEyKa #6
awesome chapter dear , keep update :)
daydreambeliver #7
Author shii- your story reminds me of some song lyrics that I really love- The Call, by Regina Spektor :)
How come they can't remember?! That's so weird! Not even the eldest friends remember! What's up with that?! D: Gah!
daydreambeliver #9
Oh my god....just find out already that you know each ofher dammit!!! Lol...your story is really good keke :)
Yay!~ it's okay! School is important! I'll wait (even though it didn't seem like it in my previous comment >~<)