The Boy in the Train

Childhood Charms




I slowly opened my eyes and slammed my hand on my alarm clock. I was staring at the ceiling, trying to comprehend what actually happened yesterday. I should have told them that I was doing this for my friends... Why didn’t I tell them straight away?! Ugh.. I’m such an idiot... I sat up on my bed, trying to gather my thoughts before i went to school. Maybe its because i was hungry... Gah, stuff it, I’ll tell them next time. I’m determined to get in.


I quickly got out of bed and went to my dresser to change for school. My parent’s were probably out working again. After my best friends left my parents never actually told me what job they have now. Oh well, as long as they enjoy it i don’t really care.


I walked downstairs and the silence confirmed my suspicion. I went into the kitchen and found some eggs and bacon waiting for me. I quickly gobbled my food, knowing that i’d regret it later, and ran out the door to the subway. You see, I like to go to school early, mainly because everyone hates me for certain reasons... That even i don’t know about.. Maybe its because i skipped a grade... Nah it’s probably because I ignore everyone...


I go to Kirin High School. It’s a school for the musically gifted. My parents think if i went there I could easily get into TS.. Well they obviously thought wrong... But nevertheless I love it there. I try to hide my abilities at school though.. I don’t really want everyone up to me if i get into an entertainment. But it’s kinda hard to hide if the school is for musically gifted. Everyone questions why i’m here all the time..


The train ride was slow and boring as usual. I spent the whole train ride staring out the window, just like any other day. There was about half an hour left of the train ride when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned my head to the right and saw one of the boys that were at TS yesterday. I wonder if he got in... 


The strange boy cautiously opened his mouth “Umm... Do you know what stop is Kirin High?” I looked at him with my eyes wide open. Truthfully i wasn’t that surprised that he goes to Kirin, but i was surprised that someone actually talked to me. I thought he accidentally hit my shoulder or something and he wanted to say sorry. The boy stared at me weirdly while he was waiting for my answer.


I snapped out of my conscience and I opened my mouth to speak, “Ah.. I’m a-actually going there too.. I’ll t-tell you when to g-get off..” Stuttering was sooo not my thing.. But I guess the fact that someone was talking to me caught me off guard. The boy just nodded and sat down next to me. I didn’t want to make the train ride awkward for both of us so i spoke up “So... Are you new here?” The boy smiled and nodded. Why couldn’t this guy say anything else? Nodding just makes everything even more awkward.. I tried talking to him again, “Umm.. Did you audition for TS?” 


The boy nodded once again, but he opened his mouth this time, “Yeah i did. You auditioned as well right?” It was my turn to smile and nod. The boy seemed nice enough to get into TS... But he just seemed too quiet... I started to ask him more questions to see if he’d open up more, “So, why do you want to become famous?”


The brunette boy looked at me and said, “I just feel happy whenever i sing I really enjoy it and my friends and family want me to sing. But my mum only gave me six months to become famous...” the boy paused, I looked at him eagerly, signaling him to continue, “Otherwise I’d have to go back to the country...” I nodded, even though i didn’t know what he was going through i felt like i could connect with the guy. 


“Soo...” I started once again, “Do you live far away?” The boy nodded again. “Uhh... Then where are you staying for six months?” I looked at the boy. This was probably one of the first conversations i had with another person in ages so i sounded really awkward.


“Ah! My mum let me move into her old house a few days ago.” The boy said with a smile. He seem happy to be out of the country, that’s for certain. I noticed that it was almost our stop. I was about to tell the boy but he spoke up before me. “Soo... What’s your name?” 


I thought about telling him my nickname but i just met him... “Choi Junhong” I could hear the train stopping so i spoke up again, “Ah! This is our stop!”


“Ah~ Okay! Thank you again!” The boy quickly bowed to me, I’m almost certain he was older than me though... “I’ll see you at school?” I looked at the boy and nodded. We seem to do that a lot. He seemed nicer than everyone, but if he’s new i didn’t want everyone to hate him for hanging out with me.


I silently smiled as I watched the boy walk through the subway doors. I just realised I didn’t ask for his name. I ran out of the door and almost yelled at him. But something on his bag caught my eye. I stopped running to get a clearer view. I saw something dangling on his bag and my eyes widened... it was a white bunny...




BOO!! I posted another chapter :DD


You guys must be happy XD Two chapters in two days :DD


I'm going to try and write as much as I can when I have no assignments :)




How'd you guys like this chapter~? O_o?


You guys know who the boy in the train is right~? You better! XD


What do you guys think will happen next?


Comment below~ Critisim is welcome :DD



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Hello everyone~ I've suddenly lost my mojo for Childhood Charms, I've re-read everything and decided to redo most of it :) I'll try and update... this year XD


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Mila2410 #1
Chapter 13: New reader!! Love your story!! I think the first person would be Yongguk or Daehyun...
LittleShadow #2
Chapter 13: DAAAEEHYUUN(: or yongguk~
Chapter 13: update soon~
LightWind #4
update soon! ;u; he needs to chat with himchan thou XD thtll be hilarious
Keep updating! Ah I hope they can be all together once again! And the first person to remember would either be between Yong Guk or Youngjae... :D
FiQaEyKa #6
awesome chapter dear , keep update :)
daydreambeliver #7
Author shii- your story reminds me of some song lyrics that I really love- The Call, by Regina Spektor :)
How come they can't remember?! That's so weird! Not even the eldest friends remember! What's up with that?! D: Gah!
daydreambeliver #9
Oh my god....just find out already that you know each ofher dammit!!! Lol...your story is really good keke :)
Yay!~ it's okay! School is important! I'll wait (even though it didn't seem like it in my previous comment >~<)