I Miss Them...

Childhood Charms


I smiled at Jongup as the song ended. We danced for the entire lesson. It was fun, but I was exhausted. Both of us were puffing heavily from our enthusiastic dance practice.


Jongup looked at me and smiled, “You’re pretty good.” He playfully hit my shoulder as I smiled with him. A compliment coming from my old best friend… That was the best. But the fact that he doesn’t remember me pretty much .


“You’re pretty good as well…” I said smiling and as I happily went over to my bag. Although I enjoyed Jongup’s company, I didn’t think it would be nice if I hung out with him. Everyone would hate me…


 This is just like my problem with Daehyun. The only time I’ll actually be able to talk to Daehyun is on the train and the only time I’ll be able to talk to Jongup is in dance class.


Jongup opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the bell ringing, signalling the end of the day. “Thanks for making my first day fun,” he started with a genuine smile, “I don’t really have many friends and I don’t really have nice days at home…” 


I looked at Jongup who was looking down at his bag depressingly. He doesn’t have many friends? I thought he did... In his letter it definitely sounded liked he had heaps of friends at his mum’s house. But he shouldn’t hang out with me… It’s for the best.


I smiled at Jongup, his eyes sparkling with happiness. “I enjoyed today as well…” I started hesitantly. “But it would be best if you didn’t talk to me.” 


Jongup’s smile disappeared and I instantly regretted what I said. I grabbed my bag and started walking through the door. I really didn’t want to do this…


“Stop caring about them.” 


My head shot up and I slowly turned around. I knew what he was implying…


I looked at Jongup hesitantly as he continued. “I don’t care if those people bully you. You’re the only person I like to hang around. You treat me like… A friend. An old friend…” He trailed off. Jongup looked through the window of the class room, as if something else caught his mind.


I smiled at him and said “See you tomorrow then.” 


Jongup slowly waved goodbye as I started to close the door. First Daehyun then Jongup. Both of them don’t even remember me… But before I went to the train station to talk to Daehyun, I had to do something else. I walked down the hall to the first practice room and burst inside. 


“You knew didn’t you?” I yelled at my aunty.


Jayong almost dropped her bag but she caught it and gave me with a death stare. I chuckled and closed the door behind me. 


“Don’t do that again Junhong,” she started with a sigh, “I honestly didn’t know he was coming till the principal gave me his details.” 


I looked at her blankly. So was this boy really the Jongup I used to know? She answered me as if she was reading my mind, “He is the same guy Junhong. I’m serious.” 


Although I was very happy Jongup was back, the fact that he didn’t remember me still remained. Jayong looked at me with caring eyes and said, “Doesn’t he remember you?” 


I looked down and shook my head walking out the door before she could say anything else. I walked to the subway hoping to see Daehyun again but on the train, he was nowhere to be found.


Dammit... I must’ve missed him. Well I did stay a bit longer at school... He must’ve taken the first train home. I wonder where they live... I wonder what the others are doing... Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae, Daehyun and Jongup... It’s been seven years... To think I’ve already seen two, I wonder what the others are up to now... I bet Youngjae is helping his parents with their world renowned business. Now that I think about it, that’s how we first met...


“Now Junhong, please behave. We’ll only be here for a few hours. Our boss has a child as well. You can play with him.” 


I gripped my hand tighter around my mother’s hand as she spoke. I didn’t want them to leave me alone. Once we walked into our neighbour’s house, my mum let go of my hand and kneeled down to my level to talk to me. “We’ll just be upstairs Junhong,” My mum said in a caring voice, “Now be a good 4 year old and wait for us in the living room over there.” 


My mum pointed to the room on my right. I nodded to show my mum I knew what she was talking about. My mum smiled and walked up the stairs. My dad walked up to me and ruffled my hair before following my mother.


I walked into the living room, it was huge. Although I only live next door, this house seemed way bigger. The big couch in the middle of the room immediately grabbed my attention. It looked very soft and fluffy. I liked stuff like that... My tiny hand reached out to touch the fluffy couch when a voice behind me spoke up, “HEY!” 


I jerked my had away and turned around, raising my hands above my head as if I committed a crime. I saw a boy who looked older than me but as he walked down the stairs staring at me, his head barely reached over railing. 


“Who are you~?” the boy asked in a demanding tone.


I gulped and answered softly, “Um... C-Choi J-Junhong....” 


The older boy ran down the stairs and looked at me in the face, like he was studying my features.


The boy smiled and said “Well hello Junhong~! My name is Youngjae~ Do you to play~? I haven’t seen another kid here in ages...”


The boy looked at me with gleaming eyes. I couldn’t help but smile and nod.  Youngjae sat on the couch and he motioned me to sit next to him. 


“So~ Junhong~ Are your parent’s in that meeting thingymabob with my parents?” I smiled and nodded.


Youngjae must be my parent’s boss’ son... He definitely seemed nice... and he was the first person I’ve met outside my family... 


“Apparently...” Youngjae started again, “There are going to be another 4 more families coming~! I wonder if they have children too...”


I looked eagerly at Youngjae and said “Do y-you know a-any of t-them?” Youngjae looked at me with a frown on his face.


“I’ve never actually talked to another kid before...” Youngjae said with a frown, “It’s because my parent’s are always so busy I can’t do anything but study...”


I looked at Youngjae’s sad face, his life seemed so sad compared to mine. He never got to play piggy-back or tag or even hide-and-go seek with his parents... I started to pat him on his back.


“That sounds horrible...” I said. Youngjae looked at me as I continued, “I mean who would want to study all day?”


Youngjae chuckled and smiled as he said “It’s okay now~” Youngjae put his arm on my shoulder. “Cause I have a friend now.” 


I smiled at Youngjae while he laughed. I felt happy that I was his first friend. That must be very special. I’m happy that I got to spread some happiness. Our conversation was halted by the sound of the doorbell. 


“I guess that’s the others...” Youngjae said with a sigh.


Youngjae and I walked to the door. Youngjae opened the door with a smile as the families poured in. One after the other all four families came inside, each of them had at least one child. I smiled and waved to each of them and they did the same back. They seemed nice. We all walked into the living room and sat down, it was quiet and awkward. That was until the one sitting next to me tapped my shoulder and said in a high voice, “My name is Yongguk~ What’s yours?”


The others leaned in to here our conversation but it wasn’t that hard, we were the only ones talking after all. I smiled at Yongguk and said with a loud voice so that the others could hear clearly, “My name is Choi Junhong~” 


A boy across from me put flapped his hands in front of his nose.


Everyone looked at him when he spoke, “Eh? My name is Himchan! But I’ve seriously never heard of anyone called Junhong before... You should change it~!” 


I looked at Himchan curiously. No one has ever told me my name was weird. Well maybe that’s because I’ve only seen my family... this was the first time I’ve actually talked to someone besides my family...


The boy next to Himchan hit him on the head, “Why don’t you come up with a name then?” 


The boy looked at me and smiled, “I like your name~ You don’t have to change it if you don’t want to~ My name is Daehyun” 


I smiled at Daehyun. I honestly didn’t mind changing my name~ I looked at each boy in the room and tried remembering their names. Youngjae, Yongguk, Himchan and Daehyun. They all seemed like nice people. I really hope we grow up together~


We all looked at the boy in the corner who didn’t say a word. He was staring at me, examining me like a doctor. The boy suddenly smiled, nodded and said “Jongup~ My name is Jongup.” The others looked at Jongup as if he’s crazy but he only smiled at them.


I decided to introduce myself to Jongup. Just incase he didn’t pay attention before. “Hiya Jongup~” I said with a smile.”My name is-”


“Zelo.” I looked at the boy who interrupted me. Jongup was smiling from ear to ear. “I’m going to call you Zelo.”


I looked at the smiling Jongup. Zelo... I liked it. It sounded... nice... better than my actual name... I nodded at Jongup with a smile, signalling the fact that I loved the name.


Himchan sat up from his seat and yelled, “Well I’ll call you that too!” We all looked at Himchan and started laughing.


“I don’t mind if you all call me Zelo.” I said with a smile. The others nodded and Youngjae got up and told them that they had a playground outside.


I snapped out of my daydream and looked around. The train stopped at shops. I decided to take a walk for some fresh air. We played all day. The day I met all of them... and Jongup came up with my nickname... I miss it... 


I miss them...


Hey guys~!

I'm thinking about changing my writing style :P

Like putting Zelo's thought's in italics instead of writing it normally XD

Would that be better? I'm doing it anyway XD

This is probably my longest chapter so far XD haha YAY~! :DD

I hope you guys like it~ What do you think will happen~? O_o?

I'll be posting another one tomorrow :DDD

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Love you guys bye~! <3

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Hello everyone~ I've suddenly lost my mojo for Childhood Charms, I've re-read everything and decided to redo most of it :) I'll try and update... this year XD


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Mila2410 #1
Chapter 13: New reader!! Love your story!! I think the first person would be Yongguk or Daehyun...
LittleShadow #2
Chapter 13: DAAAEEHYUUN(: or yongguk~
Chapter 13: update soon~
LightWind #4
update soon! ;u; he needs to chat with himchan thou XD thtll be hilarious
Keep updating! Ah I hope they can be all together once again! And the first person to remember would either be between Yong Guk or Youngjae... :D
FiQaEyKa #6
awesome chapter dear , keep update :)
daydreambeliver #7
Author shii- your story reminds me of some song lyrics that I really love- The Call, by Regina Spektor :)
How come they can't remember?! That's so weird! Not even the eldest friends remember! What's up with that?! D: Gah!
daydreambeliver #9
Oh my god....just find out already that you know each ofher dammit!!! Lol...your story is really good keke :)
Yay!~ it's okay! School is important! I'll wait (even though it didn't seem like it in my previous comment >~<)