Class with Jongup

Childhood Charms



Moon… Moon… Jongup… Moon Jongup? JONGUP?! Impossible… He must be someone with the same name… Jongup moved ages ago… But Daehyun did come back… Maybe he’s the same Jongup… I looked at Jongup. He looked much older, seeing as though you could see his muscles through his tight shirt. Although I didn’t see him in ages I felt like I saw him before. Jongup looked at me and cocked his head to the side. It looked like he was studying me. It felt… uncomfortable. I looked away and sat down next to my bag and suddenly the room erupted with voices. I wondered if he was the same old Jongup… If he is… Then maybe he remembered me… Everyone was crowding around the new kid, I could barely make out what they were trying to tell him, “So how old are you?” “Can you be in our group?” “No! He’ll be in ours~ Right Oppa~?” were just some sentences I heard from my spot in the corner.


I looked at the crowd and shook my head. I couldn’t even see Jongup. I guess he’s having a fun time getting mauled by my classmates. Miss Choi spoke up before anyone could actually harm the boy who I thought was my old friend, “Okay okay! Give the boy some space! It’s his first time here. Don’t make him want to move schools on his first day.” The huge crowd suddenly disbanded and I saw Jongup straightening his clothes. I found it funny, the girls must’ve tried to rip them. I chuckled silently to myself. “Okay Jongup,” Miss Choi started, “show us watch you’ve got.”


The class walked to the sides of the room while Jongup stood in the center. The boy breathed a big breath, he didn’t look nervous at all. Once the music started Jongup slowly moved to the rhythm. When the song became upbeat he started breakdancing. In my opinion Jongup’s dancing reminded me of one of my routines. Except on him it looked spectacular… 


The music stopped and Jongup posed at the end. He was granted a huge applause. I think he’s better than me… But… I didn’t know Jongup could dance… I didn’t even know Daehyun could sing… They both never told me… This guy… might just be another guy with the same name… I grabbed a book out of my bag and started reading it. Thoughts of Daehyung and Jongup ran throughout my mind. Now that Jongup’s in the room I don’t think anyone would be bothered to bully me. I know that Jongup is going to be the new centre of attention in this class. For some reason it bothered me… I don’t know why… It just did…


“Wow~ Just wow~” Miss Choi started, “unfortunately we’ve already organised groups for the upcoming assessment. Since you’re new I don’t think I’ll assess you this time around.” Jongup nodded and smiled. He looked happy that he wouldn’t get assessed. I looked around the classroom. The girls were literally spazzing. They were jumping up and down like lunatics. Seriously? All the boy does is smile and you’ve fallen head over heels for them? I swear this guy isn’t the Jongup I used to know. Now he seems… different… He’s definitely different…


Miss Choi opened , “Since you won’t do any assessments I’ll assign you a even bigger task.” Jongup’s smile slowly went down. He looked at her, signalling her to continue. “Your assignment is to help the worst in the class with his assessment.” Everyone started protesting; even Jongup and I, but Miss cut us off, “Do you understand?”


Jongup nodded and asked, “So who am I helping?” Everyone in the class looked at me in disgust. I closed my book and sighed loudly, signalling everyone around me to stop looking at me. I placed everything neatly in my bag and stood up. Jongup looked at me and tilted his head a little, as if he didn’t believe I was the worst. Well… That was a first... 


I stood awkwardly next to Jongup, everyone started giving me deaths stares. Miss Choi saw the class’s reaction started talking again, “I think it would be best if you go to the classroom down the hall,” I looked at my aunty like she was crazy, “Junhong, you know the way, can you take our new kid there?” I sighed, nodded my head and showed Jongup the way, avoiding the glares by the other students. I knew Jongup was uncomfortable with that but I dismissed it. I had a strange feeling that Miss was planning this all along… She knows I’m the best in the class…


We walked into the other practice room. Jongup jumped around happily, quickly put his bag down and lied down in the middle of the room with a smile on his face. In one second it felt like he was the same old Jongup. Maybe he is the same after all. I laughed as I sat down and said “Seems like you’re happy to get out of the classroom~”


Jongup smiled and looked at Zelo, “You have no idea…” Jongup started laughing while I put my bag down. I smiled. Maybe this really is the same Jongup… Maybe… Suddenly I heard a strange ringtone. It sounded familiar. I looked at Jongup, wondering if it was his. Well of course it’s his Zelo… He’s the only one in the room. Jongup slowly got up and said “Hah… Sorry about that… I’ll just answer that and we’ll practice?” I slowly nodded. I watched Jongup as he came closer and opened his bag. He awkwardly smiled at me as he fumbled throughout his bag. He accidentally dropped his phone in the process. I chuckled a bit; the same thought popped into my head again. Maybe he is the same old Jongup. I picked up the phone and held out my hand to give it to him. But something caught my eye and it confirmed my suspicions. There it was… Attached to the phone… A green bunny.

Hello everyone~!!
I wrote this in class so its not seriously good XD But hey~ at least I posted something XD haha~
I'm seriously trying to write as much as possible while I'm on break :DDD So I'll try and update often :)
So how is it so far~? What do you think will happen~? Leave a comment below :)
I love you guys~ <3 Dont forget to subscribe~!!! To those who have already subscribed, It really means a lot too me :') Thanks so much~ XD
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Hello everyone~ I've suddenly lost my mojo for Childhood Charms, I've re-read everything and decided to redo most of it :) I'll try and update... this year XD


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Mila2410 #1
Chapter 13: New reader!! Love your story!! I think the first person would be Yongguk or Daehyun...
LittleShadow #2
Chapter 13: DAAAEEHYUUN(: or yongguk~
Chapter 13: update soon~
LightWind #4
update soon! ;u; he needs to chat with himchan thou XD thtll be hilarious
Keep updating! Ah I hope they can be all together once again! And the first person to remember would either be between Yong Guk or Youngjae... :D
FiQaEyKa #6
awesome chapter dear , keep update :)
daydreambeliver #7
Author shii- your story reminds me of some song lyrics that I really love- The Call, by Regina Spektor :)
How come they can't remember?! That's so weird! Not even the eldest friends remember! What's up with that?! D: Gah!
daydreambeliver #9
Oh my god....just find out already that you know each ofher dammit!!! Lol...your story is really good keke :)
Yay!~ it's okay! School is important! I'll wait (even though it didn't seem like it in my previous comment >~<)