Class with Junhong

Childhood Charms


I quickly snatched my phone from the kid. I swear he looked younger than me. Anyways, I didn’t want any touching my stuff. Especially my phone. I walked outside and answered my phone. It was my mum. Again. “I’m sorry Jongup, but I can’t pick you up today... I have to go to work...” I sighed. When is my mum never there. After I left here seven years ago my life has been a mess. Mum and Dad stopped talking and they’ve been arguing too much now. That is why I took up dancing. To get away from both of them.


There was one thing that my mum forgot. I didn’t know where we lived. “But mum!” I yelled back into the phone, “I don’t know where we live! How the hell do you expect me to get home?!” My mum mumbled a bit before answering. I could already tell she was cursing under her breath. Although I’m young I’ve heard everything. My mum and dad didn’t even know I was hiding behind everything... Trying to stop them from fighting...


I heard my mum speak up again. But it was something i did not want to hear. “Just get one of your friends to take you.” I was about to protest but I heard the long beeping sound. My mum hung up on me. Of course. She doesn’t even care about her only son getting lost. Instead she wants me to get a ‘friend’ to help me. What friends? She thinks that I’m going to make friends? I’ve basically gotten mauled in every class I’ve been to. Like I’d want to be anyones friend. I was so happy to get out of the crazy classroom and into a separate room.


I put my phone into my pocket and placed my hand on the door knob. Oh thats right... I had to teach a newbie how to dance... I opened the door slightly and peaked through. The boy was reading a book. Hmmm... He looked decent... He was nice... He reminds me of someone... But he does look like a nerd... No wonder he’s the worst...


I walked inside, the boy was still reading his book. As if he didn’t even notice me entering. I opened my mouth and yelled, “Hey kid!” The boy closed his book and stood up in two seconds. Niiice.... He has great reflexes... Maybe he really is talented... The boy looked at me, he looked fairly surprised. He doesn’t treat me like everyone else... I like that about this kid. I opened my mouth, “What’s your name?”


The boy smiled shyly and scratched the back of his neck. “Choi Junhong” he answered. I opened my mouth to introduce myself but he cut me off with a smile, “I already know you anyway... Your fangirls are too loud.” I chuckled. At least the boy has humour. But his name seemed strangely familiar. Where have I heard his name before? Hmm..


“AH!” I said out loud. The boy looked at me with high hopes, “You’re the kid everyone’s telling me to stay away from!” The boy looked down in disappointment. But I continued nonetheless, “Why does everyone hate you? I see no problem with you... You seem nice...” Junhong looked at me and smiled sincerely.


“I was suppose to be in middle school...” The boy started while he sat down again, “But I skipped a grade... I think that’s why they hate me... But I seriously don’t know why...” I looked at him he seemed nice enough. I didn’t see any reason why they would hate him... Then I realised something...


“Wait a second... You’re a year younger than me!” I knew the boy looked younger. Now i knew for sure. The boy smiled at me and opened his mouth. He motioned me to sit next to him. I complied of course.


“So since you asked me a question can I ask you one?” Junhong looked at me. I signalled with my hand for him to ask away. I felt comfortable with this kid. Maybe I’ll make a friend after all. “Where’d you get that bunny on your phone?” I looked at the boy who just spoke. I didn’t see that question coming at all. I got out my phone and fiddled with the bunny. Junhong looked at me, waiting for an answer.


I smiled and said “Why do you want to know? Don’t tell me your think it’s cute. Hahaha~” I playfully punched his arm. Junhong awkwardly scratched behind his head again. I chuckled and gave him an actual answer. “I honestly don’t remember where I got it...”  I looked at Junhong and then at my bunny, for some reason Junhong looked disappointed again so I continued, “But I just have a strange feeling... That I should keep it...” I fiddled with the bunny again. What I said was true. I had no idea where I got the bunny... But whenever I tried to throw it away... I would have a strange feeling that tells me to keep it... Strange I know... 


I placed my phone into my pocket and looked at Junhong. He was nodding his head. It looked like he was taking information in. I honestly don’t see why people hate him so much... I got up and spoke, “So.... I should probably start teaching you some dance moves.” I started stretching my arms while Junhong stood up.


“Don’t worry about it...” said Junhong. I looked at him curiously. Why wouldn’t this boy want to learn? Maybe he took this class for extra-curriculum or whatever they call it. I tilted my head, as if verbally asking why I shouldn’t worry. “I’m not really the last person in the class...” I was surprised really. If this boy wasn’t the last place... Why is he here? Better yet what place is he? “I’m actually top in the class”


I was surprised beyond belief. This boy. The nerd in front of me. Choi Junhong. Was the top dancer in the class? Whaaaaaat?! “Why would Miss Choi ask me to help you in here then?” I asked curiously. This was too strange for me. As if the fangirls weren’t creepy enough.


The boy leaned against the mirror in front of me and said “Well it’s because the whole class hates me.” I looked at him seriously, he looked away and continued, “I literally do nothing in class because everyone would make fun of me.” I looked at Junhong confusingly again. If he doesn’t do anything how does Miss Choi mark him? “She’s my aunty.” That’s what surprised me again. It was like I was getting punched in the face over and over again. But after he told me that, everything started to sink in. If she’s his aunty, that means he can just preform for her whenever and she’d mark him then. He’s very lucky... But one thing still stood out to me... Why does everyone hate him... He doesn’t seem so bad... I feel like I’ve seen him before though...


“OH!” I said out loud once again, “You auditioned for TS Entertainment right?” Junhong chuckled and nodded his head. I distinctly remember him. He was tall. I could tell even though he sat next to me. He didn’t look nerdy back then... So I out of curiosity I asked him “Did you get in?” Junhong shook his head. Damm... At least we have another thing in common... “Well... Do you know why they didn’t let you in? They said confusing stuff to me...”


Junhong walked away from the mirror and took off his school jacket. “We should just focus on dancing.” He said. I nodded slowly. But he never answered my question. Oh well... I smiled at the boy.


“Let’s see how great the top dancer is.”



Okay just so you guys know this story is not only going to be about Zelo meeting everyone :P There is a bigger plot XD

If you guys haven't noticed this was written in Jongup's POV XD haha~

What do you think will happen next? Leave a comment~!

Thanks to all who subscribed as well~ I hope you guys enjoyed the story so far~ ;)

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Hello everyone~ I've suddenly lost my mojo for Childhood Charms, I've re-read everything and decided to redo most of it :) I'll try and update... this year XD


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Mila2410 #1
Chapter 13: New reader!! Love your story!! I think the first person would be Yongguk or Daehyun...
LittleShadow #2
Chapter 13: DAAAEEHYUUN(: or yongguk~
Chapter 13: update soon~
LightWind #4
update soon! ;u; he needs to chat with himchan thou XD thtll be hilarious
Keep updating! Ah I hope they can be all together once again! And the first person to remember would either be between Yong Guk or Youngjae... :D
FiQaEyKa #6
awesome chapter dear , keep update :)
daydreambeliver #7
Author shii- your story reminds me of some song lyrics that I really love- The Call, by Regina Spektor :)
How come they can't remember?! That's so weird! Not even the eldest friends remember! What's up with that?! D: Gah!
daydreambeliver #9
Oh my god....just find out already that you know each ofher dammit!!! Lol...your story is really good keke :)
Yay!~ it's okay! School is important! I'll wait (even though it didn't seem like it in my previous comment >~<)