The Break up...To new beginnings...

Mr. Advice

Seunghyun puts his phone back in his pocket after he sent a text to his almost ex Hyuna. This is the first time that Hyuna has ever been summoned because she never allowed Seunghyun to wear the pants in the relationship. Today is different Seunghyun is fed up. He today saw how bad his relationship was affecting others and it is simply not worth it any more. Since Hyuna is at the mall still it will take her a while to her to her boyfriend's side of town. It has only been thirty minutes since Youngbae has been over and it has been only 15 minutes since he told him that Jiyong was in love it him. Seunghyun is now officially confused. He is confused to the point that Youngbae notices.

"What are you thinking about Hyung?"

"I really don't know Bae"

"Like I said I know that this is a lot to take in..."

"It's okay Bae I appreciate that you told me...I just feel stupid that I was so clueless about Ji's feelings"

"Well to tell you the truth he was planning on never telling hyung..." Seunghyuns expression goes from confused to a combination surprise and sadness.

" Why would he never tell could he just sit and watch..."

"Because he would rather have you happy than himself"

"I don't want him sad Bae..." 

"I know that you don't hyung...cause I know that you care for him too"

Seunghyun looks up at the ceiling "You know what...I feel that he helped me realize my feelings for him too."

"How so?"

"Well.." Seunghyun turns red "I kinda pulled him into bed with me...we cuddled for a bout 20 minutes or so...It felt so right being in bed with him. "

Youngbae kind of caught off guard. " you pulled him into bed..."

" wasn't on purpose  it was more of an accident...but a good accident...also back at the restaurant I felt the need to comfort him when he was crying. I could have been an and not do anything but I embraced him and kissed him the top of his head...omo." The kiss part Seunghyun meant to keep to himself. Youngbae shakes his head. "Way to confuse him more hyung..but it's not like you knew"

"Yea I didn't know  anything and now I feel like for confusing him...and I took a taxi home and left him......"

Youngbae perks up"Once again hyung you didn't know remember, so it's not your fault. The great thing is now that you know your feelings you can do something about it. So what are you going to do now?"

Seunghyun instantly gets a light bulb moment "I know what to do!! I will still plan the date with Jiyong. It might take some persuasion to get him to go along with things. The whole time we are planning the rest of the date he will think it's all for Hyuna but really it's all for him. What you think!?"

"So plan the rest of the date and make Jiyong more miserable...good one hyung..."

"Come on Bae...I don't mean to plan it in that light. I mean to do everything to catch him off guard and you know that is a hard task to catch the great leader off guard."

YoungBae nods in agreement "You know what this is the most Bingu proof idea that you have ever had!"

"I'm going to need your help."

"Whatever ya need I got you man"

"Awesome" Seunghyun hands YoungBae the bags containing the jewelry. "Could you please switch the smaller couple ring for a size 8...that is Jiyongs ring size"

"Wait you are giving him a couple ring?"

"Might as well make it official...I think that I'm falling for him. Oh I also need a Karaoke machine..."

"The hell you need that for..."

"Well Ji's dream date would be me singing to him..."

"Sure you don't want to hire someone" *slap* "Aish I'm not that bad..."

"Well I will get my assistant to find you one and exchange the rings for you. I hope things work out hyung let me know if there  is anything else you need help with k." YoungBae bows and with his perfect timing Hyuna pulls up in front of the villa to get out of her taxi. She makes eye contact with YoungBae and says a rude Hello. YoungBae smirks and barely waves before he gets into the taxi Hyuna just go out of.'The doesn't know what's coming to her'  


Hyuna comes into the villa with a wrath of fury and just plain rude. She throws off her shoes and walks into the living room. Seunghyun who figured when  Hyuna got to the villa she  would be the that just got off the broom and she certainly was. She stood in the middle of the living room blocking the TV when Seunghyun didn't respond right away she huffed and crossed her arms. Seunghyun raised and eyebrow and looked at her "You are blocking the TV" This made Hyuna turn red. Yea his response was him completely being an but he was done with her drama. 


Seunghyun turned off the TV "We need to talk..."

Hyuna crosses her arms more tightly "WHat is there to TALK about oppa. I think things are fine."

Seunghyun kind of raises his voice "You think that is fine?"

Hyuna  nods Yes and Seunghyun laughs at her "We are not fine Hyuna. We are not the same any more. I feel that I'm dating a monster not a girlfriend."


Seunghyun stands to her level enraged. He didn't care what she was saying in the beginning but when she brought up Jiyong he lost it "THAT IS THE ONE WHO HELPED ME TO OPEN MY EYES! YOU ARE THE MOST SELFISH BIGOTED GOLD DIGGING THAT I HAVE EVER MET!! I'M TIRED HYUNA I'M TIRED!!"

The sound of Seunghyun's booming voice made Hyuna shut up. He has never raised his voice to her and normally he hates to argue. After all that her Oppa just told her she still has tunnel vision."So what about the special date now...I thought that we were fixing this relationship...You are not realizing that I'm running this relationship...there is no out..and you will still give me what I want." She takes Seunghyun's black card (the credit card for millionaires) out and waves it infront of Seunghyuns face. 

Seunghyun shakes his head at her and takes his credit card back snatching it out of her hands. This was another move that Hyuna was not expecting. Normally she has  the rapper wrapped around her finger normally just her crossing her arms makes him give in so that that she gets her way. She smirks and raises her eyebrows "So you think that this is the best thing for us our relationship..think about it oppa. I will not be easy to take back."

"It that a promise..."


"Hyuna we are through over done with. I can't take this any more I will not be used any more."

"You are making a big mistake..."

"I already made my mistake...and that is you...the best thing that you can do for this relationship is walking through that door!"

They both stare each other in the eye.  Hyuna stares her oppa down one more time and smirks. Seunghyun smirks back almost in disgust and turns to sit back on the couch. He flicks on the TV like she is not even there. Hyuna frowns her last frown in the Choi villa heads towards the door. The last thing Seunghyun hears from Hyuna is the stomping of heels and a slamming door. Seunghyun smiles and pats himself on the back "Good Job Choi Seunghyun" He pulls out his cell phone to text Jiyong. 

"Hey Ji I need you to help me out for this last day. Please please please"

Jiyong responds at lightning speed. Yes, he is sad but he still loves his hyung. "Of course hyung anything for you"

"Thanks Jiyong this is going to be a very memorable date...come over at 8 :)"

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Hey I'm going to make a sequal tonight so stay tuned:)


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Chapter 15: So chessy?? i love it, i love it ,i love it ,i love it, i LOVEEEEE it!!!
Chapter 9: i love the *wack,wack!* sound :v
Gdrariri #3
Chapter 22: Oh gosh!!!ing love your story.. honestly.. idk how to react for gtop... coz I just think it impossible for them.. (imagine how both of them in love) but... now... after read ur story.. oh my.. goshhhh!!!! I love it too too too too much... im crying... laughing...feel betrayed... all feeling in this story I can feel it... oh ... love u so much author.. I think now.. I will start shipping for gtop... it all coz of ur ing awesome storyline... omg... I love so much!!! I don't believe tht I can be crazy like this... love u.. write more gtop ok...
Chapter 8: super cute and romantic date :) lovely
Chapter 4: what a b*tch O_O omg she is so rude
Dragon63 #6
Chapter 23: this was amazing!!!
and thank you for the sequel!!!!!
AllisonRowe #7
Chapter 10: " go bubble pop your some where else. " sorry i had to comment hahahahahahaha!!!! Love ur fics authornimmmmm
Blue82 #8
This was such a fun story to read.
vip2012 #9
after the come back i decided to read all my bigbang fanfics again and i must say this is one of my favourite one :)
Chapter 15: "Use protection I don't want him to..wait he can't get pregnant...just go go have fun okay" ~~awkward~~
Loving it though :D