Pop the paparazzi!

Mr. Advice

Seunghyun is still furious to point of punching a brick wall. He is so mad that he could even snap on the people who did nothing. The only thing that is keeping his sanity is his boyfriend that is going to try to protect. 

Their getaway was flawless and so far no one noticed that Seunghyun was indeed driving Jiyong's Bentley and also another major detail that should have been noticed from the get was that indeed the dragon was with his aka GD. Seunghyun is so happy that they didn't figure out those details..yet. 

At the moment Seunghyun is now pulling into the parking garage to his designated space. He slowly pulls in and gets out of the car from the most nerve racking drive of his life because has really hit the fan. For the first time in his life he has no control of what could happen next at the moment. The wrong words too early or too late could ruin everything and what scares the out of the rapper is that he could pull BigBang into the mix too. 

The rapper finally makes it to his bosses office. YG is a huge building...so big Yang Hyun Suk has a floor all to himself. It's almost 9pm and Yang already dismissed his secretary to avoid anything getting out. The rapper stands infront of the very wide doors and carefully collects himself...not that he is afraid of what boss man will say...Yang is on his side. Just having to plan every move until the scandal is settled. 

Yang sees Seunghyun staring at his office doors through the servalince camera and presses the intercom button. 

"Come in Seunghyun-Shi no use looking at the doors" 

Seunghyun sighs and walks into the black on black office with chrome accents. He walks past the wall of toys that he could never get his hands on and walks over to the massive desk. Yang is sitting with a look of concern because he never wanted this to happen to his boys...but things must be done. 

Seunghyun stands infront of the desk and bows. " Hello Boss" 

"Have a seat...we are going to fix this" 

Seunghyun sighs and takes a seat in the plush grey chair. " I hope so...I can't believe that this is happening already...I knew that she was crazy but I didn't know that she would go to such lengths to try to destroy us. "

Yang makes an apologetic face " I'm sorry for this to happen to you too. I'm still rooting for you and I still support you despite the tabloids."

The rapper looks up at his boss " What should we do?" 

Yang gets out of his big chair and comes around to the other side of the desk and takes a seat next to the rapper. Seunghyun eyes his bosses note pad and figures that they are really going to get some concrete plans. " We need to write out a plan and also responses for possible questions. I have already talked to your PR manager  and Manager Lee(TOP's manager) about the situation. What we are hoping to do is a press conference tomorrow." 

"Tomorrow" the rapper makes a nervous face. 

" Seunghyun we need to do this as soon as possible. Your fans plus Korea needs to hear your words. " 

" Well anything to protect Jiyong" 

The manager makes a concerned look "Tell Jiyong to stay at his parents. I already told him but I want you to help me to make sure he does too." 

Seunghyun shakes his head vigorously " I totally agree and I don't want him in this at all." 

The boss takes the young rappers hand in his and gently pats the top of his hand in a fatherly way. Seunghyun relaxes a bit and looks up at his smiling boss. " Don't worry we will fix this. Be strong." The rapper nods and then the two are interrupted when Seunghyuns manager suddenly appears next to them. 

Manager Lee bows "Sorry that I did not knock but this is urgent..." 

Yang frowns " What is it Manager Lee?"

" Well...Hyuna..."

Seunghyun turns red " What did Hyuna do now" 

" Well..." He grabs the remote to the TV and flips the TV on. Both Yang and the rapper tense up "She is having a press conference right now...live..." 

Seunghyun gets terrified and tries to grab the remote from his manager but is his stopped by Yang. "We need to hear what she says so that we know what to do. I know this is hard for you but this is for us to move forward. Don't  worry you will have your time to talk to the press and actually I'm not supervised she has the press conference now."

The younger one sighs and settles more into his chair and prepares for a load of lies. 



Hyuna's manager comes up to the podium " Hello and welcome to this sudden press conference. You can all ask questions one at a time." The manager leaves and Hyuna approaches the podium with a look of hurt on her face. Her mascara is running down her face and it looks like there are tears in her eyes. Everyone sitting in Yang Suk's office is appalled at all the theatrics. 

Back in the press room the first reporter raises their hand " Hyuna is it true that you and Seunghyun broke up" 

Hyuna lets a tear fall from her eye and responds with hurt in her voice. " I never knew that we were broken up...I never thought that a man such as him would ever cheat on me..."  The crowd gets a little rowdy and you can hear the female reporters murmuring in anger of the rapper. The manager interjects " Next question...yes yes you sir." 

"So how did you know to go to the hotel to find him in the act?"

"Well I...followed him from work. I wanted to come by after practice and surprise him. Before I could pull in I saw him in a car with his lover." 

A reporter shouts across the room. " Do you know who his lover is." 

Hyuna shakes her head " I have no idea who he is " 

Everyone in the room gasp from the word he. Seunghyun is now exposed to the press as the man who cheated on Hyuna with another man. "So is he gay? shouts another reporter. The rooms is so chaotic that is is hard to do the one person at a time thing and Hyuna on the inside and loving every moment. She could have exposed Jiyong to the press but I guess that is a plan for later in her ed up mind. Hyuna smirks to herself of her devious plans to come but answers the question. The suspense is killing everyone and SEunghyun is so close to the TV he could jump through. 

Hyuna looks down and then stares directly into the press filled room " It's hard to say this but my boyfriend...or now rather ex *sniffle sniffle* is GAAAYYY" Hyuna whales into her Managers arms " That will be it for today thank you all for coming"  The whole room turns into a up roar. Reporters shout and plead more questions at the singer until she totally leaves the room and with in seconds T.O.P. is the top search on every search engine in Seoul. 

Manager shuts off the TV and shakes his head " This is just not right. I'm sorry Seunghyun-ah." He takes the tall rapper into his arms and the younger one breaks down and cries hard. He is crying so hard it makes the room have a grey cast of loss. The manager embraces the rapper as if it is his son and coos words of a father to a son to help calm him down. Yang is who is still in shock is writing out what is to come starting with a press conference tomorrow. 

Seunghyun releases the hug and looks down "I'm sorry...I'm sorry....I'm sorry...I'm...sorry" and the rapper breaks down again. The sight of him in such a state is heartbreaking to both of the older men. Yang now takes the lead " Seunghyun you did nothing wrong...we can't help it if we love someone...and sometimes we have to fight to make things right again. Yes Korea knows that you are gay...yea they think that you cheated but Seunghyun at least you are the one that is truthful you are the one that is doing right. Hyuna is digging her own grave. The great thing is that she didn't reveal Jiyong...I guess she has a little bit of ed up compassion. What she did was just wrong but that is reality. Not to be blunt but we need to fix this ASAP. I need you to get stronger. Can you do that for me Seunghyun=ah?"

"Ne boss" 

"Well let's get to work" 

"Well can I call Jiyong first I'm sure that he has seen the press conference too" He looks at his boss with puppy dog eyes. 

"Go ahead but come back soon okay? Pull yourself together and lets get to work after your call" 


The rapper smiles and steps over to the other sides of the office to talk to his boyfriend. The pulls out his phone and hits the speed dial. "Hyunnnnie!!! Are you okay? I'm so worried aiiigo" 

"heh heh Yongie you sound as bright as ever." 

"What's wrong Hyunnie sounds like you were crying?"

"That's because I was baby...you watched the press conference right" 

Jiyong sighs on his end "Ne Hyunnie I did...I can't believe that she told them that you were gay" 

"Well Ji I'm gay...but I didn't want things to be revealed in this light. Korea thinks of me as a cheater and gay" 

"Hyunnie to me you are the most wonderful lover anyone could have. We can fix this!" 

"Jiyong-ah I don't want you apart of this. I don't want you to be potentially dragged down with me. I love you. I want to protect you." 

Jiyong starts to cry " but I don't want you to go through this alone. I don't care what they think of me. I love you so much. I don't want you to go through this alone. 

"Baby you are a support right now. Knowing that you love me" Seunghyun smiles to himself. 



"What about...about your parents?"

"I'm going to call them and let them know what's going on...seriously this is not how I wanted this to happen..." 

"It's okay Hyunnie you can do it...are you sure I can't help. I bet us together taking on the press would shut everyone up!!" 


The younger one gets silent on the other line. He didn't relize how stressed his boyfriend was. Seunghyun collects himself. He never meant to snap at his boyfriend but the thought of him getting exposed was not a joking matter " I'm sorry Jiyong ah. I didn't mean to yell at you...I'm just a little wound up. " 

"I know baby. I will do as you wish." 

"Thank you Jiyong-ah I love you so much." 

"I know baby and I loooove lub lub lub lub you so much" 

The rapper chuckles at the cute words " This is going to be a process and I don't think that we will be able to meet for  a while." 

"I understand that Hyunnie. My manager said that I was on vacation so right now no one thinks I'm in Korea. Come visit when you can." 

"Well *sigh* I think that I should hang up now. I lub you my pookie wookie" 

"I lub you too my Hyunnie bunny" 

They both laugh and hang up after six more I love yous. Yang and Lee meanwhile are sitting working the fine details for the press conference. 

"Oh Seunghyun come come we are almost finish." He hands the younger one the note pad full of scribbles of possible questions and responses to memorize. "So tomorrow is the press conference. Don't go to Jiyong's. I want you to stay with me tonight to avoid press." Yang stands up and the other two follow him out of his office. "Manager Lee I want you to set up the conference and only invite our preferred list of reporters. Also I want any bad press to be of course if possible held back."  

"Ne ne I will do that" 

All three proceed to the elevator to the parking garage. Yang has a private garage so him and the rapper go on to the town car with heavily tinted windows. Seunghyun follows his boss into the seufered car and buckles up. He immediately looks out the window and tries to think positive. Boss man pats the younger ones shoulders.

"Don't worry Seunghyun no matter what we all love you" 

"Thanks boss." 

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Hey I'm going to make a sequal tonight so stay tuned:)


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Chapter 15: So chessy?? i love it, i love it ,i love it ,i love it, i LOVEEEEE it!!!
Chapter 9: i love the *wack,wack!* sound :v
Gdrariri #3
Chapter 22: Oh gosh!!!ing love your story.. honestly.. idk how to react for gtop... coz I just think it impossible for them.. (imagine how both of them in love) but... now... after read ur story.. oh my.. goshhhh!!!! I love it too too too too much... im crying... laughing...feel betrayed... all feeling in this story I can feel it... oh ... love u so much author.. I think now.. I will start shipping for gtop... it all coz of ur ing awesome storyline... omg... I love so much!!! I don't believe tht I can be crazy like this... love u.. write more gtop ok...
Chapter 8: super cute and romantic date :) lovely
Chapter 4: what a b*tch O_O omg she is so rude
Dragon63 #6
Chapter 23: this was amazing!!!
and thank you for the sequel!!!!!
AllisonRowe #7
Chapter 10: " go bubble pop your some where else. " sorry i had to comment hahahahahahaha!!!! Love ur fics authornimmmmm
Blue82 #8
This was such a fun story to read.
vip2012 #9
after the come back i decided to read all my bigbang fanfics again and i must say this is one of my favourite one :)
Chapter 15: "Use protection I don't want him to..wait he can't get pregnant...just go go have fun okay" ~~awkward~~
Loving it though :D