Seunghyun to the rescue

Mr. Advice

 Seunghyun decided to surprise his new boyfriend with break fast. He gets into the elevator to head up to the studio. He walks down the hallway with a bag full of eggs that he has made. He walks into the studio to find  no music blaring but his boyfriend crying. Jiyong was crying so hard he didn't hear his boyfriend come in. Jiyong feels two arms wrap around him. "Jiyong-ah what is wrong why are you crying. Tell me please?" 

Jiyong looks into his hyungs eyes and shakes his head " I don't want to talk about it hyung" 
Seunghyun lifts Jiyongs chin and places a kiss on his lips "Tell me my love" He Jiyongs hair " I need to know what is bothering you so I can make you happy again." Jiyong doesn't want to burden his new boyfriend with ex girlfriend trouble but what else can he do "Hyuna..." Seunghyun looks into Jiyongs eyes "What did she do...did she talk to you?" Jiyong nods and sniffles at the same time. Seunghyun turns red with fury "That ." Seunghyun pulls Jiyong into another embrace. "Forget her Jiyong-ah. She just doesn't get that we will never be together any more. I will handle her if she ever comes to you again call me immediately. I don't want her screaming her non sense at you. She thinks she has this power over people but it is really insecurity." Jiyong nods into his hyungs chest and stops crying. 
"Hyunnie promise me that you will never leave me."
Seunghyun kisses Jiyongs forehead "I love you. I will never leave you." He kisses Jiyong  again this time a little longer " Never..."
Jiyong hugs Seunghyun like he was going to go away at any minute. Seunghyun could not have this. His crazy ex is now effecting other people besides himself. He can handle her wrath but he can't handle when the one that he truly loves is crying in his arms. Since Jiyong is in such a state at the moment the confrontation would have to be for another day. Right now the important thing is to show Jiyong that he is loved. 
"Jiyong-ah don't cry...makes me sad when you cry" He pats the younger ones back and rubs gentle circles. 
Jiyong pulls back and wipes any tears that were left on his face. He looks down and sees a huge lunch box next to his hyung "What is in the box?" Seunghyun smiles and pulls the box up onto his lap. He undoes the latch and presents his breakfast to his lover "Tada! I made eggs with cheese." Jiyong chuckles "Is that all that you can make" Seunghyun perks up "These are different. Notice I used sharp cheddar instead of mild cheddar cheese...and look look" The points at the eggs "These eggs have hearts on them. How many people do you know makes you eggs with hearts." Jiyong laughs again and grabs his hyungs hand and kisses it. " I love it Hyunnie. You are so good to me." 
Seunghyun pulls a random chair from across the room and makes a make shift table out of it. He pulls out two plates from the massive lunch box and serves Jiyong his food. Jiyong takes a huge bite and groans at the pure goodness "Hyunnie these are soooo good." Seunghyun smiles in reply and takes another bite of his eggs. The two of them of course devour the eggs in record time. Seunghyun packs away the dishes and looks at Jiyong with an intense look. Jiyong instantly turns red "Wha what is it" Seunghyun pulls Jiyong to his chest "I wanna cuddle with you" Jiyong starts laughing "Why did you have to give me that look for such a simple move" The older one growls " I like to keep my Yongie on his toes. You feel tense..." Seunghyun starts massaging Jiyong's shoulder and the younger who is still shy to the touch tenese even more. 
"It's okay Yongie...let me make you feel good" Jiyong tenses again ' that's what he said in my dream'
Seunghyun rubs harder "Relax my love" he starts placing kisses on the back of Jiyong's neck. The younger one melts to the kisses and relaxes. "Ohhh" Jiyong moans and he slaps his hand over his mouth. "Sorr sorry hyunnie" 
Seunghyun laughs "For what? For you ? I love it baby." Seunghyun keeps massaging Jiyongs shoulders with occational moans from the younger one. 
After the massage they cuddle again and they end up falling a sleep on the sofa. They were both tangled in limbs on the small sofa. Jiyong fit perfectly next to his hyung and barley took up any space. An hour passes by and Seunghyun is the first to wake up he looks over at the clock and it is only 8am. Knowing that Jiyong had a lot of work to do he pecks the younger one's face with kisses. Jiyong wakes up thinking that something was on his face and he whacks the object in his way. He stops his hand when he feels the object is his boyfriend...who is holding his face due to the red mark. 
"!" Jiyong jumps up "I'm so sorry"
Jiyong places both of his hands on Seunghyuns cheeks and stares at his hyung in the eyes. Seunghyun looks back with a smile "It's okay baby"  When they are together most of the time it is Seunghyun who takes the lead with everything. Right now Jiyong is holding his hyungs cheeks. He wants to kiss him, but he is too shy.. Jiyong puts his hands down. 
"What are you afraid of baby" Seunghyun scoots closer to Jiyong. 
" normally..." Jiyong doesn't know how to word his sentence "This is all new to me" 
"This is new to me too...we can do things one step at a time baby." Jiyong smiles "Thanks Seunghyun I love you" 
"Aiiigooo you are such a sweetie. I should call you pookie." Jiyong makes a confused face "Pookie?"
"Yea you are my pookie wookie because you are so sweet and innocent. I love that about you"
"Hyunnie please don't call me that. Remeber I wrote the song bad boy." 
"I will think about it. Anyways I need to leave and talk to the ex." He gets up from the sofa and gives Jiyong a quick kiss. "Goodbye...Pookie" Seunghyun leaves the room before Jiyong could respond to the awkward pet name that he was given. 
The room fell silent again and this time Jiyong feels better. The fact that Seunghyun made him breakfast and came to see him made him feel that he was safe. Seunghyun is not going any where and it's obvious that he loves him. Hyuna and her bubble pop self truly showed her insecurities based off all the nonsense she talked to Jiyong. 
Seunghyun is walking into his first job of the day which is a photo shoot. It is for Vogue and since it's not his first time working with them it is a breeze. The only crazy thing about working with vogue is that the model never knows what the concept is until they get there. The lead stylist sees that Seunghyun has made it to the loft venue. "Seunghyun-Shi welcome" The rapper comes and bows to the stylist "Hello sorry I'm a little late" "Non sense young man it is totally fine we were actually behind in schedule our selves. 
"So what is the concept today?" 
"Oh we are doing something a little different. A top star insisted that she shoot for us. I told her that you were shooting today and I felt that it was totally appropriate" Seunghyun is staring at the director with a blank expression. "So the whole concept is just us?"
"Yes it is. It will be a y dark theme." The stylist looks past Seunghyun. "Oh there she is." 
"She?" Seunghyun says with a questioning tone. 
"Hello Oppa"
Seunghyun turns around to see Hyuna with a smirk on her face. The media still doesn't know that they are broken up yet so they can't do anything until they break their couple contract. Which could take days between the revival companies. Seunghyun balls his fist up next to him 'can this get any worse'. Hyuna runs up to Seunghyun to give him a hug and he totally moves past her "Oh Lead Stylist Park where are the clothes that I'm wearing today." Hyuna interrupts and pulls Seunghyun to the side. "Hey oppa" She smiles "Why are you here" 
She makes a face "Why would I not. I'm your girlfriend"
"You are crazy"
"Maybe but I bet you won't cause a scene. Don't want bad press..and also being gay that would be tough." She smiles a devilish grin. 
"Let's just get this over with stay out of my way..."
"Oh I can't wait to start...taking pictures with my Oppa" She grins " I bet Jiyong oppa would love copies of us together" 
Seunghyun gets closer to Hyuna "If you do ANYthing to hurt him again I will kill you. " He stares at her with a super intense glare which makes Hyuna shiver "I love it when you are mad...make up later?" Hyuna smirks and walks away and the rapper grabs her hoodie and pulls her back like a sling shot. He turns her around and growls "I'm not playing Hyuna don't play with me" 
"You are just delusional right will want me...after this shoot you will dump him..."
"Try me Bubble Bitch"
a/n Hey all do you like the direction of the story?? Thank you all for reading! comments are love. 
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Hey I'm going to make a sequal tonight so stay tuned:)


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Chapter 15: So chessy?? i love it, i love it ,i love it ,i love it, i LOVEEEEE it!!!
Chapter 9: i love the *wack,wack!* sound :v
Gdrariri #3
Chapter 22: Oh gosh!!!ing love your story.. honestly.. idk how to react for gtop... coz I just think it impossible for them.. (imagine how both of them in love) but... now... after read ur story.. oh my.. goshhhh!!!! I love it too too too too much... im crying... laughing...feel betrayed... all feeling in this story I can feel it... oh ... love u so much author.. I think now.. I will start shipping for gtop... it all coz of ur ing awesome storyline... omg... I love so much!!! I don't believe tht I can be crazy like this... love u.. write more gtop ok...
Chapter 8: super cute and romantic date :) lovely
Chapter 4: what a b*tch O_O omg she is so rude
Dragon63 #6
Chapter 23: this was amazing!!!
and thank you for the sequel!!!!!
AllisonRowe #7
Chapter 10: " go bubble pop your some where else. " sorry i had to comment hahahahahahaha!!!! Love ur fics authornimmmmm
Blue82 #8
This was such a fun story to read.
vip2012 #9
after the come back i decided to read all my bigbang fanfics again and i must say this is one of my favourite one :)
Chapter 15: "Use protection I don't want him to..wait he can't get pregnant...just go go have fun okay" ~~awkward~~
Loving it though :D