Forks and Witches

Mr. Advice

It is noon and Jiyong and Seughyun are walking up to their final destination. What is that you ask? It is food and Seunghyun has been waiting all morning to try out the different courses before making a selection. They walk into a restaurant called "Le Table". The name is kind of funny so Seunghyun snickers at the the name. Once again VIP style Jiyong and Seunghyun are greeted by the manager of the restaurant and they are lead to a private room with staff waiting for orders. Jiyong and Seunghyun take their seats next to each other at the massive table. The manager hands them the course selection menus. 

"Hello gentlemen we have 3 different courses you can choose from today A B or C. All of the courses include a appetizer, an entree, and then the last course a dessert. If you feel you want to mix up some of the selections we will gladly cater to your needs" 

The manage bows " I will now leave you two to decided which course you like. Now I will present you with the A course. The first dish will be Herb soup I hope that you like the taste. Please let me know when you are done and I will bring out the next." 

Seunghyun his lips at the soup. It is not often that he gets to eat to his hearts desire. At YG they keep him on a strict diet and most of the time there is always someone there to say no to his cravings. Well today is different  'I can eat as much as I want wahahaha' Seunghyun makes a evil grin and digs his spoon into the soup. The older one responds to the amazing taste with a groan "Damn this is so ing good!" Jiyong laughs at his response' it's good but not that good.' "Yah try not to act like it's your first meal hyung". Seunghyun pouts "You try staying on a diet 365 days a year. " Jiyong chuckles " Okay hyung indulge your self...I understand" Jiyong takes another bit of the warm soup. They both love the soup so much they eat the whole bowl. 

Jiyong looks over at his hyung who is using his finger to wipe up any remnants left in the bowl. Jiyong lightly hits his hyungs shoulder "Yah yah caveman calm it down." 

"But it's so good Ji.." Seunghyun scoops up another finger full of soup and sticks it in his mouth. That action is driving Jiyong crazy. The way he is on his finger makes Jiyong feel a little warm and he instantly crosses his legs. Seunghyun makes a face at Jiyong ' does he know

"Ji what is that on your mouth?" Seunghyun points at the younger ones mouth. There was a piece of herb stuck on his bottom lip. Jiyong uses his tongue to try to pick up the herb. 

"Is it gone??"

"Nah it's still there" Jiyong brings out more of his tongue and tries to grab the herb again and that was another fail due to the way his hyung was reacting. Next Jiyong uses his napkin...and that was a fail too. "Hyung are you trying to make me look stupid right there really a piece of  herb on my lips?"

"Yea Ji why would I lie about that" The way that Seunghyun is talking he can tell that he is telling the truth. 

"Well since my attempts at trying to get this silly thing is not working... I will be right back. Jiyong starts to stand up and Seunghyun grabs the younger ones wrist and pulls him back down. "Wha what now?" 

"You don't need to go to the restroom for that...Hold still" Jiyong is still as stone when he sees his hyung with furrowed brows reach out his hand towards his face. He places one hand under his  chin and  the other hand he uses to get the herb off the leader's lips. The brush of his fingers on Jiyongs lips gives Jiyong a warm feel and he instantly starts blushing and that leaves Seunghyun in a fit of laughter. "Aiiiigooo did I embarrass my Yongie" 

Jiyong turns redder with the  pet name "Yah!" The two waiters who are sitting in the room too laugh quietly in their corner. Jiyong who is still red gives them the look of death and they immediately clear their throats. "Are you ready for the next course?" Jiyong nods and they proceed with the next course. They are served prime rib with a side of glorified mashed potatoes. Seunghyun heard what they said...which was something in French which he does not know. The only thing he saw was meat and potatoes. 'You are mine my deliciousness'

While Jiyong is recovering from yet another close encounter with his hyung Seunghyun is confused as hell 'Why do I keep flirting with him. I have had this urge since I started talking to him to want to flirt with him'  

Seunghyun takes another bit of his food and then his phone starts blaring. Jiyong rolls his eyes at the ring tone because it is of course Hyuna being a tracking system. The girl has serious jealously one can have more attention than her. Just the thought of Jiyong with her  made her made. They are two "straight" men hanging out right...well in Hyuna's eyes she sees it as Seunghyun trying to do something against her...because everything is all about her right...heh.

Seunghyun who is too wrapped up in the ribs lets the call go to voicemail knowing that he is going to get an ear full when Hyuna sees him again. Well today Hyuna is more proactive with her phone calls and calls her boyfriend again. The ring tone goes off again and Jiyong slightly gets annoyed and looks at his hyung. the non verbal clearly shows what the leader is thinking 'pick up that ing phone before I throw it out the window' Seunghyun smiles an apologetic smile and gets up to take the call in the hallway. As soon as Seunghyun steps out Jiyong stands by the door to hear what he is saying. The two waiters makes a face of confusion and Jiyong brings his finger up to his mouth and makes a "shhhhsh" sound. 

Seunghyun looks at his phone 'Damn this is the fourth time' He picks up the phone. "Yeob..." He is cut off once again. 


"Calm down Hyuna I was just eating with Jiyong"

"The hell are you doing with that !"

"Watch it Hyuna that is my friend that you are talking about and how the hell would you know if he is gay or not!"

"What ever Seunghyun I don't like that he is spending the whole day with you!" 

"Deal with it Hyuna we are doing things believe it or not all for you k"

Hyuna changes her tone of voice which is very scary to most but Seunghyun knows this tone too well. "Well since you are doing things for me today buy me the new Channel handbag...wrap it up and tell those employees to wear gloves when handling it."

Seunghyun furrows his brows and tries not to yell " I'm not catering to you personally today. I have things to do Hyuna. I'm working to save this relationship!" 

"Well if you love me buy me the hand bag" *Sigh* "Hyuna please don't push my buttons..." 

"Fine if you won't do it...I will...I took your black  card yesterday out of your wallet"

"You didn't.." 

"I did...goodbye oppa" Says Hyuna with an evil tone. 

Seunghyun breathes out a super stressed  out sigh and he  starts to walk back to the room. The two waiters walk out to give the two men privacy from the obvious fight Seughyun had with his girlfriend on the phone.  Jiyong who was standing by the door the whole time scrabbles back into his seat. Seunghyun comes in slowly and obviously sad sit's at the table and smiles a weak smile. "This is going to work out right"

Jiyong feels heart broken by the way his hyung is right now 'I could slap that right now' "Of course it will work out."

Seunghyun quietly eats the rest of his food and pulls out his chair. "Let's call it a day I need to go home and rest" 

"But we didn't have dessert or any other courses hyung. They have pie here hyung I know how much you like pie." Jiyong tries to smile and cheer up his hyung but  hurt has taken over. Jiyong doesn't know why but he starts to tear up. This gets Seunghyuns attention. "Wh why are you crying Ji" 

"I just hate to see you like this hyung I can't stand the way that she treats you....I...I...I just..." Jiyong starts crying harder and this makes Seunghyun take the younger one into a embrace. The leader starts crying harder because the one he loves is hugging him and he is scared to hug him back. The whole situation he thought he could handle but now he can't... he just can't. Seunghyun rest his chin on the top of Jiyong's head and places a small kiss into his hair. He his back with caring "Thank you for caring Ji...I know that this is a hard thing to do. I really appreciate you being a great friend and going along with this. Don't worry about me I'm use to this...this is my mess" 

Jiyong pulls back from the hug with puffy tear stained cheeks "But you should not have to go through this alone hyung..."

"I know..." Seunghyun looks away knowing that he doesn't need to go through this. His family never approved of the girl. Now his close friends are getting a glimpse of his terrible relationship. "Let's just pick this course Ji and plan the rest of the date tomorrow. I think that we did enough to day" 

*sniffle sniffle* "Okay hyung" 

"Since we are not far from your place you go on home. I will take a taxi." Jiyong figured his hyung wanted time to think and time alone so he didn't protest to his request of going home alone. "Okay hyung" 

The both of them walk of the restaurant and Jiyong hails a taxi for his hyung. "Thanks Ji for today I had fun...until the witch called me" Seunghyun chuckled. Let 's meet up tomorrow so we can call people to decorate and get things to my house k" Jiyong nods and closes the taxi door. Seunghyun rolls down the window "don't forget to give me a wake up call Ji" Jiyong smiles back warmly. Seunghyuns heart beats a little faster. 'He is so damn no I love Hyuna...' Jiyong waves "Okay hyung...goodbye" Jiyong turns around and heads to his car. His smile is no longer there..."I can't do this any more. FIGHTING JIYONG FIGHTING! I can do this hyung will be hap...happy...I love you..."

a/n I know sad right...I love the what do you think. comments are love! 

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Hey I'm going to make a sequal tonight so stay tuned:)


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Chapter 15: So chessy?? i love it, i love it ,i love it ,i love it, i LOVEEEEE it!!!
Chapter 9: i love the *wack,wack!* sound :v
Gdrariri #3
Chapter 22: Oh gosh!!!ing love your story.. honestly.. idk how to react for gtop... coz I just think it impossible for them.. (imagine how both of them in love) but... now... after read ur story.. oh my.. goshhhh!!!! I love it too too too too much... im crying... laughing...feel betrayed... all feeling in this story I can feel it... oh ... love u so much author.. I think now.. I will start shipping for gtop... it all coz of ur ing awesome storyline... omg... I love so much!!! I don't believe tht I can be crazy like this... love u.. write more gtop ok...
Chapter 8: super cute and romantic date :) lovely
Chapter 4: what a b*tch O_O omg she is so rude
Dragon63 #6
Chapter 23: this was amazing!!!
and thank you for the sequel!!!!!
AllisonRowe #7
Chapter 10: " go bubble pop your some where else. " sorry i had to comment hahahahahahaha!!!! Love ur fics authornimmmmm
Blue82 #8
This was such a fun story to read.
vip2012 #9
after the come back i decided to read all my bigbang fanfics again and i must say this is one of my favourite one :)
Chapter 15: "Use protection I don't want him to..wait he can't get pregnant...just go go have fun okay" ~~awkward~~
Loving it though :D