So about yesterday...

Mr. Advice

.Seunghyun and Jiyong are sitting at the breakfast table eating the only thing they both know how to cook...which is eggs. They are sitting next to eat other and enjoying the morning. The apartment is quiet and the cleaning lady is not coming in today so they are still in their night clothes. Seunghyun is enjoying the time with his boyfriend so far in their relationship. He reaches over and picks up Jiyong's ring hand and plays with the band between his fingers. He looks deep in his eyes and Jiyong blushes which earns a chuckle from the other. 

"Hey baby I need to talk to you about something." Seunghyun has to tell him about the shoot. How you ask..well he will just tell him haha. 

"Hmmm what is it hyunnie." Jiyong looks at the rapper with his coffee eyes. Seunghyun repositions himself in his chair and takes a deep breath. Jiyong feels that this is something important so he puts down his fork "What is it? Is it something important??"

Seunghyun sighs again and looks right in his boyfriend's eyes. He want to make sure that he words the story the right way so Jiyong doesn't get things wrong. The shoot is a easy misunderstanding and could ruin things if said wrong. Jiyong is starting to get nervous because his boyfriend obviously is trying to mentally put words together. Jiyong who still feels that this is a fairy tale is ready for anything 'Well at least I was loved for a little bit of time'. Jiyong starts to nervously bite his lip. His hyung is know for being awkward at times but this is the worst and the longest span of awkward he has ever encountered. 

Jiyong gets his other hand and caresses his boyfriends face. Seunghyun smiles at the gesture and kisses the inside of Jiyong's hand. Jiyong giggles "Pabo why are you being so awkward? Is there something you need to tell me??" Seunghyun sighs for the millionth time and nods his head yes. "I want to get my words right...sorry baby" Jiyong smiles again "Take your time. I understand but I have to be honest you are making me nervous baby" Seunghyun looks into Jiyongs eyes "Sorry to make you feel uncomfortable baby. What I want to tell you is about the Vogue shoot I had yesterday..."  Jiyong quirks his head sideways " So did something go wrong on there a scandal??"

Seunghyun shakes his head in the "no" motion " NO it's not that. I had something happen that was out of my control..." Jiyong starts to fidget in his chair he kinda knows this feeling. The feeling of being dumped and he feels that Seunghyun is trying to tell him. Jiyong looks at his boyfriend "Is Hyuna any part of this" 

Seunghyun looks at the ground he doesn't know why he feels so guilty at the moment. Really he has nothing to do with the photo shoot. He could have kept walking when he walked off the shoot. Yea he would have caught hell from his manager and boss but it was almost tempting at the time. If it was not for the fans and their anticipation for their next projects he would have left.  Seunghyun swallows " Yes...this does have to do with Hyuna. It was a last minute thing. She came on the project when she found out that I was doing the cover." Jiyong balls up his fist "Why does she always have to get in the way" says Jiyong not yelling but almost an annoyed tone. 

"Well that's the start. Since the director decided to keep her on the project he made our shoot a couple that meant we had to be very intimate with each other...I'm sorry baby but I had no choice..." 

Jiyong kind of sad that his boyfriend was forced into a photo shoot felt that the girl was really trying to break them up. "I figured that it would be intimate when you said that she was apart of the shoot."  Jiyong looks down again "So what else happened...?"

"Well...she ended up wearing a really short dress and because of that she had to be pressed up to me. Most of the shots like we were...about to...kiss" Seunghyun has anger at the end of his sentence and he also balls up his fist. He sees that Jiyong is indifferent about the story at the moment and he right now is mustering up the courage that she brushed her lips on his.

Jiyong is just plain crazy when it comes to break ups. Not crazy physically but crazy verbally...he tends to not think things out before he says them. The person sometimes could be on a totally different thinking track than he is. Jiyong does the crazy " want to get back with her...I was fun Hyunnie..." 

Seunghyun gets wide eyed "Wha what are you saying baby. I'm not even thinking such things." He leans in to kiss him " I love you and no one else. You are mine forever and I mean it" Jiyong smiles at the statement. 

"There is more to the story but do not get any misunderstandings. I have no intention of getting back with her nor do I have feelings for the crazy ." Jiyong chuckles at the last part of the sentence. " Well towards the end Hyuna tried to kiss me and I freaked out and walked off the set. I was close to not continuing the shoot and saying it but the fans made me want to finish...what helped me the most get through the shoot was thinking of you and nothing but you" Jiyong makes a sour face "That tried to kiss my Hyunnie...she better not show herself in front of me" Seunghyun kisses Jiyong " I know that you are pissed baby but messing with her might make things worse. Please understand her she is very young and stupid as right now. Let me handle the beast." Jiyong nods "Okay Hyunnie but if she does anything like this again I will not have it" Jiyong looks directly in his eyes. 

"Well baby I hated every minute of the shoot but for the fans I made it work." He pulls Jiyong up from the table and pulls him into position he was in at the photo shoot. "We were like this...if it was you... I would have done this.." He pulls Jiyong closer and kisses his neck and blows raspberries( It is made by placing the tongue between the lips and blowing, making a sound similar to fart sounds keke.)on his neck. Jiyong starts laughing and tries to pull away from his boyfriend and Seunghyun tightens his grip and continues the funny torcher. He pulls Jiyong into a tight embrace. " Know that I love you so much baby and I will do anything for you. NO one is EVER going to break us apart. You are my lover, my boyfriend, my best friend, and my forever...never forget that." 

Jiyong starts to cry "I'm so happy with you hyunnie. I love you too and I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you." Jiyong hugs his lover tighter. 

*Ring ring* 

Seunghyuns phone starts ringing in his pocket "Aish who is calling at this time" He looks at his phone to see it's from a blocked number. Sometimes it's from the YG building so he takes the call. 

"Oppa what are you doing right now. I'm at your house" Seunghyun gets angry "WHY are you calling me..."

"I wanted to spend time with you babe"

"You have lost your mind..."

Jiyong looks up and figures out that it is that again. He grabs the phone from his hyung. "He is busy right now" he ends the call and hands the phone back to his boyfriend "That's how you end a call" Seunghyun smirks "  Aiiiggooo I love you baby" He starts kissing butterfly kisses all over Jiyongs face and Jiyong laughs "Stop stop it hyunnie...too sloppy...hahaha" Jiyong keeps giggling and Seunghyun releases their hug. "Baby leadah what is the schedule for today?"

"Hmm let me see" He goes to his room and pulls out his phone we have something at...*panic* !"

"What is it?!"

"I lost track of time we need to get to YG in less than 30 minutes! I'm so sorry hyunnie what are you going to change into??"

"I will use some of your clothes" Seunghyun smiles and Jiyong laughs you  can't wear my size. "Yes I can you wear a lot of oversized clothes it will be fine for me. Help me baby." Seunghyun makes a pouty face "Okay okay lets go..." 

Seunghyun watches as the leader walks into his closet and starts looking through the clothes. The rapper in so in love right now. ' have no idea what I have planned for us. Tonight I'm going take you on another date and I'm going to make love to you and make you mine forever.' "Hyunnie try this" The younger one smiles up at this lover. "Okay love" 


a/n Another chapter finished. I hope that you all still like the story!! Thank you for reading. Comments are love!!

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Hey I'm going to make a sequal tonight so stay tuned:)


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Chapter 15: So chessy?? i love it, i love it ,i love it ,i love it, i LOVEEEEE it!!!
Chapter 9: i love the *wack,wack!* sound :v
Gdrariri #3
Chapter 22: Oh gosh!!!ing love your story.. honestly.. idk how to react for gtop... coz I just think it impossible for them.. (imagine how both of them in love) but... now... after read ur story.. oh my.. goshhhh!!!! I love it too too too too much... im crying... laughing...feel betrayed... all feeling in this story I can feel it... oh ... love u so much author.. I think now.. I will start shipping for gtop... it all coz of ur ing awesome storyline... omg... I love so much!!! I don't believe tht I can be crazy like this... love u.. write more gtop ok...
Chapter 8: super cute and romantic date :) lovely
Chapter 4: what a b*tch O_O omg she is so rude
Dragon63 #6
Chapter 23: this was amazing!!!
and thank you for the sequel!!!!!
AllisonRowe #7
Chapter 10: " go bubble pop your some where else. " sorry i had to comment hahahahahahaha!!!! Love ur fics authornimmmmm
Blue82 #8
This was such a fun story to read.
vip2012 #9
after the come back i decided to read all my bigbang fanfics again and i must say this is one of my favourite one :)
Chapter 15: "Use protection I don't want him to..wait he can't get pregnant...just go go have fun okay" ~~awkward~~
Loving it though :D