I need help

Mr. Advice

G Dragon aka GD aka Ji Yong in the real world has always been the one that people could go to and vent their problems. It didn't matter how deep or how petty the problem was Jiyong always welcomed people with open arms.He found it a a fun get away from music. Listening to other people talking about people let Jiyong feel a little bit of sanity knowing that he was not the only one with problems. I know what you are thinking...Jiyong must have a lot of baggage just dying to be unleashed because he has no one to talk to. Thankfully he is not in that state,,.that is what his childhood friend Taeyang is for. The leader has never had a problem giving advice on how to deal with girlfriends or boyfriends...well that quickly ended when Seunghyun was having problems with his girl friend Hyuna. 

Seunghyun has been going out with Hyuna for 8 months now and things have never been great more worse. When he first asked her out she was really sweet and down to earth. So down to earth he fell for her quickly which concerned most of the yg family. Seunghyun in the media is cool, confident, and y...when really he is the y, shy, mischievous ultra nerd, Hyuna saw Seunghyuns weakness from the start that she could milk whatever she wanted. When they became official that is when the new Hyuna came out. She turned into a bossy gold digger who turned Seunghyun into a push over. Seunghyun who was completely blind that Hyuna was using him just did anything and every thing to keep his "lover" happy.

This month has by far been the worst month for Seunghyun. He felt that he could not do anything right. She wanted more money and wanted Seunghyun to buy her another car....that's right another  fully loaded Mercedes. Hyuna was running T.O.P. down to "Totally outta pimp" . Seunghyun was so desperate he was willing to swallow his pride and go to Jiyong for of all things relationship advice. 

Jiyong was sitting in the studio working on beats already for their next album. Since it was 2am he was not so fashionista with his oversized hoodie and sweats. The room was full of sound so much sound that Jiyong didn't see Seunghyun creep into the room. 

"I see that you are working on new beats..."

"Tha ...Hyung...what are you doing here at this hour...?"

"Why not...maybe I was dancing..."

"Sure you were"

"What you don't believe me...I will show you what I have been doing the pas..." 

"Save yourself another Bingu moment hyung"

"Fine you are missing out on amazing dance moves." Jiyong who knows his hyung way too well could tell that he wanted to talk about something but his pride was in the way. Since Seunghyun is a open book and pretty much his relationship too he figured he need advice. To spare him the embarrassment he asked." So how are you and Hyuna doing?"

"That well...that's what I came here for Ji"

"What's wrong hyung have a seat" Jiyong patted the seat next to him on the black sofa. 

Seunghyun sighs and takes the seat next to the younger one. "Hyuna and I are not doing so well...I really want to make things work...but I don't know what to do...I need some advice."

Jiyong's heart hurt for Seunghyuns situation he really wants to help him...well really he would rather have them break up.

"Tell me the problem from start to finish so I can have an idea on how to fix things. Don't leave anything out."

"Well to make the story short I feel that I'm not making her happy. In the beginning she didn't ask much of me material wise she just wanted my company but when we became official it's like I'm with a different person. I try to buy her things diamonds, cars, and hell I almost brought her a condo but my parents forbid it. I feel like I'm getting the short end of the stick in this relationship all I do is give give give and she doesn't even give me any love back. Every now and then we will have and she will let me do my thing but still no s just straight ing and me going down on her. I don't know what to do Ji. I really really want to make this work. I want the old Hyuna to come back...the down to earth girl that I met. What should I do different....?"

"Well there is definitely a  disconnect..."

"No kidding Sherlock.." chuckled Seunghyun. 

"Thank you for telling me everything...I'm sorry that things are not working out for you. When was the last time you were on a date??"

"Both of our schedules are crazy so it's been a while."

"Do you think that you can make time like on a Sunday night?"

"I know I could...and Hyuna maybe."

"Why don't you plan a date with Hyuna...a really special one to show that you are serious and that you want to make things work ....?"

"...I don't know about that"

"Why not"

"Well...she will expect a lot"

"Well are you willing to make things work out. To get to her you are going to have to do things her way. That is the only way to get to her attention."

"I hope that this works Ji"

"I will help you plan it" Jiyong smiled at his hyung with his chocolate eyes. Seunghyun smiled back with a warm feeling in his chest. He really trusted Jiyong to make things work. "Thanks Ji I don't know what I would do without you."

To be truthful Jiyong wanted things to work because all he wants for his hyung is to be happy. Even if he doesn't love him back. 


I A/N End of chapter one!! What do you all think. Mid way I decided to turn this into a series I hope that you all like.


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Hey I'm going to make a sequal tonight so stay tuned:)


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Chapter 15: So chessy?? i love it, i love it ,i love it ,i love it, i LOVEEEEE it!!!
Chapter 9: i love the *wack,wack!* sound :v
Gdrariri #3
Chapter 22: Oh gosh!!!ing love your story.. honestly.. idk how to react for gtop... coz I just think it impossible for them.. (imagine how both of them in love) but... now... after read ur story.. oh my.. goshhhh!!!! I love it too too too too much... im crying... laughing...feel betrayed... all feeling in this story I can feel it... oh ... love u so much author.. I think now.. I will start shipping for gtop... it all coz of ur ing awesome storyline... omg... I love so much!!! I don't believe tht I can be crazy like this... love u.. write more gtop ok...
Chapter 8: super cute and romantic date :) lovely
Chapter 4: what a b*tch O_O omg she is so rude
Dragon63 #6
Chapter 23: this was amazing!!!
and thank you for the sequel!!!!!
AllisonRowe #7
Chapter 10: " go bubble pop your some where else. " sorry i had to comment hahahahahahaha!!!! Love ur fics authornimmmmm
Blue82 #8
This was such a fun story to read.
vip2012 #9
after the come back i decided to read all my bigbang fanfics again and i must say this is one of my favourite one :)
Chapter 15: "Use protection I don't want him to..wait he can't get pregnant...just go go have fun okay" ~~awkward~~
Loving it though :D